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The new c2cc thread (old members please come in)


Active member
Whats up everybody :wave:

Yo Berk, Jay! :friends:

Excellent thread guys, awesome pics and info, been enjoyin it... havent posted but ive been subscribed :wink:

yes Beancounter, SICK!

Good to see it back up and running.. yall's 'on tha regular' camera work always makes it interesting.

... Berk the CT, ya know if its Katsu's cut? I think it is, looks alot like the one I grow.. but cant tell for sure..

AWESOME pics everyone, like the big M(N)MLH Cpt! Way to keep her under control :wink: Shes a strecher for sure, but like everyone said its greeeat stuff!


ICMag Donor
l_d_d said:
Whats up everybody :wave:

Yo Berk, Jay! :friends:... Berk the CT, ya know if its Katsu's cut? I think it is, looks alot like the one I grow.. but cant tell for sure..
hey broham, glad you made it in! Bout damn time, haha jk
The CT wehave came from a cat named barefoot S**** in southern Cali. Its the realio dealio katsu cut. Far as I know its the only known and worthy cut of CT. I just love her and everyone that checks her out agrees. top 5 clone in my heirloom collection. Of course there is a tie for 5th place with like 10 clones hahaha.
So berk, in order what are your favorite strains that you have at the moment. From the #1 strain to the least favorite.... in order. Im just curious where some of them fall in your top catagories. Im guessing the sour diesel is in the top five, along with maybe jackie-o, ATW, crypt, and maybe ssh? I look forward to your response :wink:


ICMag Donor
Shit, I knew you were gonna ask this question... Man CC its such a hard question cause they are all wickedness in their own ways. I mean are we talking overalls? or just the tastiest or the most potent .
I'll post a list of my current favorites in the overall category.
1.Strawberry cough (KK)
2.chocolate trip (katsu cut)
5.Sour d
5.Blueberry(berk's cut)

Well thats a rough estimation of the most coveted clones at my disposal bro. There are several others, and also some new ones with alot of potential. I'll post up shots of the clones once rooted and clone status. just cuts so far right now. So be patient, i dont wanna jinx any of them.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
haha leave it to a stoner to have five 5's in his top 10. and three 10's lol.

Whats up everybody

Yo Berk, Jay!

hey always good to see ya around.

ps: i liked the choco trip, only it didnt remind me of real choco thai in the slightest bit.

Hella Fella

Word captnCRONIC, thanks for the stick-up back there on page 2....

So MANY familiar names in here! Glad we can be back....

From a few OTHER threads I get the slight feeling that TICKLEMYBALLS is DANIMAL returned!!
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just don't molest my colas..
TickleThis. I don't even know who danimal is. but as you said and as bad news bears said, all you do when you assume is make and ASS out of U and ME


Active member
LOL, TeezMeBeez

Nice orderin Berk :smile:

TW and the GHP are kinda low down there imo :wink:

different strokes :smoker:

LOL, Ive grown 7 of your top 5. hehehe and 11 of the top 10.

:confused: how tha hell does that happen :chin:



just don't molest my colas..
l_d_d said:
LOL, Ive grown 7 of your top 5. hehehe and 11 of the top 10.

:confused: how tha hell does that happen :chin:


thats funny, I just counted and I'm at the same amount. I've grown 11 of his top 10 also. some of them I gave him, some he gave me. :dueling:


ICMag Donor
Just shows the good clones make their rounds and usually stay put. When I find a clone that serves a purpose, whether its my personal taste or someone elses close to me. I keep her going and spread the love to keep it around . It takes alot of time and space to sift through a pack of seeds. Fun it is, but not very practical. For me to let go of a clone only it must have pissed me off at some point. Trainwreck was actually cut early on but made its way back to my garden . I kept hearing reviews of it and had to run her again. But this time organic and lower on the nutes. I'm still not sure about the lemony pepper smell the wreck gives. Just not my cup o tea. Its a bitch to dial in for me as well. But I'll keep her around for a couple friends that like it aot. As for the GHP, I really do like her ldd, just not as much as those above her. Its got a great sweet/ hashy scent and a good solid high. Great bag appeal andlots of gooey frost. those are reasons she stays. I wish the stems could hold more weight. But other than that its a keeper for some people. Those 2 made the top 10. But just barely IMHO. Some of those new genes may sneek their way into the top 10 ldd. Then somethings got to give.. lol it really is alot of fun growing, watching, learning, dialing, trimming, smoking. rinse and repeat. woot


Active member
^^^^ Yeppers Berk. Just goes to show :smile:

And ya man seeds are very very fun, but tried and true clones rock something serious. Seeds take FOREVER ya know. And there are good ones, dont get me wrong, but the best imho arent even commercially avail, from my experience at least.

I love the trainwreck smell, dig it harcore. Ive neevr run it in anything but organic, just MSm mix and she loves it. Ive found her to be a really easy plant to grow for me. There might be more potential, dunno, but Im very happy with the dials I get... never had a prob.

Now the Diesel, and the Schrom too, those bitches do not like me. I think the heat. Just cant seem to keep em happy with organics/soil... hydro ones are a different story... in a different setting. The Deez I cant get to not yellow after a month orso into flower... I have two right now in 10 gal bags and they are still yellowing a bit! I think its alot to do with heat though, both of them really seem to not like it.... they never want to fill out.

The GHP was my hydro baby for years. I still love her, its sooooo hard to narrow down a top 3 or 5 or even 10 for me ... but shed be up there no doubt. She just never lets me down, in all aspects and Ive never had an even remotely 'bad' batch with my sometimes abusive ways. I love the high too,, plenty of the indica I like and still has ok head... and doesnt get me all racy like alot of stuff. Fast as hell too. The chaos and green crack are faster though... GC soon. I did lose my mom of GHP and have about a 1/4 jar of cured goodness left, its sooooo hard for me to stay away from it lol... I gotta get some back in veg rockin sometime. I think Moonshines Nice has to be in my top 3 or 5... hehe gonna sneak into the dwindling jar now. I can get em fairly big, but ya they are kinda light when done n dry... not real heavy or anything...

But ya this hobby of ours its hella fun bubba, and I agree with ya too, :wink: I personally see some sneakin and something givin' in tha future. ;) ... but only time will tell.

I still need to really get the Scough dialed in too. Is she a heavy feeder? Like to be dry or wet? Maybe it has been the heat thats finally leaving :woohoo: but I dont think she likes me all that much so far. Ill kick her into gear eventually. Not gonna be one that I toss or flower out the mom then regret it like hell. :wink:

Also, I noticed a BKSSH, at first I thought it was bubba dutch and a typo but no cuz thats on there.... Is that Bubba Kush x SSH? Anybackground on it?

And whats the Dwarf, sounds liek a lil'un ... never heard of that one.

Well everyone take it easy and enjoy the holiday. Make sure to bring your munchies, then go get yourself some more munchies before digging into the leftovers. ;)


ICMag Donor
The Trainwreck got the chop at 63 days. It was outstanding. I finally got a chunky monster of it. Smells like some lemony pepper oil or something. Wicked looking and smelling but the trichs are tiny arent they. I prefer the large trichs but this plant is frosty enough to make up for it. I didnt get any harv pics. Camera is on vacation. lol
Schrom is a wonderplant up here. Its got the most hybrid vigor i ever seen! It outgrows everything. its also some of the strongest pot around. Some love the smell and others hate it. But everyone loves how stoned it make s you. Well, not the lightweights. haha My sister almost threw up she felt so stoned. lol poor thing. Its definately a keeper. Somewhat nute sensative. She likes medium strength nutes and all the light she can get. Schrom really loves GH nutes. But organic produces the best smoke. Takes about 70 for the potent stuff. But so worth it IMHO.
The Sour D is a keeper for eternity! Shes a nute hog and a light whore and a real bitch to train properly for yields. But it does well topped many times. The narly greased skunk scent is a real treat! Offensive to some and candy to others. It always gives a fast high although not as long lasting as some. Its a good quality stoning. Clean even. 70 days for good shit.
I recently started a GHP in flower. It looks so dainty and weak to begin with. Then all the sudden fluffy frosty buds galore woot!Its no commercial kind plant IMHO. But the quality of smoke is second to none realy. Its smooth and sweet with a strong stoning. Thats why shes staying. Good meds. Shes real fast too. Like 50's and shes mature. Not as fast as MTF but close.
The Scough is a finicky little bitch in veg. She likes mild nutes throughout and lots of light. A seriously heavy yielder! I love this clone with all my heart. Not only great yields but a flavor to match. Along with a real good high. Scough dont like beign too wet. she thrives more so on the dry side. Very sensative to pesticides and environmental changes. Its good meds for those who are sleep deprived. It just knocks me out. Specially after dinner or sex . woot! To all those who hate the KK scough. HAHA!
The BKSSH is a tag so I know which is my personal cut of SSH. BK dont stand for burger king lol. Its a special clone of SSH we aquired many years ago. It came up from texas and was called SSH. Suppose to be a indica phenotype of GH SSH. It gets this sour apple scent around 56 days. 63 days in soil. Dense chunky skunk buds for all to enjoy ! She's medium everything except for frost, yield and stone. Which are all heavy woot!
The dwarf is a special I personally found! It came from a seed I found in a bag of 100$ a quarter pot back many years ago Back when the russians were at war with afghanistan.. Its a badassed little kush that wont yield alot and is a totaly slow vegger . I believe its as close to a pure landrace indica/afghanica as I can get. It has a speedy type high for a IND dom. The buds are hard as rocks and skunked. I really love the smoke and high. I have only shared the clone with a handful of folks. A couple have kept it but not internet heads. mostly local yocals. Folks who are in this for yields have no time for the lil DC. But those who want a wicked jar full of some tasty old world weed, covet this one ldd. Shes got the look of Bubba Kush or a relative somehow. The trait I notice most on her is the double serrated leaf teeth. Its got tons for an indy. A hollow stem and she only stretches a few inches in 12/12. May not be in the overall top 10 but it will never be in need of a home. She's one of those that you just know there is something special for her in the future. Am I a strain junkie? Ahahaha I love it !!!
I hope everyone has a grand Turkey day. Eat and smoke, wash rinse and repeat..


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
mmmmm the dc, everyday i want more of that goodness. although id have to say it leans more on the afghani/middle eastern side of nugs more than kushy. stuff stinks to boot. one hell of a find my friend. and like you said its got a sativa punch to it that sets it off perfectly. i noticed the double serrations as well a few posts back, always a good sign imo. oh yea..... strain junkie? *raises hand*

hope everyone has a happy thanksgiving, and a good fat session today :joint:

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just don't molest my colas..
Berkdizzle, I didn't see a smoke report on the "DJTMBerry" in that long paragraph...whats the word? is that little cut worth fucking with? :D


ICMag Donor
TickleMyBalls said:
Berkdizzle, I didn't see a smoke report on the "DJTMBerry" in that long paragraph...whats the word? is that little cut worth fucking with? :D
I toked on the DJTMBerry for around a week. I didnt give it time for a cure. I just started toking it when it was dry enough to burn in a joint. The buds have alot of bag appeal and the plant is a good giver. Fast, this one was chopped at 56 days and had 20 % amber trichs! Impressive. The buddage was mostly nice size with very little flarf to deal with. Its very easy to grow and has no issues to really address. Its not your normal DJ blueberry. No hermies, no flakyness, just straight up budding. The plant yielded 2 oz and a 1/4 right on the nose.
As for the smoking, I dont think there is much of a berry taste. I mean there is a mild, almost sweet smell but its overpowered by the hashy skunky scent. The smoking is kinda harsh as well. Its a lung expander and some good stuff for the younger tokers. My ole lungs didnt appreciate the explosion when i try to hold the hit down. The effect is fairly clear and heady on my dome. New tokers would definately think this was FIRE WEED. But to me its an above average flower making machine. I have to say its an all around great clone and a wonderful performer. Should fit in many ops, especially beginners or those who want an "automatic" plant. I have to wait for the toke report from my friends before I say whether she found another home or not.
In conclusion TMB, I'm a pretty tough but fair judge of strains. Your Berry is a rocker and a roller. But my berry beats it in the flavor and smoking dept. Which IMHO are the most important categories. I would like to spread this around to a couple friends i have here local. I know they will dig this cut. So she gonna get to live down here. Just may not be residing up in here. I appreciate the chance to run her and test. I'll keep you informed as to what happens with this next one in line. It looks real nice and should produce even better tan the first one. Shes already a tree *2.5'* woot. I gotta take a cut and flower that bitch.
Hope that was a fair and complete report. If i missed anything or you all have any questions feel free. Oh and TMB, that fucking Blowfish keeps working its way to the top of the list mang! I LOVE IT! If you saw this next one you would shit your pants for realio. Its a mega tree! I gotta get pic of her. Its not the one i posted earlier its younger but the frame is rediculous. Already smelling like the funk. Its the most rediculous clone in the all around category man. THANK YOU! I could go on for a minute about how i love the blowfish. Let me count the ways. 1. It smells perfect 2. Damn shes fast
3. Fucking great effect 4. the toking is prime time 5 Fastest vegger in my experience 6. frost heaven 7. major bag appeal 8. Easy to grow and flower 9. Very easy to trim 10. Yields like a champion. Did I mention it has a flavor and a scent that are just perfectly inline with what i love? I want a bumper sticker that says * i love tmb * You are the man broski ! you lil fecker.. :moon: