Someone gifted me this 'erb called Gorilla Skittles - that was purchased at The Green Merchant

There useta be a small diner by the tracks in Deerfield Beach (south Floriduh) that served fried cooter and alligator. It was really good -- to the point I went and got seconds. TINS.View attachment 19101370
The whole world, Gypsy, at least our small part of it (OF's), is dying to know what in the heck Crocodile sticks taste like. Is it burning hot like a lot of Thai food, or is it too breaded to know? I have had frog legs, even spicy frog legs, so I know what some reptile tastes like (yum). I might get there one day, and want to know if it is worth the adventure, or not..![]()
I would give my left nut and a year in Hell to be able to shuck coconuts like that guy. Bloody amazing.Sorry mate - I didn't partake - but I'm thinking about it - will be over there again later on this week - and might - just might try and eat a bit of crocodile-
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There was so much food there - but I'd just had a big breakfast - from this huge hotel buffet - so wasn't hungry - was thirsty though - so found a guy with some coconuts - and he extracted the white meat and juice within it perfectly - from the husk -
- fresh coconut juice when chilled - is particularly good at quenching the thirst -
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He shells the coconut- and sells the meat and juice of the fruit - which are both very healthy to drink and eat -
They have so much - so many spices - sauces and flavours even I am yet to discover - after being a keen and regular visitor to Thailand - for over 4 decades now - wow - does time fly - alot of Thai cuisine/sauces are based around fish and soy sauces - alot of Tamarind is used too - often with coconutThere useta be a small diner by the tracks in Deerfield Beach (south Floriduh) that served fried cooter and alligator. It was really good -- to the point I went and got seconds. TINS.
Gator is bland like chicken or frogs legs. Not an "edgy" flavor like liver or oysters. I never had crocodile, but then crocodile/gavial/alligator are just different kinds of chickens.
But I haven't a clue as to what spices they put on them in the Pacific Rim.
DURIAN!!! <-- YIKES -- In public? I was introduced to durian a half-century ago (ohshit... more than a half-century!) I can still smell the burned vomit odor.View attachment 19101392
There were some foods - that didn't look so appetising -
- and lotsa fruit - tropical fruit mainly - so many varieties -
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Yuck - Durian is a very popular and expensive fruit here - but it smells like someone who fell in a septic tank - and died - a very long-long time ago -
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Some huge Jackfruit was to be seen - makes me wonder who the Jack was - that had a fruit named after him -![]()
One time in High School, I put my hand in a big jar of mercury. What a weird feeling!how many of you old farts busted a thermometer and played with the mercury?…
many times for me…..I know , that may explain a lot of things about my state of being
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Awright. Unca's Fess-Up To Cowardice Time. I have been on CNN hand-feeding sharks. I even have the video.I have seen a video of my friend who owned A fishing stop for over over 30 years.
He stays in Fla for the winter. He was with a friend visiting him . A teacher and a terminator concerning fishing.
In a small boat fishing the friend says "Hey Stan ! whats that?" The friend was recording scenery. Stan says "Dont know". Minute later I hear the stress in the friends voice " Hey Stan Stan".
They recognized it to be a saltwater croc and charged the boat.
It was all on camera .video and voice .
After that Stan got a bigger boat.
Ya - I steer clear of Durian too - like you - it gave me the trots - for a coupla days also - as if I'd eaten something that had died and rotted - just like the fruit smells -DURIAN!!! <-- YIKES -- In public? I was introduced to durian a half-century ago (ohshit... more than a half-century!) I can still smell the burned vomit odor.
It stunk so bad, there was a law you could not have one in a hotel lobby or on a bus. <-- TINS Dunno if this still obtains. But if somebody dropped one on the floor, the smell would last for days.
The smell is very strong and has been described as a combination of sulfur, sewage, fruit, honey, and roasted and rotting onions. A study on the aromatic compounds in durian found 44 active compounds, including some that contribute to scents of skunk, caramel, rotten egg, fruit, and soup seasoning.
To me, it smelled like a leper with diarrhea. Oh... Another thing: Durian is sorta poisonous with a texture of baby shit. The little that I (had to) eat gave me cramps and the quick-step for two days.
Wanna know what is even better? If neither knows the way, and both contribute to finding out way(s).in the hands of someone who knows the way.
Yabbut... you fuck withActually it might take Admin to do it...depending on if the mods are given access to the Admin Control Panel. Gypsy can change it at any rate.
Dear me... That rang a bell. Horny Vulcans, Batman!!View attachment 19101628
A week into Pon Farr for Bubba and he is nearly insane at this point.
Only thing saving me is his virginity cuz if he KNEW what his instincts were actually telling him he would be in it.......hopefully distract him with some steaks.
Poor fellas not eating much.
Mark it: "Botanical Specimen -- DO NOT DELAY" on a box and send it to me.Roll it up![]()
Now now - that sounds suspiciously like someone talking to a sperm donor -Mark it: "Botanical Specimen -- DO NOT DELAY" on a box and send it to me.
Now you've got me curious - Hmmm - must have missed something - hard to keep up with this thread - it's so busy - which is good - but hard to keep up with -Yabbut... you fuck withmyhis vacation over there, I'll get D.B. to whack you so hard that anyone that even looks like you will get hurt.
I buy my socks two or three dozen at a time so they are all identical and no sorting required. When I find a hole in them, I tie a knot in them and throw them away.I bet you have another pair just like that in the drawer!
I do that as well. Don't care!