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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
It’s been a long day. I normally come here to catch a buzz but it’s crazy in this thread tonight. I couldn’t help myself from trying to hear anything on the news channels today as well as the internet to get a better understanding on how this happened. My head is swimming in it now. I hate that this has happened in our USA and also that we can’t be more civil to each other just talking about it. I’m gonna try and find a leave it to beaver rerun and catch the rest of my buzz without yall tonight. Hopefully this is just a bad night. 🥰✌️

I believe the majority of us have more in common than we disagree on

it just so happens that us is an election year and not just in America

so the semi political banter is the exception rather than the rule

This to shall pass

some of us have seen trends like these on other forums and they come and go

as long as no one gets bent out of shape it’s all in good fun to me

goodnight Irene , I love you forever…..



On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Sure nobody has proven he has dementia and yet the guy has been hammering that into people's heads even before he won the 2020 election. Such that one debate, he underperforms likely because his prep team prepped him on the likely questions he would be asked rather then prepped him for the firehose of verifiable lies his opponant spewed every time he spoke. I mean I'm thinking what people are calling him being slack jawed with dementia was really him thinking, "My god, how can this guy lie so much so fast and how can I possibly counter all that and still have enough time to answer the question I was asked?"

Rather then looking at the debate I look at if he accomplished the things he claimed he was going to do, which he did with the republicans fighting him tooth and nail the whole way and then turn around when the bills they fought bring jobs and money to the states they represent.

like give billions of American dollars to a nazi backed regime in Ukraine?

or turning a blind eye to the 15 million illegal aliens coming into America…?

got us out of Afghanistan and left a few billion dollars of equipment not to mention the murder of American soldiers during the retreat

brandon is the worst 3 rd term Barry Otero puppet anyone has ever seen


Well-known member
like give billions of American dollars to a nazi backed regime in Ukraine?

or turning a blind eye to the 15 million illegal aliens coming into America…?

got us out of Afghanistan and left a few billion dollars of equipment not to mention the murder of American soldiers during the retreat

brandon is the worst 3 rd term Barry Otero puppet anyone has ever seen
In Canada our Prime Minister actually invited a real surviving Nazi into the house of commons who had been living in Manitoba for decades after he escaped the Russians and not only that, they all gave him a standing ovation. No one bats an eye over here. If you say something about it they call you a far right lunatic.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
They never tell the truth period. They would self incriminate if they did,most are lawyers before they go into politics and lawyers lie for a living,we hire them to lie for us.
Maybe you hire them to lie for you, the vast majority of the voting public hires politicians to represent them by doing the things they promise to do while trying to get hired.


Cabana’s bitch
What you are talking about is a failure of Trump's Secret Service team. Joe didn't mention it was deminished by 50% because it is know established fact that former Presidents have a smaller secret service detail then sitting Presidents. I too would like to know why the nearby rooftops weren't secure, that's one of the first things Secret Service does when securing a site in advance. And no disrespect meant to you Boo but just because you have no doubt in your mind, that's still just something in your mind. It doesn't make it fact.
the secret service yields to the white house and it's a fact that the trump team requested and was denied additional agents...that was made evident a week before the attempted killing of Trump...kinda ties in with the lack of agents on the rooftops for a half mile...something stinks about all of this...tonight Biden was all appologetic for the hate and turmoil yet the democratic camp is by far the most violent...Pelosi, Waters, and many others call for Trumps death...let's be real dude...don't tell me you believe in the Warren report or that the WTC was hit by planes of the pentagon was rammed by a plane too...no disrespect taken, we just think completely different...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
like give billions of American dollars to a nazi backed regime in Ukraine?

or turning a blind eye to the 15 million illegal aliens coming into America…?

got us out of Afghanistan and left a few billion dollars of equipment not to mention the murder of American soldiers during the retreat

brandon is the worst 3 rd term Barry Otero puppet anyone has ever seen
Accept everything you just said is fake news talking points from Fox news and the right wing political machine.

First of all he didn't give billions to Ukraine he gave them billions worth of weapons. The actual billions went to American defense contractors and weapons manufacturers. Second Ukraine is not a Nazi backed regime, there is a small party that represent less then 1% of the Ukrainian population whose only connection to the nazis is they like to wear swastikas on their uniforms.

The withdrawl from Afghanistan was arranged by Trump in a private meeting with the Taliban, held at Camp David and from which the Afghan government was excluded. Still Biden did keep Trump's promise and got us out in the agreed upon time which totally telegraphed the whole thing (something Trump criticized Obama for doing in Iraq) and the equipment left behind was meant for the Afghan security forces we trained but since the Taliban was prepared for precisely when to attack they caught the Afghan forces off guard, most of whom turned tail and ran. The troops that were killed were trying to save all the American civilians that refused to heed the State departments warning to get out well before the troops pulled out.

Biden is currently position to go down as the most effective President since the 60's.
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Well-known member
If Kennedy wasn't so climate crazy he could be considered an old school democrat. Another thing I have always wondered about is they keep saying they have the files on JFK but aren't "ready" to release them. Obviously some involved are still alive.What sort of insanity is that?


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Accept everything you just said is fake news talking points from Fox news and the right wing political machine.

First of all he didn't give billions to Ukraine he gave them billions worth of weapons. The actual billions when to American defense contractors and weapons manufacturers. Second Ukraine is not a Nazi backed regime, there is a small party that represent less then 1% of the Ukrainian population whose only connection to the nazis is they like to wear swasticas on their uniforms

The withdrawl from Afghanistan was arranged by Trump in a private meeting with the Taliban, held at Camp David and from which the Afghan government was excluded. Still Biden did keep Trumps promise and got us out in the agreed upon time which totally telegraphed the whole thing (something Trump criticized Obama for doing in Iraq) and the equipment left behind was meant for the Afghan security forces we trained but since the Taliban was prepared for precisely when to attack they caught the Afghan forces off guard, most of whom turned tail and ran. The troops that were killed were trying to save all the American civilians that refused to heed the State departments warning to get out well before the troops pulled out.

Biden is currently position to go down as the most effective President since the 60's.
bull shit


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Why was Kennedy denied any secret service protection whatsoever?
You'll have to ask the advisory committee that decides who does and doesn't get Secret Service details. The advisory committee (comprised of top congressional leaders and the Senate Sergeant at Arms) decided that RFK Jr. didn’t quite make the cut.

Also in order to qualify 3rd party and independent candidates have to be polling at 20 most of the time though Kenndy was around 11%.


Well-known member
we probably have more in common than what we disagree with

my current view summed up in memes

View attachment 19032781


That sums it up pretty well. These are the true malcontents who stir the pot, so they can get away with their eternal mischief. Whether Covid was planned, or not, they never fail to use a crisis or event to their benefit. And, their self-enriching goal is always one sided: To gut what was once the middle class, and impoverish and dumb down as many as possible. All the while the money siphons into their pockets. Anyone that agrees with anyone that preaches that corporations should get any further tax breaks is blindly shooting off their own head. Branding is just another form of mind control. Getting people to fight amongst themselves, when the Elephant in the room, is their true enemy.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
what’s wrong with building a legitimate foundation of the dastardly deeds of this evil organization to bring weight to the current situation?

establishing credibility your Honor
If you stick to the verifiable facts of the case in question you don't need to establish credibility. Credibility is only needed for that which you can't fully prove.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
you could be correct , a random kid driving around with explosives and weapons just chilling in the neighborhood…

happens all the time
No it doesn't in fact considering how easily acessible guns and explosives are it happens incredibly rarely. Otherwise you would have politicians getting assassinated or nearly assassinated daily.


Well-known member
You'll have to ask the advisory committee that decides who does and doesn't get Secret Service details. The advisory committee (comprised of top congressional leaders and the Senate Sergeant at Arms) decided that RFK Jr. didn’t quite make the cut.

Also in order to qualify 3rd party and independent candidates have to be polling at 20 most of the time though Kenndy was around 11%.
That stacks the deck,eliminating opponents. I think the 20% is 30 straight days but I'm not sure. They are obligated to protect major presidential and vice presidential candidates,congress decides with a 5 person panel. Now major is a term that isn't really defined and that's why congress decides..