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The official 2020 Trump re election thread.

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I campaigned for Candidate Trump.

I am a third positionist, thus I appreciate that my politics don't necessarily resonate with the average Trump Supporter. But even from my disposition, I just cannot comprehend how anyone not financially affiliated with his success can be anything but ambivalent about his re-election.

He campaigned as a not-so-subtle ethnic nationalist. It wasn't "we need to curb immigration." It was "we need to keep the Mexicans out...after all, somebody is doing the raping." Now it's "we love our Mexican immigrants; we need more! They just have to do it legally!"

All he talks about on Twitter is black unemployment rates and how great 'le based' mentally ill trannies are. Deep down, he is a neoliberal.

He's literally never mentioned white people- ya know, the folks who elected him- by name. We don't exist.

He called those of us who attempted to protect monuments in Charlottesville "Nazi's," who were "full of hate," then laughed as many of us- his own supporters- were sent to prison on BS charges. Three years later, during election season, it's now suddenly very important that we keep our monuments.

Every promise that he makes has three stages:

1) Edgy tweet for boomer chain emails. He gets his dopamine rush, then sleeps.

2) Next day, he'll "look into it" [whatever the problem is]

3) Stops talking about it.

(There is one exception: Jewish issues. Israel wanted their capital moved, he acted. NYC Jews wanted non-enforcement of Covid social distancing, they got it. Israel wanted an increase in aid, they got it. etc.)

Normal Trump supporters can't even express themselves on Facebook or Twitter because Trump is terrified of admitting that these platforms represent the 21st century public square; no, to Trump they are just "private companies"...If he intervened, what about 'muh liberty?'

What kind of tangible thing do Trump supporters hope to gain from his re-election?

While I'm certainly no leftist, I think I can offer some hope to leftists should Trump be re-elected: Don't worry. Conservatives don't actually win, at anything, ever. They won't do anything you dislike, they'll just tweet edgy shit then immediately fail.

Trump is like a pressure-relief valve for low information, morally decent white people IMO. Ultimately his maintenance of power does more harm than good, as it fools the aforementioned into a false sense of calm.

When it comes to actual policies, actual accomplishments...literally Justin Trudeau and Macron are more based than Trump could ever be.
Bernie got robbed of the nomination.


Yes but Bernie was/is not a man. He's a coward in every sense of the word.
We're obviously coming from a different starting point, but I agree that he has many excellent policy ideas. Alas he never could have implemented any of them. The guy struggles to make eye contact with other men with whom he disagrees lol, no way he'd have the fight to enact real change against the big players of the world.

If he was elected this November nothing tangible would change.


Active member
Name an example of Trump tweeting something that Republicans don't normally support. I was against the ban on bump stocks and I'm definitely not alone. But outside of that I can't really think of anything to support your claim.

Republicans have traditionally supported free trade, been against trade wars and also against raising taxes through tariffs. Trump’s trade wars against what seems like every trading partner we have went against all three of the principles i mentioned.

Uncle, can we please get a hat trick emoji :biggrin:


ICMag Donor
Bernie got robbed of the nomination.


Bernie was my first choice, but he shot himself in the foot by taking on the title Democratic Socialist.
I really thought it was inappropriate, incorrect and scary to the lesser informed.


Well-known member
Republicans have traditionally supported free trade, been against trade wars and also against raising taxes through tariffs. Trump’s trade wars against what seems like every trading partner we have went against all three of the principles i mentioned.

Uncle, can we please get a hat trick emoji :biggrin:

So just let China keep taking advantage of our trade deals? The trade war is a long game not a fast fix, hopefully it will help middle class Americans who have been negatively impacted by past trade deals.


Active member
So just let China keep taking advantage of our trade deals? The trade war is a long game not a fast fix, hopefully it will help middle class Americans who have been negatively impacted by past trade deals.

Boogie, what are you smoking/vaping today?
Please do not misconstrue the question, as i really want to know. I am currently vaping spyderweb by icmag member CannedAbyss.

As for your question/comment, personally, i never really cared about trade deals with China or anyone else. I suppose that’s kind of selfish of me, but it never impacted my life in a meaningful way, so i never gave it much thought. But i did learn a long time ago that trade wars are extremely destructive to economies, which is why the USA hasn’t really engaged in one since the 1930’s. If i were the president, which thankfully i am not, i would have gotten together with some of our allies who engage in lots of trade with China and try to negotiate better terms. And As for the tech companies whose patents and tech are getting ripped off in China, i would tell them maybe they should change their neighborhood and bring your manufacturing back home where your shit can be protected. Yeah, you might have to pay more taxes, but think of it like protection money. ha ha....sorry, i have been watching BadBlood on Netflix.

Also, trump said that tradewars are easy to win. If he was mocked for that its because, like you said, trade wars are a long game


Well-known member
trump supporters "morally decent white people"? LOL! those i work with are the most racist close-minded know-nothing take their cues from above asshats i have ever met. we would still have slavery & daily lynchings if it was up to them. there is no scenario they cannot twist (or try) into something that is black/brown/liberals fault. a lot like trump, in other words...


Active member
Yeah. Sure.

"Fox News 'mistakenly' crops Trump out of photo with Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein"


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
"BREAKING NEWS: The Mortality Rate for the China Virus in the U.S. is just about the LOWEST IN THE WORLD! Also, Deaths in the U.S. are way down, a tenfold decrease since the Pandemic height (and, our Economy is coming back strong!)."
-Donald Trump, via Twitter, Jul 6, 2020


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
going off topic here for a second..

hey boogie,when you get your spiderfarmer light fired up there's a few led growers who hang out in my tokers den thread if you have any questions about leds...

back to business....ummm...trump sucks! lol

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
"Why does the Lamestream Fake News Media REFUSE to say that China Virus deaths are down 39%, and that we now have the lowest Fatality (Mortality) Rate in the World. They just can’t stand that we are doing so well for our Country!"
-Donald Trump, via Twitter, Jul 6, 2020


Active member
First you mock certain news organizations.
Think CNN, NYT, WP, MSNBC, Joe Biden, etc...

Then you use Trump as a source? Pot meet Kettle. Got anything to back up what Trump said?? Didn't think so.
"BREAKING NEWS: The Mortality Rate for the China Virus in the U.S. is just about the LOWEST IN THE WORLD! Also, Deaths in the U.S. are way down, a tenfold decrease since the Pandemic height (and, our Economy is coming back strong!)."
-Donald Trump, via Twitter, Jul 6, 2020


Active member
Dumbest shit I have read yet, just because you fools worshipping Obama doesn't mean we worship Trump. The democratic party is the party of misfits, don't be upset because I don't want to join you.

Misfits who want open borders
Illegal aliens and murderers having a right to vote
To eradicate the 1st and 2nd amendment
Higher taxes ,less jobs,more gov. Control

See I don't have love for Trump ,but trump loves America ,I love America
So I'm not voting for Trump I'm voting for America
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