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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I remember being in Pattaya Thailand - back in the 80's - where I met a USMC vet from the Vietnam/American war - and he was extolling how terrible an STD this Saigon Rose was - and that he'd had it for 15 years - and couldn't get rid of it - I'd never heard of it before - or since -

- speaking of exotic diseases -
One of our old Chat Mods - Andyo (RIP) - had Japanese Encephalitis - and took him a coupla years or more to get rid of it - then ended up passing on from prostate cancer - in his early 60's -

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Good morning everybody I'm on my 3 Mile morning walk. Had my coffee. Going to go home and make some kief. Storm rolled in last night it was pretty cool although the temperature didn't really change. 4th of July is coming up I can't wait. Everybody's going to the Celtics parade today everyone's wearing green and heading onto the trolley and the train


Well-known member
Premium user
I wonder how long he’s had that? Makes you ponder if he’s had that a long time, and a chick fooled around with that just to keep a camera on her, how big of a fucking weirdo is she.

Fuck Hollywood, a God damned land of degenerates.
Hollywood gives whores a bad name.
I remember that bs acting job meryl streep did at the awards show
Yet that pos knew what weinstein was doing to her ( when she was viable) other not as famous actors as she .
That twat knew it yet said nothing .
think about the poor other non actor women who got it bad.
Which makes me think the secretive attitude comes from all the male actors who had to "play" another part to get to where they got.
Electricians don't do that shit ☝️😊 period!

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Go Celtics

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Well, Himself and the Scottish Witch had a tad of anxiety:

I went out to get a can of water from a hose to water some plants... and NO WATER CAME OUT.


We went into basic backup mode: No potty flushing, no running any water. Of course, I have resources to do without water/power but we did not have to go that far.

Called the guy's number on the well pump. Told him the story. He was sixty miles away and it was late. I told him tomorrow would be fine.

So he showed up next morning, and Haitian-rigged a burned-out pump switch bypass, as well as saying it is a good thing I called him becuz the bladder in my tank was busted which was the basic problem.

My RO rig is huge and old (20 years). I am surprised this is all that has happened to it through all those years. The mauve one on the left is the wounded tank that will be replaced:
View attachment 19019699

So we've got a workaround for another day or so; no showers, no washing clothes... but other normal use of water is fine, such as washing dishes, toilets, yada.
An update on the above: Totally installed and fixed. He also found a fried frog in the main power switch. I told him he could keep it. He works with his son, who is a really nice kid.

We were talking, and the son is just about to complete his SCUBA certification. I quick-quick ran into the garage; up inna attic I had my old dive bag which has been in many places around the world -- So I gave it to him so he does not have to buy one, and he would not stand out as a newbie on a dive boat.

So here is the update:

I get the bill. I was charged for parts only. <-- TINS :love::cool:

And father and son are going to the Islands (Bahamas) to go hog spearing. They promised to bring me some filets! They were supposed to be there now, instead of fixing my water system, but there has been stormy weather there this week. Right now they have clear skies, no wind. And I hope a buncha hogfish.

Here's Himself with my leg bolted on with a Frankenstein thingy holding a nice hog. Please to note the "no meat loss" shot right betwixt the eyes:


Finest eating fish there is. And you can only get them by spearing them.


Cabana’s bitch
I just got a call from one of my neighbors down the street asking me if I was missing a black German Shepherd and a red and black German Shepherd. Needless to say, I bolted out the gate with my 4 x 4 and I found the boys just cruising down the street. Soon as Dutch saw me he started to cringe, but didn’t come back and Ivan did. Dutch is getting very slow and hard of hearing. I guess I need to start checking 24 hours a day that the gate is closed.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I remember being in Pattaya Thailand - back in the 80's - where I met a USMC vet from the Vietnam/American war - and he was extolling how terrible an STD this Saigon Rose was - and that he'd had it for 15 years - and couldn't get rid of it - I'd never heard of it before - or since -
There was the Black Syph. Here comes The Innocent One back in the Olden Days. Four guys in a tent playing cards. Went to ask directions...

Noticed they all had their dicks in beer cans. Black syph. Jeez. It was easy not to stray.


Well-known member
Sure it's a thing, it's your opinion. Nobody is saying sugar isn't bad. In fact I made a post at least a month ago acknowledging the addictive nature of sugar and how you can lessen/eliminate that addiction by changing your gut microbiohme.

I tried in a previous post to point out you don't have to avoid all sugar to improve your health. Just the more complex ones such as sucrose. To which you responded negatively talking about how bad you've found any sugar to be even natural ones contained in fruits and vegatables and how hard it was for you to end your addiction. I can respect that for you it was hard and that for you it has meant trying to eliminate all sugar. That doesn't mean however that everyone has to follow in your footsteps or that everything containing even a little sugar needs to be seen as poison. our bodies were designed with ways to deal with sugar because if one takes advantage of everything mother nature offers for good health and nutrition then you will encounter some sugar and therefore the body needs to be able to handle it. The problem with sugar and where we are in agreement is that food comanies put sugar in so many things where it doesn't belong. Which is why whole foods are so much better for people then highly processed foods. They (the food companies) recognize that sugar is addictive and people tend to like it when added to foods.

Me personally I have never and probably never will consume a mushroom laced chocolate bar. I onlt mentioned it because the way it's designed with the smaller sections that can be broken off makes it easier for someone new to mushrooms to figure out what the right microdose is for them. Or if they would rather have the full on tripping ballls recreational xperience they can just eat the whole thing.
My issue lies primarily with processed sugars and the
combining of that substance with medicinal components.
In essence, the refined sugar negates the 'medicinal' aspects. IMO

Last night in fact, my body said... carbs!
So, I ate a red skinned sweet potato w/ butter and salt.
It was delicious :)

After this last 3 days of micro dosing, I may have stumbled upon
an additional purpose for the chocolate/ mushroom combination,
outside of making the shrooms taste palatable to some.
There is a small amount of fat in raw cacao.

Leading me to this:
Day 1: small dose to see where I'm at, consumed with
unsalted butter (it was yummy actually [if you like the taste of fungi]).
Day 2: a slightly larger dose also taken w/ butter.
Day 3: even larger dose, no butter.

There was a distinct difference in the onset time and
longevity of the effects between the shrooms/ fat
and that w/ out the fat. :chin:

Of course, this will require a great amount of further
research on my part for any conclusive data to be collected :D


Well-known member
I've always wondered, is it fair to call it an addiction if you do it for medical purposes? I mean legitimate purposes like most of us here have. I've aways thought of addiction as an activity or behavoir you do regularly for no other reason then you can't help it and actually develope temporary symptoms if you quit. I've taken two hydrocodone (vicodin) every day for several years now to cope with my chronc back issues.. When the opioid crisis first hit and I was forced to go to pain management they took me off all opioids at first for a couple of years. Now without the pain pills my back pain got worse and prevented me from being ablle to do everything I was used to, but I didn't get sick to the stomach, have a runny nose or any of the other classic symptoms of opioid withdraw. So to me I wasn't addicted. Yet there are many who would say anyone who took it dailly for two plus years must be addicted.
IIRC cannabis is not addictive in the sense of how our brains respond chemically.
It is however possible to become psychologically addictive.
There are many studies out there for those interested.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
My issue lies primarily with processed sugars and the
combining of that substance with medicinal components.
In essence, the refined sugar negates the 'medicinal' aspects. IMO

Last night in fact, my body said... carbs!
So, I ate a red skinned sweet potato w/ butter and salt.
It was delicious :)

After this last 3 days of micro dosing, I may have stumbled upon
an additional purpose for the chocolate/ mushroom combination,
outside of making the shrooms taste palatable to some.
There is a small amount of fat in raw cacao.

Leading me to this:
Day 1: small dose to see where I'm at, consumed with
unsalted butter (it was yummy actually [if you like the taste of fungi]).
Day 2: a slightly larger dose also taken w/ butter.
Day 3: even larger dose, no butter.

There was a distinct difference in the onset time and
longevity of the effects between the shrooms/ fat
and that w/ out the fat. :chin:

Of course, this will require a great amount of further
research on my part for any conclusive data to be collected :D

they don’t taste bad at all according to my palate

so I just take a pinch , about a 1/4 teaspoon , and down the hatch it goes!..

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