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On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Is it as flat as they say Kansas is?

yes…Kansas is the model of flatness



On a mailtrain.
Premium user
read this and knew what was coming Big😊

that question really got me going , but alas , I shall refrain from any more discussions of the Flat Earth , there is way to much cognitive dissonance to wade through to get to the truth..🤓🤓🤓

but yeah , Kansas is not as flat as its reputation

consider the Flint Hills for example….Coronado once visited Kansas



Well-known member
I dont remember if I told this one yet.
Years ago I had been drinking with a guy for 3 days straight And he FINALY sets sick and puked on the bar at a local beer joint. They threw us out for no reason so we decided to go home and crash. When we get to his place we had to turn around and go back to the bar because when he puked he had spit out his false teeth and was too drunk to notice at the time. 🤣
When I was working at a bar, a gal and her sister came in to celebrate that
the 1st. girl had finally gotten her dentures after a long wait time.
She celebrated a bit too hard, puked in the bathroom (thank goodness not
on my bar!). She didn't realize she had also puked out her brand new,
just got them that day... dentures. Then, flushed.
She naturally was inconsolable :)


Well-known member
gonna head over to the office today, got some oil in 5 gallon buckets which need to be in 55's...lots of lifting...sure wish I could find a few kids to do some of the cleanup...they don't and wont work

better a smart ass than a dumb ass...g'morning young lady...
Back atcha young man :)

As kids, one of my brothers would say in response to being called an asshole;
"I'd rather be an asshole than be a whole ass".
I thought it rather brilliant at the time, coming from my younger sib.
Later upon retrospection...
I'm sure he must have heard it somewhere and didn't think of it himself though.