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The official 2020 Trump re election thread.

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Well-known member


Trump's gonna be POTUS for 4 more years...No mob mentality group of stoners and a Aussie troll can change that

Sure thing Dude.....

But back in the real world your looking at the collapse of the GOP.

Are you ready for President Biden? Come January he's gonna sweep all of you clowns into the dustbin of history. Your gonna lose. Sure, tRump gonna try to pull some loser shit. If it was gonna be close I'd worry. But it's not. Everyone is sick of tRump. Even my worthless BIL is getting desperate.

It's kinda funny in a sad, sick way. I thought the moron would start a war, but it turns out he's a coward. Instead he's displays his incompetence while plague ravishes our county. He could have easily won his second term if he handled it competently, he didn't and he won't. President Nero will fiddle while we burn and people will die needlessly. This will continue until President Biden takes control and does the things tRump wouldn't do. Like give a shit.

Oddly enough tRump and the plague can be thanked for quickly changing the political order. Normally order changes slowly, but in this case.... death and incompetence will touch us all. Your looking at a political reordering. Big one. President, House, and Senate. All in Dems hands after this is done.

Then the investigations start....

I'll save that for later....


Active member
We should build a monument to John Hinckley Jr and place it in front of the Reagan library so we don't forget our history.


Active member
So you admit Obama locked kids in cages ?

I wasn’t commenting on kids in cages. I thought your comment about pasty face kids running amok was funny and i was adding to it.

You are seriously getting ganged up on. I don’t want to ad to it. I am going to hit the vape. I hope you do too. No need to respond.
Yeah, Dems are going to dominate for 4-12 years. But the Republican Party will be fine long-term.

Conservatism is a vapid ideology and as such, it changes more than a chameleon. First conservatism was about all spreading democracy around the world, then it wasn't. It was all about the free market...except for when we need government intervention in times of crisis and oh, except for free trade. And except for the farm bill. And except for foreign aid. And except for...

Conservatism was about traditional family values. Lost that fight, now conservatism is about mentally ill transsexuals taking a dump in the girls bathroom...so long as said tranny supports tax cuts! Democrats are the REAL bigots (insert low brow Ann Coulter meeme)! etc.

The Republican Party will be fine long term. America is over, but the Republican Party ain't.


Active member
Well, OK. I've been called worse. But this is a political thread after all, is it not?

So what am I lying about exactly?

Ev Er y Th ing __
Over 200 miles of border security already in place.
Promise kept...

Booming economy
Lowest unemployment rates for every single demographic
Promise kept .

My 401 k is getting fat.
Promise kept.

Listen guy's I'm all out of energy for getting ganged up on.
It's been real
It's been fun
But it aint been real fun.

Back to your echo chamber.
Ev Er y Th ing __
Over 200 miles of border security already in place.
Promise kept...

Booming economy
Lowest unemployment rates for every single demographic
Promise kept .

My 401 k is getting fat.
Promise kept.

Listen guy's I'm all out of energy for getting ganged up on.
It's been real
It's been fun
But it aint been real fun.

Back to your echo chamber.

There is no wall.

Moreoever, the whole point of the wall was to halt immigration...Trump has deported fewer immigrants than Obama. It was all a ruse. Trump has literally called for an increase in "legal" immigration.

'muh stonk market' is not a real gauge of the economy. Trumps unemployment rate is worse than Obama's on aggregate.

The nation is on the verge of civil war, whites under viscious attack...Trump unloads edgy tweets and does nothing.

We would be literally in a race war right now if we weren't all too fat and unambitious for a 30 yard dash.

Thank you.

Trumps twitter account is not real life, friend.


Well-known member
Yes. Trump has, objectively, accomplished zero of his significant campaign promises. Most of them he no longer even pretends to pursue.

He's polling at 38 percent against a man who literally has Alzheimer's Disease. And his detractors are merely sock puppets.

It's not that you're in a cult of personality and I'm someone interested in political change. No. Definitely not.

The DNC owes me some serious money.

Trump promised to...

Withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord
Withdraw from the Trans Pacific Partnership
Withdraw from the Iranian Nuclear Agreement
Renegotiate NAFTA
Withdraw from UNESCO
Withdraw from the World Trade Organization
Ask countries we protect to pay more for our defense
Suspend immigration from terror prone regions
Move U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
Appoint pro second ammendment supreme court justices
Lower taxes and regulations

All these promises were kept, to go even further I believe Mexico would pay for the wall if Trump had the power to make it happen. I'm betting if nobody was in the way he would have done everything he promised. Can you find another president with more promises kept? I'm genuinely curious. Also Trump won with a 38% approval rating, remember when we were called the 38%?


ICMag Donor
what about serial philanderers?:)

Like the one we got right now? Do worn out hooker count?

His monument is on the back side of Roosevelt at Rushmore.



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
So just let China keep taking advantage of our trade deals? The trade war is a long game not a fast fix, hopefully it will help middle class Americans who have been negatively impacted by past trade deals.

Boogie, can you tell me how China was taking advantage besides the issue of currency manipulation? I may be wrong but the trade deficits of which Trump speaks simply appear to be = the other guy is selling better stuff cheaper. This occurred (occurs) despite the enormous welfare/protectionism given to US corporations and farmers [yes this was going on prior to the trump trade wars].

As stated by Amy[?] the stated conservative ideal was free trade. Free trade should be exactly as it states, no tariffs, taxes or we'll only buy this if you buy that.

If you can explain how this is unfair, strictly from a capitalist free market point of view, I'm all ears.

I do think that poor working conditions in other countries suck [but it is relative to cost of living] and the copying of patents is a problem but these are separate issues.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
going off topic here for a second..

hey boogie,when you get your spiderfarmer light fired up there's a few led growers who hang out in my tokers den thread if you have any questions about leds...

back to business....ummm...trump sucks! lol

Off topic too; did you get my note in my thread begging not to be banned for not growing enuf and blabbering over here?


ICMag Donor
i used to walk past a lot of housing projects in SF when I lived there and got some MEAN looks, mostly from African American folks.

THE ONE DAY I changed my walk to a different street - I got mugged.

Stay with the mean looks you know.

Although if you're a tourist, you're just as exposed as I was, walking on Geary, not aware of a gang of young kids who were terrorizing the project at Divisadero & Geary.

And the cops said there was nothing they can do.

A year after I was mugged, someone was shot, at the same bus stop where all the people who saw me get mugged, were sitting.

The young gang had a well established "Kill Zone".

Working my way through school I lived in the hood. When people know you, even casually, then they are less likely to pull crap on you because you know something about who they are and who they hang with.

I was working there and pretty familiar with the layout in that german . There are plenty of Neos there but I think people there are less tolerant of it than they are here.


Active member
Sure thing Dude.....

But back in the real world your looking at the collapse of the GOP.

Are you ready for President Biden? Come January he's gonna sweep all of you clowns into the dustbin of history. Your gonna lose. Sure, tRump gonna try to pull some loser shit. If it was gonna be close I'd worry. But it's not. Everyone is sick of tRump. Even my worthless BIL is getting desperate.

It's kinda funny in a sad, sick way. I thought the moron would start a war, but it turns out he's a coward. Instead he's displays his incompetence while plague ravishes our county. He could have easily won his second term if he handled it competently, he didn't and he won't. President Nero will fiddle while we burn and people will die needlessly. This will continue until President Biden takes control and does the things tRump wouldn't do. Like give a shit.

Oddly enough tRump and the plague can be thanked for quickly changing the political order. Normally order changes slowly, but in this case.... death and incompetence will touch us all. Your looking at a political reordering. Big one. President, House, and Senate. All in Dems hands after this is done.

Then the investigations start....

I'll save that for later....

I got 5 grand that say's you're wrong.
Wait till pedo joe comes out of hiding and opens his mouth
Watch the polls then.
Wanna know what happens when you don't learn from your mistakes of the past.
History repeats itself...
You still call us racist you still call us nazi's
The media spoonfeeds your talking points to you.
You still believe it and this time you got a guy that ppl are even less enthusiastic about running against him...
We're going to say fuck you again olny now theres more of us.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Trump promised to...

Withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord
Withdraw from the Trans Pacific Partnership
Withdraw from the Iranian Nuclear Agreement
Renegotiate NAFTA
Withdraw from UNESCO
Withdraw from the World Trade Organization
Ask countries we protect to pay more for our defense
Suspend immigration from terror prone regions
Move U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
Appoint pro second ammendment supreme court justices
Lower taxes and regulations

All these promises were kept, to go even further I believe Mexico would pay for the wall if Trump had the power to make it happen. I'm betting if nobody was in the way he would have done everything he promised. Can you find another president with more promises kept? I'm genuinely curious. Also Trump won with a 38% approval rating, remember when we were called the 38%?

Half of those aren't campaign promises.


Active member
Half of those aren't campaign promises.

Wrong they all are campaign promises
And all kept promises
You certainly run your mouth alot for someone who's out of touch .Maybe stop dropping acid and pay attention
Trump talked about everything on that list on the campaign trail.
Then delivered
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