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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
the scalping shit didn’t happen around these parts , Cheyenne , Kiowa , Arapaho until after the Big Sandy Massacre when Colorado guardsmen brutally slaughtered hundreds of peaceful Indians camped out on the Big Sandy Creek

the white soldiers mutilated the corpses of the Indians with scalping and other atrocities

the Indians returned the favor at the Little Big Horn , you know , the Custer thingy
Big Horn is a great place to fish. Indians are very friendly....just buy them a drink.


Well-known member
Take it easy my friend. No need to rush....unless you are me.....not enough hours in the day.
My best time of day for physical action is mid-morning until about mid-afternoon, after that it's all down hill. As I learned at the pain clinic, just the weight of my head pushing down on my spine causes causes significant pain and suffering. I also learnt that it's typical for severe cervical spondylosis to act in such a way that it repeats the same symptoms at the same time of day, day in day out. In a way knowing the pattern of decline helps me from making matters worse.

I will be looking forward to my evening cookie today. This last batch of cookies for evening was Sugar Black Rose, it serves it's purpose well.

That can be part of my problem, overriding natural behaviour, to get the job done. Your advice is not without merit though:)


Well-known member
Hi Hempkat, I have heard many positive comments regarding the use of shrooms for mental stability. From my own experiences I believe this to be true about the beneficial effects of shrooms.
Recently in Canada I read of a man who was irate because the government would let him use the medical system to take his life but they would not allow him to use a few mushrooms. It's possible that it could be legal one day. I mean I can go and buy shrooms in a retail business these days and the sellers continue to operate. Why hasn't the gov't shut them down? Maybe they really don't care.

Good day to you Hempkat
Hi Oldman! Was it you that posted the Staments recipe and cycle for the shroom caps? Something like a microdose of psylocibin, so many grams of lions mane and so many grams of something else? I cant find it again but I’d like to try it


Cabana’s bitch
I would go to court rather than blasting away. If you are right justice will prevail. Go to small claims and be prepared.....dates and times are important. Like i said if your are on the side of the law it is easy to win there.
I have no intention of violence, I'm loading my mags and placing firearms in strategic locations...it may not be long...
When a small claims court awards you the win, how easy is it to collect?
it's not easy at all...the courts wont help you, that's what lawyers are for...
Probably have to go to court 1 more time to sue for all the damage he does to the unit before he moves out and everything that he steals.
that very well be the case...I had a tenant tear the place a new asshole for spite...it wasn't worth the time nor trouble to sue him...he owned nothing of value...fuggin cubans...


Well-known member
Me too. My exact date was July 4th 1969. And, other than a handful of times, I have smoked pot every single day.

I am definitely an addict and I acknowledge it.

Curious, what's your average usage? I am about 20 joints a day. So, about 3 ounces a week. Lot a fucking pot. LOL
Wow I'd start growing something better.
I used to smoke half of that 20 a day but stopped after getting older gear to run
If your smoking now a days taste of the month I can see it and I'd quit it


Well-known member
Hi Oldman! Was it you that posted the Staments recipe and cycle for the shroom caps? Something like a microdose of psylocibin, so many grams of lions mane and so many grams of something else? I cant find it again but I’d like to try it
I posted it. Here is where I got the info after watching a Joe Rogan podcast with Stamets…

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