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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
That was one of the initial possibilities that I considered.

Trusting someone to hit your ear at 135 yards using an AR-15 is a brave act. Even a quarter minute of angle windage error would have been fatal.

If it was an act, it was a brave (fool hardy) one on the part of Trump and was really hard on a couple of the spectators, as well as the shooter who is on record saying he hates Republicans and Trump, so ostensibly unlikely to volunteer to die for him.
Fuckin Biden already said Trump had a target on his back long before this happened.
Security was half assed should've been secured out to a mile


Well-known member
Premium user
I wonder how many pizzas and burgers the doctor eats?

Quiet day for me, staying home doing a few chores, maybe watch a movie during the heat of the day. Today is hand watering day according to Area G rules between 6-10 morning and evening, then can't water until Wednesday.

I had a friend who needed surgery but they would not give him surgery till he lost 30lbs or something like that. The diet they gave him, he could eat as much as he wanted but he had to stick with the diet guidelines. He had to give up bacon. He lost the weight and had his heart surgery.

take care DB, your dashing and debonair ways will get you thrust into the arms of a woman and if she says "do you think I am voluptuous," please answer, yes you are and more.
Imma have to try that do you think I am voluptuous line…


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Good morning folks :)

Been checking in each day to see what's
the haps here in the old folks club house.

Not ready to chat it up w/ y'all just yet I guess.
Still feels like I'm wrapped inside a fuzzy
numbing cocoon.

This shall pass... it's just rough to muddle
through this slowed down passage of time.
Every aspect of my life involved caring for
Miss Luna. I find myself pacing at potty
times and walkies time. sigh.

Side note:
Was Trump saying "Fuck YOU!"
after he stood up and was then thrusting
a triumphant fist into the air?
Looked like it to me but...
I only watched the clip once and did
not analyze it.
Nor do I care to haha.

People are strange.
No, some of the people in the crowd was flipping the media presence the bird but what Trump said when he thrust his fist in the air was "you fight".

As far as what you're ready for or not ready for, we all know you're suffering a greivous loss and we totally understand that you need time to move past the hole now in the center of your life. There's no expectations or judgement on you need to stop away for a bit. Take all the time you need, we'll still be here for you to wlcome you back wth open arms when you are ready. We'll even leave the light on for you.:)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well they haven’t shared much as it doesn’t seem that he was on much social media or didn’t seem to leave an obvious message. Didn’t talk too much about how he acquired the weapon either. I’m sure more will come out in the future. I do wonder what drives people to do these things. Just another loose cannon out there ready to blow. they are all around us imo…
All true, the surprising thing is that there doesn't seem to be much of a political angle. Everyone is expecting that because of who his target was. If you stop trying to look for that though he fits the exact same profile of most lone gunmen responsible for mass shootings. This guy is the same as all of them. White, socially awkward, loner, gun fetisher, looking for empowerment thru violence.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The head bob that saved America and sent shockwaves around the world.
Seems the shooter made some democratic donations and registered republican to vote for haley as a never trumper.
Still have not heard anything on the weapon used.
He made one donation of $15 to a left leaning organization, there is no evidence to support he was ever anything but a Republican and the weapon was an AR-15 long rifle, no word on the manufacturer yet though. Please loet's stick to verifiable facts there is very little information to go on yet and spreading false rumors isn;'t going to do anyone any good. So far this dude has a lot in common with the stereotypical lone shooter causing mass murder. There is next to nothing about political motives. No manifesto, no social media preseence announcing his plans. Just a lone, bullied, socially awkward white male into gun fetish culture. He could just as easily be a clone of that teen that took his long rifle to a nearby BLM riot a few years ago except this one got himself shot dead.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You realize that PA is a closed primary state and anti-DJT lunatics were encouraging dems to switch party registration to support Haley (who is the pro-war Uniparty candidate of choice), right? I live in MA and the same campaign was going on here.
Nothing to prove that here, there is no evidence he was ever registerd as a democrat and there is only one record of a donation of $15 to a left leaning cause but no politicians. Please stop trying to turn this into something it most likely isn't. Getting people even more riled up over conspiracies and conjecture is just likely to lead to continued violence from others.
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