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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Went with Mom to WacArnolds and TJ Maxx. Got a few mcdoubles and big Mac sauce and a turquoise golf shirt
You are gonna die eating that shit.........course you're gonna die no matter what so may as well go greasy.


Well-known member
I was working on a sea doo's carburetors today. Know wonder they charge $125,oo+ hr to work on them....PITA! It's the sitting time that kills them. This one sat for 7 years. Taking it out mid day tomorrow to see if it put puts or screams. (Bringing an ore JIC)

The things we'll do on the cheep to keep neighbors happy... On the plus side, I get to use it whenever I want.

Was picking Basil mmmmm I smell good. So much for Blondy saying I need a shower :ROFLMAO:

Unca Walt

Well-known member
This is exactly the kind of story one needs to document!

Found this app that's a personalized story book. Their could be others??

If you have older folks who 'tell' stories, those 'stories' go away when they pass on.


Or you could write a book...?
What an excellent idea! There are many here that have great stories. They should be kept alive.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
yesterday I was introduced to a heavy ball...25 pounds of dead weight that I had to pick up overhead, slam the ball on the ground, and then squat to pick it up again...60 reps yesterday makes for a very sore old man...gonna ice the back while eating breakfast...
Yer goin' about this all wrong, bro... You can hire sumbody to throw that big lead ball around. Yer in management now.


Cabana’s bitch
I've spent the day at home today, been busy scanning and sending documents to my lawyer, doing laundry, cleaning the place, about a pound of dog hair after I vacuumed yesterday...Dutch is blowing off his coat and dammit it shows...I just realized I never put on my briefs, been in gym pants all day...I've been "hanging" in my house all day...freedom...I did make it outside to play with the boys and feed the piggies...Bosco is sure looking like many meals after I fatten him up...