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The official 2020 Trump re election thread.

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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
First you mock certain news organizations.

Then you use Trump as a source? Pot meet Kettle. Got anything to back up what Trump said?? Didn't think so.

according to Einsteins theory of hempy-tivity when a brain starts to spin so rapidly it becomes an informational black hole,so info can't get in and only random gibberish emerges...

it's science yo!:biggrin:


Active member
I campaigned for Candidate Trump.

I am a third positionist, thus I appreciate that my politics don't necessarily resonate with the average Trump Supporter. But even from my disposition, I just cannot comprehend how anyone not financially affiliated with his success can be anything but ambivalent about his re-election.

He campaigned as a not-so-subtle ethnic nationalist. It wasn't "we need to curb immigration." It was "we need to keep the Mexicans out...after all, somebody is doing the raping." Now it's "we love our Mexican immigrants; we need more! They just have to do it legally!"

All he talks about on Twitter is black unemployment rates and how great 'le based' mentally ill trannies are. Deep down, he is a neoliberal.

He's literally never mentioned white people- ya know, the folks who elected him- by name. We don't exist.

He called those of us who attempted to protect monuments in Charlottesville "Nazi's," who were "full of hate," then laughed as many of us- his own supporters- were sent to prison on BS charges. Three years later, during election season, it's now suddenly very important that we keep our monuments.

Every promise that he makes has three stages:

1) Edgy tweet for boomer chain emails. He gets his dopamine rush, then sleeps.

2) Next day, he'll "look into it" [whatever the problem is]

3) Stops talking about it.

(There is one exception: Jewish issues. Israel wanted their capital moved, he acted. NYC Jews wanted non-enforcement of Covid social distancing, they got it. Israel wanted an increase in aid, they got it. etc.)

Normal Trump supporters can't even express themselves on Facebook or Twitter because Trump is terrified of admitting that these platforms represent the 21st century public square; no, to Trump they are just "private companies"...If he intervened, what about 'muh liberty?'

What kind of tangible thing do Trump supporters hope to gain from his re-election?

While I'm certainly no leftist, I think I can offer some hope to leftists should Trump be re-elected: Don't worry. Conservatives don't actually win, at anything, ever. They won't do anything you dislike, they'll just tweet edgy shit then immediately fail.

Trump is like a pressure-relief valve for low information, morally decent white people IMO. Ultimately his maintenance of power does more harm than good, as it fools the aforementioned into a false sense of calm.

When it comes to actual policies, actual accomplishments...literally Justin Trudeau and Macron are more based than Trump could ever be.
Sock puppet alert.


ICMag Donor
trump supporters "morally decent white people"? LOL! those i work with are the most racist close-minded know-nothing take their cues from above asshats i have ever met. we would still have slavery & daily lynchings if it was up to them. there is no scenario they cannot twist (or try) into something that is black/brown/liberals fault. a lot like trump, in other words...

Asshat president with an executive order for those tearing town statues.

Keep in mind, these statues memorialize men who owned people, and men who bought and sold people. 150 years ago that was ok. 75 years ago maybe we could look the other way. Today, looking back, that is wrong. Any good deeds they might have done for the country are negated because of what they did. If they were found to be serial rapers they would be treated the same - No statue for you. Today it is definitely not ok.


Well-known member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The statues memorialize men who[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]went to war against this country.


Active member
Misfits who want open borders
Illegal aliens and murderers having a right to vote
To eradicate the 1st and 2nd amendment
Higher taxes ,less jobs,more gov. Control

See I don't have love for Trump ,but trump loves America ,I love America
So I'm not voting for Trump I'm voting for America

While i believe that each one of your concerns is nonsense, i will target the first one.
I worked as a travel nurse for over a decade, and i have worked everywhere. Big cities, small towns, north, south, east and west, industrial and rural...lots and lots of rural. And everywhere i went, i saw illegal immigrants. They work in hotels, casinos, golf courses, construction, meat processors, ranches and farms. Lots and lots of farms. All of these businesses are extremely dependent on cheap labor from south of the border.
Now, i cant prove the next part, but i am 100% true that it occurs. Each one of these industries have trade groups that employ lobbyists. These lobbyists tell their favorite politicians not to pass immigration reform that impacts their businesses, and of course, campaign contributions are attached. And nothing ever changes.

Immigration has been a topic of concern for republicans for awhile. Presidents from both parties have pushed for reform. Looking squarely at republicans, because it seems to be an issue for right leaning voters, they have controlled both parties of congress and the presidency multiple times since the 1980’s. They could have passed legislation to make their voters happy. But they never have. Bush jr had the presidency for 8years and iirc, he also had both houses for a while. Nothing changed. Trump had the same for his first two years. Nothing changed.
Why? Because the politicians are getting paid to NOT change immigration.
You can Sling shit at lefties for their soft hearts, but the real reason illegal immigrants are in this country, is because your team lets them stay.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Asshat president with an executive order for those tearing town statues.

Keep in mind, these statues memorialize men who owned people, and men who bought and sold people. 150 years ago that was ok. 75 years ago maybe we could look the other way. Today, looking back, that is wrong. Any good deeds they might have done for the country are negated because of what they did. If they were found to be serial rapers they would be treated the same - No statue for you. Today it is definitely not ok.
what about serial philanderers?:)


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
While i believe that each one of your concerns is nonsense, i will target the first one.
I worked as a travel nurse for over a decade, and i have worked everywhere. Big cities, small towns, north, south, east and west, industrial and rural...lots and lots of rural. And everywhere i went, i saw illegal immigrants. They work in hotels, casinos, golf courses, construction, meat processors, ranches and farms. Lots and lots of farms. All of these businesses are extremely dependent on cheap labor from south of the border.
Now, i cant prove the next part, but i am 100% true that it occurs. Each one of these industries have trade groups that employ lobbyists. These lobbyists tell their favorite politicians not to pass immigration reform that impacts their businesses, and of course, campaign contributions are attached. And nothing ever changes.

Immigration has been a topic of concern for republicans for awhile. Presidents from both parties have pushed for reform. Looking squarely at republicans, because it seems to be an issue for right leaning voters, they have controlled both parties of congress and the presidency multiple times since the 1980’s. They could have passed legislation to make their voters happy. But they never have. Bush jr had the presidency for 8years and iirc, he also had both houses for a while. Nothing changed. Trump had the same for his first two years. Nothing changed.
Why? Because the politicians are getting paid to NOT change immigration.
You can Sling shit at lefties for their soft hearts, but the real reason illegal immigrants are in this country, is because your team lets them stay.

plus americans are waaaaaaay too lazy to pick crops themselves without huge machines...lots of agriculture around here,i would love to see americans willing to pick chile when it's 100 frickin degrees out


Active member
Asshat president with an executive order for those tearing town statues.

Keep in mind, these statues memorialize men who owned people, and men who bought and sold people. 150 years ago that was ok. 75 years ago maybe we could look the other way. Today, looking back, that is wrong. Any good deeds they might have done for the country are negated because of what they did. If they were found to be serial rapers they would be treated the same - No statue for you. Today it is definitely not ok.

Who gives a single fuck ?
Do you ?
It's not about the statues
It's about the lawless wild abandon in which these pasty white little rich kids go around in masks to threaten and terrorize innocent ppl.
And trying to rewrite history
Sock puppet alert.

Yes. Trump has, objectively, accomplished zero of his significant campaign promises. Most of them he no longer even pretends to pursue.

He's polling at 38 percent against a man who literally has Alzheimer's Disease. And his detractors are merely sock puppets.

It's not that you're in a cult of personality and I'm someone interested in political change. No. Definitely not.

The DNC owes me some serious money.


Well-known member
Who gives a single fuck ?
Do you ?
It's not about the statues
It's about the lawless wild abandon in which these pasty white little rich kids go around in masks to threaten and terrorize innocent ppl.
And trying to rewrite history

I am sure if they hired somebody to remove them nicely the mobs could better direct their energy.

Fill museums with all the history. Good and bad. I highly doubt anyone is thanking Columbus for discovering America everytime they see his statue. What good does it really do to have imagines of anyone on display in public?


Active member
While i believe that each one of your concerns is nonsense, i will target the first one.
I worked as a travel nurse for over a decade, and i have worked everywhere. Big cities, small towns, north, south, east and west, industrial and rural...lots and lots of rural. And everywhere i went, i saw illegal immigrants. They work in hotels, casinos, golf courses, construction, meat processors, ranches and farms. Lots and lots of farms. All of these businesses are extremely dependent on cheap labor from south of the border.
Now, i cant prove the next part, but i am 100% true that it occurs. Each one of these industries have trade groups that employ lobbyists. These lobbyists tell their favorite politicians not to pass immigration reform that impacts their businesses, and of course, campaign contributions are attached. And nothing ever changes.

Immigration has been a topic of concern for republicans for awhile. Presidents from both parties have pushed for reform. Looking squarely at republicans, because it seems to be an issue for right leaning voters, they have controlled both parties of congress and the presidency multiple times since the 1980’s. They could have passed legislation to make their voters happy. But they never have. Bush jr had the presidency for 8years and iirc, he also had both houses for a while. Nothing changed. Trump had the same for his first two years. Nothing changed.
Why? Because the politicians are getting paid to NOT change immigration.
You can Sling shit at lefties for their soft hearts, but the real reason illegal immigrants are in this country, is because your team lets them stay.
So you admit Obama locked kids in cages. ?I play for team USA and right now the only reasonable choice for protecting what I hold dear is a big orange narcissistic over achiever who happens to be very good at business ...
Running the USA is a business..


Active member
Yes. Trump has, objectively, accomplished zero of his significant campaign promises. Most of them he no longer even pretends to pursue.

He's polling at 38 percent against a man who literally has Alzheimer's Disease. And his detractors are merely sock puppets.

It's not that you're in a cult of personality and I'm someone interested in political change. No. Definitely not.

The DNC owes me some serious money.

I don't believe a word you say .
I am calling you a liar.
You're a sock puppet.
Your free to think of me as you wish I won't think of you at all
I'm sure you're a nice fella but I've got no time for you
I don't believe a word you say .
I am calling you a liar.
You're a sock puppet.
Your free to think of me as you wish I won't think of you at all
I'm sure you're a nice fella but I've got no time for you

Well, OK. I've been called worse. But this is a political thread after all, is it not?

So what am I lying about exactly?
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