Don't make fun of mantids. That's my Senior portrait from high school.He’s a cool cat to look like a praying mantis.
Don't make fun of mantids. That's my Senior portrait from high school.
Take care of yourself, young @Yarddog. You gots some kidlets to bring up along with those hens and roosters.
worked for me for years.He doesn't look sure he aint hustling you?
Raised my blood pressure just reading this Subie-Jean ,Yesterday I called him in from the backyard (we have a small backyard but there are three gates that I always worry could be open even accidentall) anyway he didn’t come so I walked in the middle of the yard where I could see all three gates which were closed. at that moment, I saw him hiding in the azalea bushes peeking at me through them as I called him. I snagged him up in all his 70 lbs of BS and ripped all into his ass telling him blablabla Arlo bad dog now get in that house now. I let him get away with some things but not answering to me when I call him is unacceptable. He’s come running every time since. He does not like it when I tell him he’s bad. I try not to do it much as it kinda hurts his feelings. He’s so glad when we make up.