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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What are they ruling on?
I believe tomorrow...well today now, is the last day of the current session for them. If so then they have to rule on all items that they've heard arguments for but haven't ruled on yet. That being the case, the one they put up the fence for was likely the one about Trump's immunity claim. All the MSM have been chattering about it for at least a week now since they know it has to be released before the Summer break.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Life can be so hard sometimes.

I have a really difficult choice to make. I need to get some blood work done but one of the tests require 12 hours fasting. I can't get it done any sooner then 9am (a bit more then 5 hours from now). I meant to eat dinner around 7pm and start my fast at 9pm so my 12 hours would be up when the doctor's office opens. Unfortunately a dozed off before fixing dinner and didn't wake up until almost midnight. I had thawed out a nice thick T-Bone (my favorite cut of beef) to be my dinner. When I woke from my unplanned nap I decide to just tough it out and still get my bloodwork done at 9am. So I got online to keep my mind off my stomach but now I've done all thre is to do online and I still have 5 hours to go and I'm getting really hungry now (I last ate at noon yesterday.

So I'm sitting here with a nice thick T-Bone just waiting for me to throw it in a pan with some grilled onions sauted in better and i find my mind entertaining the notion of giving into the T-Bone's call and end up putting off my bloodwork. The problem is that I can't wait until 4pm because the lab in my doctor's office will be closed by then and i'll have to wait until Monday (lab is closed on the weekends). I really need to get this test done for an upcoming medical test and the doctor ording the test requested I get it done this week. So I guess I'm going to try to get some more sleep in and get the test done later this morning but damn I sure want that T-Bone right now.

It sure ain't easy being responsible.


New member
Another option to consider is a voice activated recording device. They don't require any wires (microphone is built in and they can be small enough to easily slip in a pocket. You just turn it on and talk. It's especially good for when while doing something like a long walk and you have some great idea pop in your head or an inspired memory you can just capture it right then and there and retrieve the idea or memory later.

They're also good for capturing somone confessing to something without them knowing they're being recorded. I'm not sure what they cost but the ones I've seen were all reasonably priced in the $20 - $30 range.
How does a voice-activated recording device with a built-in microphone affect its usability for capturing spontaneous ideas during activities like long walks, and what ethical considerations should be taken into account when using such devices to secretly record conversations without others knowing?
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
How does a voice-activated recording device with a built-in microphone affect its usability for capturing spontaneous ideas during activities like long walks, and what ethical considerations should be taken into account when using such devices to secretly record conversations without others knowing?
@wadu -- You mean like 1963 PHILIPS Cassette?


Well-known member
Premium user
an observation from my invisible journal…

having just returned to Colorado from Kansass , and , having traveled abroad , that is what it feels like , like coming home from
a foreign country

cannabis represents freedom and when I have to shuck and jive from the man just to enjoy my herbs , that freedom is gone

it feels oppressive and tyrannical

That is all.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Another gorgeous day starting at 60F and predicted to reach 88F.

I received all my front walkway bids and picked the vendor that I want to do the drain repair and asked them to meet the low bid price, which they agreed to, so I will be scheduling that and the walkway today.

Off to the gym this morning and then an open calendar for pleasure seeking activity, including wanton debauchery.

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