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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Premium user
Hey yall. Had a nice day today. Pleasant afternoon for me. Got a few paperwork things done this morning then the rest of the day mellowed out with a light workload. Moved cannabis plants off my porch tonight inside my laundry as the pressure washer guy is coming tomorrow to wash the house. I guess then it will be window cleaning time not like they haven’t needed it in a year since I cleaned them all 🤣. I only clean the sliding glass doors and storm doors of dog boogers on a regular basis.
I guess I’ll catch up while I burn one. Have a good night everyone 🥰


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
an observation from my invisible journal…

having just returned to Colorado from Kansass , and , having traveled abroad , that is what it feels like , like coming home from
a foreign country

cannabis represents freedom and when I have to shuck and jive from the man just to enjoy my herbs , that freedom is gone

it feels oppressive and tyrannical

That is all.


Well-known member
an observation from my invisible journal…

having just returned to Colorado from Kansass , and , having traveled abroad , that is what it feels like , like coming home from
a foreign country

cannabis represents freedom and when I have to shuck and jive from the man just to enjoy my herbs , that freedom is gone

it feels oppressive and tyrannical

That is all.

Welcome home!


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
an observation from my invisible journal…

having just returned to Colorado from Kansass , and , having traveled abroad , that is what it feels like , like coming home from
a foreign country

cannabis represents freedom and when I have to shuck and jive from the man just to enjoy my herbs , that freedom is gone

it feels oppressive and tyrannical

That is all.
Kansas sucks. Backward state.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
This all may be true, but the cause of it is NOT humanity!

It's the natural order of things. Forcing humanity to 'pay' for it is a power grab.

Here's why:

Our's is "There's no divorce!"
I never said it was because of humanity. Now to be clear I do believe humanity has played a role in accelerating things but I do recognize that there are natural cycles that can bring about global warming or climate change that are so slow in thier execution that mankind hasn't lived long enough in a civilized form to track one whole cycle. Still even acknowledging natural cycles it's hard to ignore what we have tracked and how it's been a steady climb at faster then normal rates since the start of the industrial revolution.

Will changing how we do things now, help? To soon to tell. Maybe if we started changing back in the 70's when experts firtst started sounding the alarm we might know by now if it was helping to slow things down? Unfortunately not only did we not change we got worse and now it's at the point where even ifwe do change enough our children and grandchildren will almost certainly have a harder time surviving then we did. That being said I still think it's worth trying since there are other reasons to reduce the amount of pollutents we pump into the air. This was proven in just the relatively brief time people stayed at home because of the virus. Pollution reduced enough that areas perpetually covered in smog cleared up and cleaner skies appeared. Waters that were so dirty that the water was unclear and sea life had been driven away saw the waters clear up and sea life returned such as in Venice for example.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Figured I'd pop back in to share a bit of awesome news (for me anyway).

My landlord just sent a text letting me know that he expects NO RENT
paid for the remaining of the year. HUH? Whoop!

I suppose this is my 'karma' for being such an awesome tenant.

Good news no matter.
Hello new freezer and that 1/4 cow to fill it :)
Awesome news, hold on to that landlord he's a keeper. :biggrin:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
My reply is not personal.
It is based upon many years of learning about refined sugar
and it's damage to humans and the Earth.

The subject of sugars added to items that also contain healing substances,
is a topic that has been on my mind to discuss for a very long time.
Your post only provided an opening to speak my opinion based on
the years I've been looking into it.

I assumed nothing... I research.
Had zilch to do specifically w/ said chocolates; cacao/ sugar ratios.
Nor does it have to do with (your assumption) of an "ALL SWEETS
ARE BAD" 'thing' on my behalf.
It's not simply "a thing" and... just as well as; I have never stated such.
Sure it's a thing, it's your opinion. Nobody is saying sugar isn't bad. In fact I made a post at least a month ago acknowledging the addictive nature of sugar and how you can lessen/eliminate that addiction by changing your gut microbiohme.

I tried in a previous post to point out you don't have to avoid all sugar to improve your health. Just the more complex ones such as sucrose. To which you responded negatively talking about how bad you've found any sugar to be even natural ones contained in fruits and vegatables and how hard it was for you to end your addiction. I can respect that for you it was hard and that for you it has meant trying to eliminate all sugar. That doesn't mean however that everyone has to follow in your footsteps or that everything containing even a little sugar needs to be seen as poison. our bodies were designed with ways to deal with sugar because if one takes advantage of everything mother nature offers for good health and nutrition then you will encounter some sugar and therefore the body needs to be able to handle it. The problem with sugar and where we are in agreement is that food comanies put sugar in so many things where it doesn't belong. Which is why whole foods are so much better for people then highly processed foods. They (the food companies) recognize that sugar is addictive and people tend to like it when added to foods.

Me personally I have never and probably never will consume a mushroom laced chocolate bar. I onlt mentioned it because the way it's designed with the smaller sections that can be broken off makes it easier for someone new to mushrooms to figure out what the right microdose is for them. Or if they would rather have the full on tripping ballls recreational xperience they can just eat the whole thing.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I have mostly followed my Doc advice when it comes to exercise. Right now restorative yoga is my go to.

You and I have some similar conditions but we are taking different approaches to our well being. Because of the asbestosis breathing under a strenuous physical workout would be impossible.

If it works for you and your not hurting yourself, then carry on.

A good day to you Boo
As I've said before there is no one single approach that's best for everybody. What is best is to find the activity that gives you the exercise you need but that you also enjoy so you will stick to it daily. No exercise does you any good if you can't stick with it. Some people like the gym and lifting weights, Boo certainly seems to be that type. I've known so many people over the years who spent good money on getting a nice gym membership. They use it a few weeks or even months at first when it's novel but eventually the novelty wears off and they stop going, many forgetting to cancel that membership even though they're not using it. Ding like DB does and getting in two 3 mile walks a day is a great way to get sufficient exercise to keep healthy and strong. You won't end up looking like a body builder unless you used to be one and there is a chiseled body under a layer of fat. I guess you could say alot depends on what you want to workout for? If you want to be a body builder and look like Superman one day then really lifting weights in the gym is your best bet. If you just want to burn off excess fat, be generally healthier and stronger then you options for how to get there increase greatly. I say pick what you enjoy just so it's easy to stick with.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Dr Shiva ran for the Senate against a phony Indian here a while back(the irony of Fauxcahontus running against an Indian American was pretty sweet). He is a genius and scrutinized the voting data. He won his district 60-40. He lost all others at 60-40. Not approximately. Exactly 60-40. The odds of that are infinitesimal. BTW-we use voting machines here which in 2016, were the subject of protest by Fauxcahontus.
Actually with the highly gerrymandered voting maps that exist these days on both sides it's not as infintesimal as one might expect.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
But, do you care ?

Speaking for myself, I don't care, I think I might not have made it this far in life if not for cannabis:)
I've always wondered, is it fair to call it an addiction if you do it for medical purposes? I mean legitimate purposes like most of us here have. I've aways thought of addiction as an activity or behavoir you do regularly for no other reason then you can't help it and actually develope temporary symptoms if you quit. I've taken two hydrocodone (vicodin) every day for several years now to cope with my chronc back issues.. When the opioid crisis first hit and I was forced to go to pain management they took me off all opioids at first for a couple of years. Now without the pain pills my back pain got worse and prevented me from being ablle to do everything I was used to, but I didn't get sick to the stomach, have a runny nose or any of the other classic symptoms of opioid withdraw. So to me I wasn't addicted. Yet there are many who would say anyone who took it dailly for two plus years must be addicted.

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