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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
a mixture of pork and beef with lossa Italian herbs and spices...soaked the breat in milk which is a new one on me...recipe called for 2 tbs. of grated cheese, I used well over a cup...after they bake I will simmer them in red sauce with basil, a glass of red wine, and angel hair pasta...good eats...
I can tell by your description you really do enjoy cooking and have some talent for it, your meatballs sound delicious. Just out of curiousiy what would you say is the most exotic dish you've ever made?
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well that was interesting - the pacemaker technician/doctor told me that my pacemaker is only needed 3% of the time - to control my heart action - but she said that I still needed it - and have to take blood thinning meds - or my blood might pool in a heart chamber - then clot - and that could lead to a stroke -


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Man did nothing wrong shameful he had to make that choice.
I really hope he can at least make enough money of speaking and writing about it to offset some of the misery inflicted on him.
My Godamn government really pisses me off........left cheek,right cheek same old stinking corrupt hole.
From what I heard his living quarters was pretty nice for someone in his situation. Of course I say that while having no idea what life in Ecuador is like.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
From what I heard his living quarters was pretty nice for someone in his situation. Of course I say that while having no idea what life in Ecuador is like.
He wasn't in Ecuador HempKat - he was in the Ecuadorian embassy in London - for a number of years - 'cos he asked for political asylum - before they stuck him in Belmarsh maximum security prison for a few more years - while the USA authorities were trying to extradite him to the USA -

- When the USA tried to extradite me - and the trial was going on - I just got an ankle tag and curfew for a few months - but at least they didn't lock me up here in the UK -
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Well-known member
Man did nothing wrong shameful he had to make that choice.
I really hope he can at least make enough money of speaking and writing about it to offset some of the misery inflicted on him.
My Godamn government really pisses me off........left cheek,right cheek same old stinking corrupt hole.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Talkin' a tad of business here that directly concerns you <-- Yeah, you reading this.

I'll net nut it out with a coupla headlines:

The FDIC just woke up and put the four largest banks in the country on notice (JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup’s Citibank, Bank of America and Goldman Sachs) that they flunked liquidity testing and they are all facing bankrupture.

Whazzat gotta wit youse? How about the 2008 debacle... this is worse. How much worse? How about:

1. Those four named banks are short $168,000,000,000,000 TRILLION

2. Looking at Goldman Sachs alone, that group of assholes has managed to put their company's entire worth out there (eg: debt) to the tune of 461 TIMES THE WORTH OF THEIR ENTIRE COMPANY!!

To make it plain: Let's say you make $100K a year. Not bad.

But you have managed to spend forty-six million, one hundred thousand dollars.

You: $100,000 vs You Owe: $46,100,000

Think you might have a problem?

The cascade/crash will most ricky-tick affect you personally. Job, house mortgage, car payment, food prices, etc. all ready to depart the norm you are used to.

If this has gotten your attention, may I point out your window is not yet closed. You can stilll transfer all your fiat** into gold and silver now. Like... today.

** No problem with keeping just enough in the bank for common bills, etc. <-- Convenience "money".

You will NOT be able to change checks, money orders, cashiers checks, dollar bills or monopoly money for anything at all when the water breaks. It will most likely happen on a weekend. You will NOT be able to get your savings account money** in hand from the bank.

** They have loaned out your savings account money 461 times, get it? EEK!
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Well-known member
Talkin' a tad of business here that directly concerns you <-- Yeah, you reading this.

I'll net nut it out with a coupla headlines:

The FDIC just woke up and put the four largest banks in the country on notice (JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup’s Citibank, Bank of America and Goldman Sachs) that they flunked liquidity testing and they are all facing bankrupture.

Whazzat gotta wit youse? How about the 2008 debacle... this is worse. How much worse? How about:

1. Those four named banks are short $168,000,000,000,000 TRILLION

2. Looking at Goldman Sachs alone, that group of assholes has managed to put their company's entire worth out there (eg: debt) to the tune of 461 TIMES THE WORTH OF THEIR ENTIRE COMPANY!!

To make it plain: Let's say you make $100K a year. Not bad.

But you have managed to spend forty-six million, one hundred thousand dollars. You: $100,000 vs You Owe: $46,100,000

Think you might have a problem? The cascade/crash will most ricky-tick affect you personally. Job, house mortgage, car payment, food prices, etc. all ready to depart the norm you are used to.

They will be deemed ‘too big to fail’ just like what happened last time the banking Ponzi scheme came to light. The lobbying money was basically insurance for this rainy day. No citizen anywhere in the world would support another bailout but that matters not to the people the Ponzi-istas put in charge of govt’s worldwide.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
They will be deemed ‘too big to fail’ just like what happened last time the banking Ponzi scheme came to light. The lobbying money was basically insurance for this rainy day. No citizen anywhere in the world would support another bailout but that matters not to the people the Ponzi-istas put in charge of govt’s worldwide.
You gotta check out the whole story and link. The TBTF scenario will not work. The US dollar is too hollow. It will be instant dollar dump.

You are still thinking normalcy. 1980 was their last (slim) chance, and they ignored it. The US dollar is no longer the Petrodollar.

Thinking the "too big to fail" scenario can simply be replicated is about the same thinking as being on the Titanic after it hit the berg but the lights are all on, and there is brandy and comfy chairs available in the grand ballroom for some unforseeable hours.

It has an end that is inevitable. I just do not know how long it takes for the bow to go under. This time, it is not the brandy bar that gets temporarily closed, but the whole fucking ship goes down a mile and crashes in total destruction on the sea floor.

That is the real parallel. Gummint cannot fix it. The Titanic Gummint has no money** either.

** Money that will be accepted for debt or purchase.

Now get offa yer arse and change what "savings" paper you have into real money.


Chase Manhattan Has Wave Of Wire Frauds... Will NOT make good on looted funds. <--
Hmm... the bank was robbed, and if it was your money... well, tough shit. That's what you get for putting your money in our bank, asshole.
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Well-known member
I have no rose colored glasses on this. The Ponzi-istas will keep the grift going for as long as they can and use the only tool in their set of butcher knives to ‘fix’ the looming crash - ie. Print more Monopoly money to bail out their buddies making tens of millions per year to drive their institutions into the dirt. Rinse, repeat. The trillions the banks are upside down on are not just a United States problem. It is a worldwide problem. Everyone loses. Well, everyone except the uber elites. This is likely part of the plan. Bailouts transfer not just fiat assets but all assets en masse from the rest of us to Rockefeller/Rothschild/Soros types. Their pile of assets will grow as ours dwindle. Gotta keep the illusion going for as long as possible to squeeze every drop of blood from the herd. Once there is no more blood, there is no need for the herd.


Well-known member
Goldman Sachs has $500"K" in actual fiat $$ -- They have $54 "M" in debt...
View attachment 19022889

*IF* you have money in a bank. YOUR money has been loaned out 461 times for other uses.

Try to get your money back (or even try to use it) The Day After.
Those numbers have 6 more zeros to the right but I understand a ratio is a ratio. Also, ‘assets’ more than likely are things like stocks(worthless pieces of paper if/when currency becomes worthless), real estate(value expressed in currency which, again will be worthless), cash(again…), etc. Real estate/buildings/ infrastructure will have some value as will precious metals but nothing like what food, water and weapons will to the herd. Can’t eat or drink precious metals.


Well-known member
Well that was interesting - the pacemaker technician/doctor told me that my pacemaker is only needed 3% of the time - to control my heart action - but she said that I still needed it - and have to take blood thinning meds - or my blood might pool in a heart chamber - then clot - and that could lead to a stroke -
3% is encouraging,I hope you get stronger every day

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Those numbers have 6 more zeros to the right but I understand a ratio is a ratio. Also, ‘assets’ more than likely are things like stocks(worthless pieces of paper if/when currency becomes worthless), real estate(value expressed in currency which, again will be worthless), cash(again…), etc. Real estate/buildings/ infrastructure will have some value as will precious metals but nothing like what food, water and weapons will to the herd. Can’t eat or drink precious metals.
You're correct, OF8 -- That's why I put their quoted "K" and "M" in parentheses. They were talking in thousands of millions.