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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
We will never know the real facts. It's all kabuki theater.

Here look at this



Well-known member
Nothing to prove that here, there is no evidence he was ever registerd as a democrat and there is only one record of a donation of $15 to a left leaning cause but no politicians. Please stop trying to turn this into something it most likely is. Getting people even more riled up over conspiracies and conjecture is just likely to lead to continued violence from others.
Both parents are democrats... apples don't fall far from the tree....


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
These are the same people who for months(if not the better part of 8 years) have said DJT is Hitler. 5 minutes of contrition doesn’t cancel out 8 years of blitzkrieg propaganda. It is simply disingenuous.
Don't be histerical, the whole Hitler thing has only been a thing for the past year, two at the absolute most and even then it's only fringe elements not everyone that isn't a Trump supporter. What is disengenuous is you trying to make it into anything other then a lone republican gunman who was bullied in school with virtually no social media presence and who made one $15 donation to a left leaning group, not a politician.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I don't know haven't thought it through but shot in the ear? That's an intentional shot I think.
Yes, he was trying to shoot Trump in the head and fortunately missed the mark. Had he been one inch to the right he would have been successful. There is no way Trump agreed to a staged event that required him to trust someone would only hit his ear. Plus the gun he was using is not meant to be a sniper rifle which is what he should have been using if he was really being serious about taking Trump out.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

Hopefully you don't really believe a video slapped together in less then 24 hours with someone that doesn't even really look like the shooter, Or do you believe that from when he was shot and fell dead to the ground he dyed his hair from dark brown to blond? The only accurate thing in that video was when the guy playing Crooks leans forward and says guess what you got the wrong guy...wrong guy in the video.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Maybe, if people keep pushing false narratives designed to enrage people.

false narratives like Aussies being rounded up and placed in Covid camps

false narratives like Colin Powelmwarning us of weapons of mass destruction

brother , the list of lies goes on and on

this current government is not looking out for the peace and safty of americans



He made on donation of $15 to a left leaning organization, there is no evidence to support he was ever anything but a Republican and the weapon was an AR-15 long rifle, no word on the manufacturer yet though. Please loet's stick to verifiable facts there is very little information to go on yet and spreading false rumors isn;'t going to do anyone any good. So far this dude has a lot in common with the stereotypical lone shooter causing mass murder. There is next to nothing about political motives. No manifesto, no social media preseence announcing his plans. Just a lone, bullied, socially awkward white male into gun fetish culture. He could just as easily be a clone of that teen that took his long rifle to a nearby BLM riot a few years ago except this one got himself shot dead.

Nothing to prove that here, there is no evidence he was ever registerd as a democrat and there is only one record of a donation of $15 to a left leaning cause but no politicians. Please stop trying to turn this into something it most likely is. Getting people even more riled up over conspiracies and conjecture is just likely to lead to continued violence from others.

There is no evidence to support that.

Don't be histerical, the whole Hitler thing has only been a thing for the past year, two at the absolute most and even then it's only fringe elements not everyone that isn't a Trump supporter. What is disengenuous is you trying to make it into anything other then a lone republican gunman who was bullied in school with virtually no social media presence and who mase one $15 donation to a left leaning group, not a politician.

Yes, he was trying to shoot Trump in the head and fortunately missed the mark. Had he been one inch to the right he would have been successful. There is no way Trump agreed to a staged event that required him to trust someone would only hit his ear. Plus the gun he was using is not meant to be a sniper rifle which is what he should have been using if he was really being serious about taking Trump out.

Sure they do, happens all the time, especially in the teenage thru young adult years, kids trying to differentiate themselves from all they ever knew growing up. Just look at the whole hippy movement.

All over investigating it perhaps, while there isn't much evidence there is enough to support that this disturbed young man was not an FBI, CIA operative.

Hopefully you don't really believe a video slapped together in less then 24 hours with someone that doesn't even really look like the shooter, Or do you believe that from when he was shot and fell dead to the ground he dyed his hair from dark brown to blond? The only accurate thing in that video was when the guy playing Crooks leans forward and says guess what you got the wrong guy...wrong guy in the video.

Maybe, if people keep pushing false narratives designed to enrage people.
Who made you the fact checker or the arbiter of what is or is not acceptable to say on this subject?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'm with Doober on this.

I also know nothing about your politics but I think it would make a good film if it was staged. and I like watching films.

Maybe Donny has pissed Vlad off? Maybe the shooter wasn't left or right but was an easily manipulated agent from another country/planet/universe.?
He is a lucky guy though, the news says it was an AR type of gun, do they do more damage than just pierce an ear? Do you think he'll put a ring through it now?

So many questions man.

Hope you're all fine n dandy today though. Sending my positive vibes to all and if you don;t need it, send it on to someone who does.
AR-15's are very lethal, they're just not known for precision accuracy, at least not when you first it 7 times in 3-4 seconds. What AR-15's are known for (not counting fully automatics) is doing maximum damage in a very short time.
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