Something I lernt about distilling is, when you ferment fruit juices/sugars. It produces acetone and methanal and other alcohols . Wines are just fermented fruit and not distilled. It still has them in it. The higher amount of them the more hangover you get.It's a BIG glass... .
I'm dehydrated this morning, and I had around half a bottle of rioja with the wife yesterday evening. Alcohol does do it to me.
But we've decided we don't really need to be drinking anymore, we both feel ill in the mornings after a glass or two. But a bottle always lands in the shopping trolley when doing the Saturday shop.
I do like a cold bottle of beer if the sun is shining and my chores are done though. I'd drink more fizzy drinks but our daft government have put sugar taxes on them so to get around this the manufacturers are filling them with sweeteners and, well sweeteners act like laxatives.
We found this out as school children, we used to buy some sugar free mints on the way to school in the mornings, scoff them and be farting in class all day for the giggles.
I can't risk any kinda sucralose fart these days.
Good clean moonshine has no hangover headache.
I have 2 troybuilt walk behinds and 2 front tine tillers. I used one of the troybuilt on the garden to mix the chit in. It kicked my asss fighting it.... I'm doing a second till with the front tine tiller as it digs deeper than the troys. To me the front tine tillers are easer to use but take longer to till the same area. They don't drag you along thus no fighting it as hard. That's what hurt me.....
I get those micro tillers all the time for repairs. They are good for weeding but not a deep till.
Looks like we might get a little rain... OH the HUMIDITY!!!! 73% atm
The stud