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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
I totaled my first 1995 Grand Cherokee hitting a deer.
Good day GW, that's a solid made vehicle the Grand Cherokee and it was totaled by a deer, well that sucks, for the jeep, the owner and probably the deer.

My only encounter was a deer giving a glancing blow as it ran into the side of my truck. I am not a fast driver so there have a number of close calls over the years.

I almost hit a cinnamon bear once, ran out right in front of me, fortunately because I'm not a fast driver, a light press on the brake prevented me hitting a most beautiful bear. In all my years around bears I have only seen 2 cinnamon bears.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Hey there DB, another good thing about having your heart checked is they now have a record of your EKG for a comparison in the future if need be.
That's actually a good idea old man 👍 The EKG was quick and painless. Didn't think thats all they had to do. I'm happy I have a healthy heart. I think the main thing is the vice grip chest pain doesn't happen when I'm walking/exercising it's when I smoke lots of hash and sit down the wrong way probably, on my side squeezing my heart? The hospital kitchen was on the 2nd floor, I got to get a glimpse of some bacon and eggs. Well taking it easy.


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Premium user
I do the same with my tomato's

View attachment 19031454
Haha. My tomatoes are unruly like my weed. Yours look so nice and neat. Mine are crazy


Well-known member
That's actually a good idea old man 👍 The EKG was quick and painless. Didn't think thats all they had to do. I'm happy I have a healthy heart. I think the main thing is the vice grip chest pain doesn't happen when I'm walking/exercising it's when I smoke lots of hash and sit down the wrong way probably, on my side squeezing my heart? The hospital kitchen was on the 2nd floor, I got to get a glimpse of some bacon and eggs. Well taking it easy.
My family doc sent me in for an EKG, he said I know you don't need one but it will give us a record of what your readings are, sounds like a good idea I thought and did it. Painless, mostly, I have hair on my chest, minus what they took from me the day of the test, when removing the lead wires.

It still seems odd about the chest tightening and pain. If it persists do not ignore it.
Bacon and eggs how traditional can you get, I'm in.


Well-known member
My dojo had a contract with the distributors of Hai Karate and Black Belt to put on demonstrations at shopping malls promoting their products. I only played uke to the upper belts in uke/nage demonstrations, but I had the best breaking techniques, so was the one who demonstrated them using stacks of 1" X 12" Fir, cement pavers, or stacks of bricks.

I learned fast not break the maximum number of bricks after doing six demonstrations the same weekend. After that enlightening experience, I reduced the number of bricks by half, but pushed it after the last demonstration on the last day, by breaking up what was left and pushing the records.

I didn't do any flying kick breaks, just knife hand, palm heel, side kick, and foot stomp breaks.