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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
You're lucky to be able to sleep. I haven't slept for years.
I've been up since 2am - after crashing at 8pm - been for a nice walk along the Thames - visited Smudge and Spanky - both fed and petted - nice quite world here in suburban London - in the early summer mornings 🌄 hardly anyone is up and about so early on a Sunday morning -

- now to walk back home 🏡 - and wait for the family to wake ⏰️ up for breakfast - then I'll take the kids on another long walk to the fancy Nuffield Health Club - for gym and swim 🏊‍♂️ - get them active and worked out - ready for dinner time - and after that I'll do some writing ✍️ - and maybe watch something on Netflix - before snoozing off into the evening again 😀 -


Well-known member
I've been up since 2am - after crashing at 8pm - been for a nice walk along the Thames - visited Smudge and Spanky - both fed and petted - nice quite world here in suburban London - in the early summer mornings 🌄 hardly anyone is up and about so early on a Sunday morning -

- now to walk back home 🏡 - and wait for the family to wake ⏰️ up for breakfast - then I'll take the kids on another long walk to the fancy Nuffield Health Club - for gym and swim 🏊‍♂️ - get them active and worked out - ready for dinner time - and after that I'll do some writing ✍️ - and maybe watch something on Netflix - before snoozing off into the evening again 😀 -
Good morning.
I've got a link to probably the best podcast I've ever seen, much better than watching anything on Netflix,....if your interested.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Good morning.
I've got a link to probably the best podcast I've ever seen, much better than watching anything on Netflix,....if your interested.

Jeez - that's a long podcast - 3 hours plus - I'll have to listen to it bit by bit - ahh - Jesus gets high on snake venom? - or is it the anti-venom? - POLYPHARMACY - hmmm - interesting - using multiple drugs - some odd claims indeed 🤔

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Ya - I've always loved dancing - in all it's many forms - at 6-7 years old I was part of an English Country Dancing troupe - that got to travel and perform around southern England mostly - then my Mother enrolled me in a Jazz/Ballet and Tap dancing class - where I was the only boy - all the gals made a big fuss over me - and I was very popular as a dance partner - in my 20's I joined a Chippendales like dance group called 'The Dream Boys' in Hong Kong (best job I ever had - as a male dancer/stripper) - and always enjoyed hitting the dance floors where ever I was in the world - was a great way to meet and break the ice with the ladies - and led to many fun and meaningful relationships - over the years - got to know my current wife - on that first date - on the dancefloor -

- in my 30's I became a qualified Royal Society of Arts aerobics teacher here in the UK - 🇬🇧 - and did many different fitness modules to learn many ways to teach people how to exercise to music 🎶 on land and in the water (aqua aerobics) -- and had very popular classes at many gyms and swimming pools - for quite a few years -

These days I mostly dance around the kitchen with my daughter - lol

Here's something that popped up in my youtube feed yesterday - this gal must be made of rubber - she's so bendy -

You, my friend, have Lived. With a capital "L".

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Ya - I've been around - figuratively and quite literally too - so many stories to tell - and I did start writing about some of them - earlier this year - before open heart surgery kinda interjected - and pain meds T-Boned my chain of thought - but now/soon is the time to get back to writing my 'Smugg'lin Stories' again - previewing here on ICMAG - in the VIP Lounge - already have nearly finished the first chapter - lol

Must now get back to the discipline of writing a coupla/few pages per day - and it's good mental therapy to stay cerebrally sharp as I age - I find - to spend at least a couple of hours per day - digging deep into my memory - to paint a picture of words about my crazy past life - much of it stranger than fiction -
Absolutely top drawer! Didja blow two quid and get a recording/editing hand-held? No?

Speech-to-type <-- Easy on the fingers.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I've been up since 2am - after crashing at 8pm - been for a nice walk along the Thames - visited Smudge and Spanky - both fed and petted - nice quite world here in suburban London - in the early summer mornings 🌄 hardly anyone is up and about so early on a Sunday morning -

- now to walk back home 🏡 - and wait for the family to wake ⏰️ up for breakfast - then I'll take the kids on another long walk to the fancy Nuffield Health Club - for gym and swim 🏊‍♂️ - get them active and worked out - ready for dinner time - and after that I'll do some writing ✍️ - and maybe watch something on Netflix - before snoozing off into the evening again 😀 -
You will find, Grasshopper, that your sleep patterns will become erratic.

Yesterday, I slept 'til 5AM. Today, I was out of the shower at 3AM.

MySonTheDoctor sez that's the way the game is played. It becomes more of an oddity/curiosity than anything else after a while.

So the simple answer is to take a fargin nap when you fargin feel like taking a fargin nap. Done.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters! Hugz all around!

Wetly today, with an "atmospheric river" passing through, starting at 55F and predicted to reach 62F.

An open calendar open to debauchery!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Absolutely top drawer! Didja blow two quid and get a recording/editing hand-held? No?

Speech-to-type <-- Easy on the fingers.
No - didn't do that just yet Walt - I'll take a look at the gadget - then see if it suits me first - I'm so used to writing then correcting as I go - it'll be a big change to start speech to type - but of course - change can be good 👍

Unca Walt

Well-known member
No - didn't do that just yet Walt - I'll take a look at the gadget - then see if it suits me first - I'm so used to writing then correcting as I go - it'll be a big change to start speech to type - but of course - change can be good 👍
You doan haveta stop writing. If that is how your groove goes, fine. Most ricky-tick do it thataway.

THEN... you pick up your (essentially an AI) and read what you wrote out loud.

The gadget will change your very, very interesting but execrable sentence structure into a passable read.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
(*wheeze*) I am all out of pants and puffs. Just got done chainsawing and dragging off five Florida Holly trees (AKA: Brazilian Pepper -- a rhus toxin plant like poison ivy.)

They'd grown over my swale, making the lawn there hard impossibobble to cut.

It is already 90F, so it is SOMA** time.

**Sit On My Ass