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The Original O'l Farts Club.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Hello Pute, sorry to hear your feeling melancholy today.
Been working out in the veggie garden to try and keep my mind busy. Today's harvest.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Write that one down in gold lettering. Be ready for it -- even if it seems impossibly unfair. It IS gonna happen.
It's not definite yet. I keep hoping the US government will finally pay off it's IOU's for the money they've robbed from the Trustfund over the years, treating it was like a credit card or something. If they did not only would it go a long way towards solving the Social Security problem but it would also eliminate about 40% of our National debt. I'm a realist though and as such know they'll never pay their debt back, they'll just shut it down first. It's still possible to dave it though if anyone ever grows the balls to stand up to the Wealthy elite and remove the cap on how much can be taken each year.

Now if we do like the futurists say we will and automate everything and put the people on UBI, then it will be dead.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good day GW... wow, I think DB should take notice.:)
Good day Old Man!
Afternoon OFC. Haven't been in the mood to post much today. My step father passed late last night and then the is the insanity of the world going on. Trying to snap out of it.
Condolences brother! Sorry for your loss!

At what age did he become your step-father?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I can personally recommend Extra Virgin Olive Oil for helping to heal sick arteries, as well as ripping / dissolving the cholesterol off the lining. I take 6 TBS (Tablespoon) Every Other Day (after eating) and eat a handful of Walnuts daily. Do this for a Year, and your Good Cholesterol will make your doctor smile. Your Bad Cholesterol you will have to work at! A not well known fact is that every Beef Cell you eat is surrounded by fat. Each and every one. Chicken and poultry is not like that. There is minimal fat surrounding poultry muscle cells. Also, Tofu is Anti-inflamnatory, and helps adjust cholesterol too. We partake in Tofu 2-3 times a week, typically the latter. Our out of pocket costs for Walnuts per month is in the neighborhood of $15. Extra Virgin Olive Oil, outside of what we use for cooking, in the neighborhood of $25, tops. Cheap medicine when you consider the Omega's and Antioxidant properties that come with it. We buy Tofu as a six pack box for under $7. We split one of the six a night when we are having Tofu as our main protein source. These can be gotten, without name dropping, at Costco or Sams, or a number of other places. Not that difficult to eat healthy and cheap, but you have to want to, and be willing to make the necessary dietary change. If you give this a try, and make minimalist dietary changes, you'll be happily surprised with your next results!
I'll agree with you those are good ways to improve your cholesterol levels but there is no proof I know of that says doing any of those things will remove cholesteral induced blockages of plaque that are already in place. If there was then Olive Oil, Walnuts and Tofu would be treated as medicine instead of food. Accordingly it would also be priced higher like medicine. Setting that aside for the moment though, when your budget for groceries is $150 per month then $25 per week is damn high, that would be 2/3rds of my grocery budget per month right there and the Walnuts and Tofu would take up most of the remaining third.

I appreciate that you are trying to make helpful suggestions but it's only helpful if you aren't poor and dependent on a fixed monthly income that might not be there in the near future if the government doesn't start fixing Social Security.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
OK -- I tried to hold back by reading up on all the stuff that went down when the kids all came up yestiddy.

But I gotta scream it. They had a humongous susprise for us:

I AM GONNA BE A GREAT GRAMPA!!! :greenstars::dance013:

Wolfie (who just last year was it? that I piggy-backed him on my shoulders?) finally found which arm it was under with Mattie. Dunno if it is gonna be a little hardlegs or a split-tail yet.

I checked -- some years musta slipped by. Wolfie is 26.
Congratulations Walt.


Well-known member
I’m not trying to be political but just observant…If any violence occurs in this nation, I hope to God there’s a Civil War because we certainly need it… i’ve never been more ashamed of the people running this country than I am now
It's what our leaders want reduction of surface population.
If they can get us to turn against either it would be all that much easier for their future plans


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
did you guys have a good relationship? its sad to let a loved on go and i hope you find peace

you and him will be in my prayers
Thanks for the well wishes pop_rocks. No, we weren't close. I was already gone when my mother married him. They had a good marriage and he made her happy. But, I had already moved out of state so we only saw each other once every couple of years. My mother passed in 2006. He remarried and we rarely talk.

Sounds cold but I am more upset about what went on in Pennsylvania last night. I haven't been or read any posts from last night or early this morning.....I am hoping we didn't get to crazy with our posts and nothing was deleted.

Time to heal and pull together. Revenge would be to get a new commander in chief this November. Thank God he is still with us......
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