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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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I was speaking to a doctor about migraines and how to get relief.
This is what they gave me.
I personally would get a second opinion. 🙄


Well-known member
Life can be so hard sometimes.

I have a really difficult choice to make. I need to get some blood work done but one of the tests require 12 hours fasting. I can't get it done any sooner then 9am (a bit more then 5 hours from now). I meant to eat dinner around 7pm and start my fast at 9pm so my 12 hours would be up when the doctor's office opens. Unfortunately a dozed off before fixing dinner and didn't wake up until almost midnight. I had thawed out a nice thick T-Bone (my favorite cut of beef) to be my dinner. When I woke from my unplanned nap I decide to just tough it out and still get my bloodwork done at 9am. So I got online to keep my mind off my stomach but now I've done all thre is to do online and I still have 5 hours to go and I'm getting really hungry now (I last ate at noon yesterday.

So I'm sitting here with a nice thick T-Bone just waiting for me to throw it in a pan with some grilled onions sauted in better and i find my mind entertaining the notion of giving into the T-Bone's call and end up putting off my bloodwork. The problem is that I can't wait until 4pm because the lab in my doctor's office will be closed by then and i'll have to wait until Monday (lab is closed on the weekends). I really need to get this test done for an upcoming medical test and the doctor ording the test requested I get it done this week. So I guess I'm going to try to get some more sleep in and get the test done later this morning but damn I sure want that T-Bone right now.

It sure ain't easy being responsible.
12 hour fast is normal SOP