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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I didn't have a big part in it Walt - the first scene I did in Bloodsport was doing a flying side kick at a big plank of wood - that splintered in half as I hit it - then you see me in an Aikido skirt bare chested and tanned with slicked back blonde hair - sitting behind Van Damme - watching the fights in the Kumite - then it's my turn to get my arse kicked by Bolo - and he sorts me out very swiftly - my part was as Per Gustavson - a Swedish nobleman -

I very nearly injured myself bouncing off that plank of wood - take after take - till they sawed thru it enough for it to break when my foot hit it - lol
My dojo had a contract with the distributors of Hai Karate and Black Belt to put on demonstrations at shopping malls promoting their products. I only played uke to the upper belts in uke/nage demonstrations, but I had the best breaking techniques, so was the one who demonstrated them using stacks of 1" X 12" Fir, cement pavers, or stacks of bricks.

I learned fast not break the maximum number of bricks after doing six demonstrations the same weekend. After that enlightening experience, I reduced the number of bricks by half, but pushed it after the last demonstration on the last day, by breaking up what was left and pushing the records.

I didn't do any flying kick breaks, just knife hand, palm heel, side kick, and foot stomp breaks.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor


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Mom took me to the musical instrument store I learned guitar from back in 1994. Got my violin all strung and tuned. $16 including a string. I like getting high and playing and learning violin for 15 minutes. I think I could be a good fiddler. I like Mozart and other old stuff. View attachment 19031489
I’m glad you got a full set of strings now. did they help you tune it?


Cabana’s bitch
Did you get his insurance boo?
Not as of yet. This is getting a little complicated, at first he said he was going to use his homeowners insurance and now he’s telling me he would prefer to pay cash for the whole bill. I’m not gonna play any games so I’m gonna meet him Monday and insist he pays all of my out-of-pocket expenses now And then we can work on his liability for repairs. I’m tired of playing babysitter to people who don’t walk a straight line. This man is pushing my buttons and I’m not sure how long I’m gonna stand it… I don’t wanna play games or be ugly, but it wouldn’t take much to push my button


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Not as of yet. This is getting a little complicated, at first he said he was going to use his homeowners insurance and now he’s telling me he would prefer to pay cash for the whole bill. I’m not gonna play any games so I’m gonna meet him Monday and insist he pays all of my out-of-pocket expenses now And then we can work on his liability for repairs. I’m tired of playing babysitter to people who don’t walk a straight line. This man is pushing my buttons and I’m not sure how long I’m gonna stand it… I don’t wanna play games or be ugly, but it wouldn’t take much to push my button
Just get his auto insurance. Easier to deal with them unless he doesn’t have any. tell him you are gonna make a police report too


Cabana’s bitch
Just get his auto insurance. Easier to deal with them unless he doesn’t have any. tell him you are gonna make a police report too
I filed a police report and brought it to my insurance company. I don’t see how his auto policy would affect him driving attractor out on the city streets, but I will be meeting with him Monday and nailing down the details. If he wants to play games I just gonna call my attorney and have them hammer the bastard. I just don’t have the stomach for all this bullshit in my life at this time because of Dutch… It’s sad to see him in this condition, I’ve never seen him stick to me so close as he is now… I can see fear in his eyes for the first time in 12 years


Well-known member
Pushed way too hard doing physical therapy today and now my leg is absolutely on fire and the two Tylenol extra strength which is all they would give me beside a narco is just not cutting it. The damn thing's got a mind of its own and it's just flopping around like a fish out of water

God I just want two full strength aspirin you know good old 325 mg. No, can't give you any aspirin aspirin's bad f****** assholes


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Whew.....cut the grass and I am a post toasty. Only thing that helped is a good breeze. I am pretty much done for the day. Maybe hand watering the hot spots.....speaking of which I got last months water bill.....$146.....used 24,000 gallons.....gonna be worse this month as it is a lot hotter.

Golf course is burning up. Normally lush and green on the fairway.....brown today.



Well-known member
Beauceron , had to look that breed up

This old French breed may look like a cross between a German Shepherd and a Doberman Pinscher or Rottweiler, but it is most definitely purebred! I've owned Beaucerons myself.

This is a confident, steady-tempered, usually serious dog.

Athletic and agile, he needs hard exercise (running, hiking, fetching). A walk around the block is most assuredly not enough. Too much confinement and too little exercise can lead to destructive behaviors and rambunctiousness, especially in youngsters.

Mental exercise (advanced obedience, agility, herding, Schutzhund) is just as important to this highly intelligent breed.

Matching his stern appearance, the Beauceron is usually keen-eyed and watchful, aloof and discriminating with strangers. Socialization must be early and frequent so that his watchfulness doesn't shade into suspiciousness or aggression. Shyness is unfortunately present in some lines.

Most Beaucerons are territorial with other animals, but usually good with the pets in their own family, if raised with them.

Beaucerons were bred to be herding dogs, so they might try to poke or push people and other animals – this is an attempt to move them along or gather them together.

Indeed, Beaucerons like to control everyone and everything. They require a confident, consistent owner who knows how to lead.
After my first GSD passed we were looking for another shepherd. One day while watching the westminster dog show we saw the Beauceron. They shed less than a GSD and to be honest as a novice thats why we picked this breed. There was a breeder near where my daughter was going to college.

Everyone says they look like a long haired Doberman. Truth is the breed is older than both the doberman or the GSD. A doberman looks like a Beauceron not the other way around. I think Beauceron in French means "Red Stockings" ie the coloration of the dog.

They are a very athletic breed. When it comes to sheer athletic prowess they make a GSD look slow and sloppy. When the two dogs would play wrestle the Beauceron would run circles around my GSD. Keep in mind my GSD is a male and the Beauceron is a female so thats saying something. Beaucerons have been used in the war time as bomb sniffing dogs.

Theres an old saying, "Its not the size of the dog in a fight, its size of the fight in the dog."

Beaucerons are nothing like a GSD. I would put my money on a GSD any day. In my biased opinion a Beauceron isn't fit to cary the jock strap of a GSD.

GSD's have been bred for years to be protection dogs. They trust no one and are slow to greet strangers. I love all those traits.

My Beauceron would invite you in the house to steal anything you wanted and she had some protection training. I quit the training when it was obvious it just wasn't her nature. Not saying they cant be trained for protection but they haven't been bred for it like a GSD.
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