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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
From what I heard his living quarters was pretty nice for someone in his situation. Of course I say that while having no idea what life in Ecuador is like.

this little sleepy village was on my expat list……it is like Malibu in the 60’s

Olon Ecuador





Well-known member
Here is a great big "OH SHIT!" you need to see... Just happened:

View attachment 19022898

It'll be a tad tricky to have the stock exchange ignore this...
That happened a couple of weeks ago. The stock exchange I believe is just being frothed up by financial institutions who tell their traders to buy, buy, buy(new highs weekly with no real reason supporting the highs). If the markets crash, the traders and financial institutions are toast so the traders go along with the illusion. P/E ratios are sky high. Somethings got to give. There will be a very loud ‘pop’ when the bubble bursts.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
The Saudi's declined on signing a petro dollar agreement.
That 50-year deal went west a fortnight or so ago. It will never come back.

It signalled the end of the USD as the world's reserve currency. It is now officially dead with the BRICs announcement.

The US can no longer print dollars... AND have them accepted. They can print all day and night. Just like Germany one hundred years ago.

We are living in interesting times, folks. What you have known and accepted as solid rock has turned into gaseous vapor. The dollar is dying at a faster rate every day.

There is no Holy Finger Of Gawd to come down to prevent the USD from following the peso/pengoe/franc/bolivar/assignat...


Well-known member
I have some precious metals(including brass and lead)but I can’t eat that. I do have grape vines though.😂
The ‘brass and lead’ part are just comfort ‘foods’ for me. I have no illusions. I am 50:50 on me surviving to use very much of it. If/when the SHTF, I am certain there will be roving bands of people much more suited and prepared(younger and stronger too) than I am but I would rather go down fighting than not have a fighting chance.


Well-known member
Good morning :wave:

⛈️ Here this a.m.
Dang it, wish now that I'd have taken another .5hr.
to spread that soil out in the front yard last nigh, sigh.

Oh well... got some boring laundry to do and today
will be a good day for such a chore.
Mebe sew a bit also.
Dooder doo is looking at me like I'm a mean
ole mom because we are not going for a walk.
Even though she won't step foot to go out back and pee in this rain, haha.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
There I wuz, enjoying God's Gift To Boys... and I suddenly see the scorpion tattooed on her ankle.

Why women put ink into perfect skin... Her man will see the signature of another man every time he looks at the tattoo. It eludes me.

It NEVER improves the original.
Many people look at their skin as a canvas Walt - and tattoos are a way to paint indelibly on the skin - to mark things that are important to people during their lives - experiences - names - places - prose - designs that appeal to an individual - they are not necessarily put there as a form of attraction -

I know that you come from a generation where tattoos were mostly on men - soldiers/sailors and criminals - but things have changed somewhat over the past decades - so today virtually anyone from any background might have a tattoo -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Talkin' a tad of business here that directly concerns you <-- Yeah, you reading this.

I'll net nut it out with a coupla headlines:

The FDIC just woke up and put the four largest banks in the country on notice (JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup’s Citibank, Bank of America and Goldman Sachs) that they flunked liquidity testing and they are all facing bankrupture.

Whazzat gotta wit youse? How about the 2008 debacle... this is worse. How much worse? How about:

1. Those four named banks are short $168,000,000,000,000 TRILLION

2. Looking at Goldman Sachs alone, that group of assholes has managed to put their company's entire worth out there (eg: debt) to the tune of 461 TIMES THE WORTH OF THEIR ENTIRE COMPANY!!

To make it plain: Let's say you make $100K a year. Not bad.

But you have managed to spend forty-six million, one hundred thousand dollars.

You: $100,000 vs You Owe: $46,100,000

Think you might have a problem?

The cascade/crash will most ricky-tick affect you personally. Job, house mortgage, car payment, food prices, etc. all ready to depart the norm you are used to.

If this has gotten your attention, may I point out your window is not yet closed. You can stilll transfer all your fiat** into gold and silver now. Like... today.

** No problem with keeping just enough in the bank for common bills, etc. <-- Convenience "money".

You will NOT be able to change checks, money orders, cashiers checks, dollar bills or monopoly money for anything at all when the water breaks. It will most likely happen on a weekend. You will NOT be able to get your savings account money** in hand from the bank.

** They have loaned out your savings account money 461 times, get it? EEK!
So that's me trashed - if that does happen Walt - having no real assets - other than a bit of land in the Philippines - that I can't visit yet - still blacklisted - and a mortgage on my small London apartment thats gonna quadruple in 2 months - when I have to extend/renew the current one - due to the high Bank of England interest rates -

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Good morning everybody I'm on my 3 Mile morning walk it's nice and hot not really sweating too much got my Grizzly snuff enjoying things. 4th of July in another week. My birthday is July 28th. Going to see Metallica on August 2nd at Gillette Stadium field level the ticket was like $200