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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Good morning farts. Old and otherwise. 🌞 When I went to bed yesterday you were talking about music. When I woke up you were talking about visiting gay bars and blowing some tranny named “Chunks” . 😂 Honestly, I did not see that coming. 🤣 Hey Gypsy, this is a Zamaldilecta express plant that I started too early and stunted badly. 🤬 Oh well, there is plenty more where that came from. 🤣


Well-known member
Just had 4 F15s blast over the house... Boy them pilots must get tinnitus.

We have some hills up the way by us they call the Mach Loop and you can look down on the pilots when they're out pissing about in their little planes. It's good fun. I like it when the bombers do low runs over the reservoirs and then pull up before hitting the bridge I'm stood on whilst eating a boiled egg I brought with me for a snack.


They have been busy since the Ukraine invasion, I wonder if they know something we don't?

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Good looking doe in good shape!

Deer are elegant creatures and I stopped hunting them, as well as squirrels, and ducks after spending quality time interacting with them in the parks where they aren't hunted and have gotten used to people.
Deer are a kind of "mix and match". There is every reason to hunt them; it prevents the starvation and disease cycle.

On the other hand, tame deer can be very pleasurable to have around; and they will not be weakened and starved by the overpopulation/underpopulation scenario.

So deer are a case of you can feed them, and/or eat them to the benefit of both species.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning rasty old farts and more kindly and gentle fartesses! Let the good times roll!

Another gorgeous day starting at 47F and predicted to reach 69F.

I repaired the east cedar fence where our landscaper buried the bottom in bark dust and it rotted out. I'm pissed at him, as well as myself for not noticing before.

Gym this morning and then an open calendar for mischief and debauchery.
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Well-known member
Premium user
mama Mia that is a long drive…about an 800 mile round trip

so I stopped at a few convenience stores for gas and coffee

most places were over $2 bucks for a small cup!…..

dam , I need to get out more so the sticker shock won’t be so bad

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Glad you're back.
We were so miserable without you, it was like you never left😊