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The new c2cc thread (old members please come in)


Active member
C'mon guuuuys! We gotta bring this shit back like we had it at OG...lets get it rockin! :lurk: I been waitin for this :yoinks:

Heres the SC right before the chizznop ...biggest plant I've ever grown! :sasmokin:



Active member
While im waitin for those im smokin on some of this outdoor BDSSH i grew out...it got shaded out early on in the season, so it never grew to full potential..but it smells and tastes amazing, and gets me lit :) Its actually pretty crazy, outdoors it takes on this fresh minty, piney fruity taste and smell :yummy: ...deffinatly different from the indoor grown smell n taste.



Active member
And I also wanna show you guys this haze. This is the "NYC Haze" that is very mysterious. Its sooooo hazey...1 or 2 hits is all u need. This stuff is very narcotic, seriously stronger than most strains iv grown. I dunno what kind of haze it is, how its grown...but it all has that same smell taste and high to it all the time for years. it varys...here is the best batch iv smoked yet. get this...600 an ounce! :yoinks: haha!

That Up Town Bobby Brown :confused: ...enjoy guys

CITY HAZE.... WOOOT! The tastiest, most potent shit you can get in this state.....if you never had it..... take a trip to ny and get some damnit lol.

That kush is somethin else man, I cant wait to smoke her! Same with the cough, what a beast she is! Great job bro. You gotta come by soon with some of that uptown bobby brown for my roor haha.

And hell yea this thread is popin off! Were off to a good start guys.... just like old times. Plenty of great new pictures and stuff coming, so stay tuned everyone! And please feel free to post any picture or question any of you may have for us. :wave:
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This past summer I had went to see Wu tang clan for the 2nd time down in nyc, but this show was like no other I had ever been to. I was lucky enough to have known a friend who got me and a few of my buddys VIP passes for the show, so we were able to watch the entire show from right on the stage, it was the best show I ever seen, and one I will never forget. Heres a couple pics that were taken on my friends cell next to me to give you an idea of where we were. I was literally surrounded by the whole clan, it was amazing.

On the mic is method man in the pics

I also got to shoot the shit with Ghostface Killah after the show out behind webster hall. He was cool as hell and gave me an autograph. In return I gave him a nice fat nug of the east coast sour diesel. He definitly loved the sour deez, I felt very honored to have ghostface smoke my sour diesel. That was one hell of a night.

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Albert Walker said:
hey cc nice spot hope HN does not mess it up if you do not mind here is my contribution some dry strawberry cough and one of my huge Kushman Cough plants blooming away


Listen pal, your already being negative by saying that...."hope HN does not mess it up". Dude, I like HN alot more than you ok.... your a know snake and scammer.... so for real man, just f#ck off. I can already see you have been banned, so please, be gone from my thread troll. HN is welcome here anytime..... he is a fine individual, and nothing but kind and knowledgable. You, your a shady slimey snake, and will always be known as one in the online cannabis community. You f^ck up once on these websites, you never will be liked or trusted again :badday: . These websites are pretty tight small circles and everyone knows everyone, so you must be nothing but respectfull, helpfull and honest and it will get you far on these boards. F@ck*ng people wont. Sorry to be so rude, but I seen you try and fu%k up my good friend berks thread and I dont really appreciate you coming over here and fu*ki&g up my thread. So uhhh.... see ya :wave:

And to everyone else, I appologize for being so out of line. Its just that people like this shouldnt even be allowed around us kind generous souls. they are the ones that try to bring us down, steal from us, or even get us busted. So i hope you understand why I was so rash with him. Im sure HN will back me up on this to the death as well.
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ICMag Donor
damn CC sometimes its rough when your the thread leader eh... Glad on you for standing tall. Respect and all that mushy stuff .

CC i have a Q for you. Did you ever run this DJTMBerry? It's a sweet clone man. Not even finished yet and looking larger than the BDSSH. TMB should stop by and rep on it.

Or what about this Salmon Creek Big Bud? I call it salmon creek little buds. Haha at least compared to the JO.

the JO in early flower

This is a look at the Nevilles Maple Leaf Haze I aquired from a cool mofo south It takes awhile and yields tremendous under ideal conditions. Would love to see it grown in LA by norcals friend JJ.

Gotta drop this pic of MTF. She is way worthy IMHO. Love the tang


Hey, all...

Hey, all...

...heres some more eye candy for ya...C2cc, So, in conclusion... Albert is a butt face, to put it nicely? So, don't even acknowledge his prescence. Focus on the kind ,Kind, kind. peace :wave:
Abba-Zabba?...trick or TREAT?

Skull i carved out of Ironwood, Re vegged unknown clone as cap.

Blue Berry,clone, bpc...outdoors

Bubble Bags, S.Star hash

Kali, dwc, tipped top

Sensi Star, this is truely the crippler, just had to say i was sooo pleased w/ the S.S. its like sweet lemon, lick lipping candy. after every hit i just have to lick my lipps :confused: like candy. this one needs restraint 4 day use...

Betty w/ Sensi S.

Is that a halo over Betty's head?

outdoor garden, frnt 2 back...S.Star,Indica?,S.T.,S.T.,Hog,Seed?,Kali's on the grass...I had to dig a 2ft. deep hole, put gravel, She was poking up over the fence!against the wall... c99 and some revegged clones, I got 12oz. 2 plants. good heavy buzz, taist like almost purple. don't think they went long enough.
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try comb

Active member
tmbberry is a nice specimen.....i really like it...........ive got 3 that just got flipped at a pretty good size....so im lookin forward to havin a nice stash of that amongst others.......nice shots every1.....peace


Active member
I havnt grown that BB, but i have smoked it...and i remember smokin some that CC ran for a while...prolly closer to the 70-75 day region. and that shit knocked my block off...lookin very fat Berkster...you should let her go an extra week or 2 and see if she turns devistating :yummy:


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
my djtmberry (lol adopted a new name ) went to 67 then chop, could have went a bit longer but i like my shit amber. stone could have lated a bit longer, i also got some of that blowfish curing. going on 3 weeks now smells like dank pineapple, pretty stoney too.

joeshmoe some great lookin outdoor buds, i bet they smoke good in the bong.
Berk, Ive ran the DJ's BB for a couple years now. Shes defintly a good solid clone. Nice stretch, good yeilds, real nice bud. I actually lost her tho, kind of not that worried tho, im searching for a real super dank blueberry to grow out. The dj's BB was pickable at like 55 days, and could go for up to 75 for that super dark amber goodness. The dj's BB is very lung expanding, and kinda harsh. I would cough my brains out everytime I smoked it for some reason, even with a long cure it was never smooth on the throat, but got ya baked as hell. I really liked your BB alot more man, the taste of your BB is definitly closer to real bluberrys than the DJ's..... it also finishes super fast! I sure wish she was still with us :violin:. I only had the chance to grow her out a couple of times. Maybe someday Ill get her back, along with MTF and choc trip which I wish my dumbass didnt loose. I do have something new tho that we all will enjoy:wink:, its called lemon freeze. Some of you may remember it from cropmanagement...... well he was kind and generous enough to let me give the lemon freeze a try, I also sampled some of the finished product and I must say, its topshelf for sure! Ohh and that nevilles maple haze, I have that cut as well, im actually a real big fan of it unlike alot of my friends, simply because its picky and grows weird... but the finished product is frigin awsome, pure haze to the max! Im a huge haze fan, its one of my favs, and this nevilles maple haze is the closest I have found to a decent haze so far. I know theres hazes out there that would blow this haze we have out of the water, but until I find that cut, ill be growing the nevilles maple haze for now :joint:. Im glad to see your able to grow out a nice haze.... I thought I was the only one who had that cut. You must have gotton it from the same person I got it from..... did this person happen to give you the jackie O along with that nevilles maple haze? Cuz the dude I got the haze from gave me the jackie-o as well, and ours look identical. I believe he also sent me the KK cough, but it never rooted for me :rolleyes:. Thats another one that I really wanna give a try is that strawberry cough. All you guys have been smokin on that sweet herb now for years. It hasnt made it over to the east yet lol. I know you sent me it before but the 1 cut didnt root for me, and TMB also sent me it but the cuts had mites on em so I tossed em out quick. Im also trying to hunt down some diferent killer kushes. The kush is definitly THE MOST potent strain ive ever had the chance to toke on, and the kush ive smoked isnt even the elite kushes out there, so I cant imagine how potent they must be!:eek:

Joeshmoe, man Im really feelin your pics bro. please keep it up my brotha! Its good to see some new faces.:kewlpics:

I see Mr. walker hasnt come back :abduct::jump:

Some DJ's Blueberry (TMB's)

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ICMag Donor
i love to hear about clones that i have ! Its so cool! The DJTMBerry is impressive fosho. It's got this big old hankin main cola surrounded by several others that are quite impressive.I'll have to get a full plant shot so you can see what i'm talking about. She's frosty and starting to smell real good. I did get to sample some of this clone from a local friend of mine who grew it out. He said his friends loved it. But i found the sample to be grown with gh nutes and not properly glushed. It was kinda harsh and not very flavorful. Especially after a couple tokes were taken from the joint. But I wanted to see what a proper organic nute regemin would do for her flavor. To me its ALL about the flavor eh...So I'll hold on to this biotch untill the harvest is dry and smokeable. Maybe even give her a month or 2 cure before deciding to keep it or not.
As far as the NMLH , I aquired it from the cool cat romulator. But not with Jackie-O. She came from another cool cat. I love them both, the clones and the cats haha. But ya, the NMLH is wicked , wicked haze dominant haze. She takes awhile to finish and makes these outrageous large nugs. The high gets me all noided out and feeling like im on some speed for about an hour. Then its like a brain number until i sleep lol. It's such a complex plant and high. Like you said, some folks like it and others dont know what to think. If you like to get mello and immediately baked like a narcotic high. Then this haze aint for you. It's not weak by any means, but the high is very differen from the usual suspects these days. up up and away!
Shame you lost the MTF and CT , but they are still around. So not all is lost. They are in my personal fave's fosho. The BB of ours is legendary around these parts. So sweet and fruity its like when peeps toke it they are like wtf?? " I didnt think weed could taste like this"? I just smile and wait my turn to toke.



Active member
Hey Capt!
Nice to see you man, glad u decided to join up! :wave:

I was wondering where you, and a few others have been hiding...

IC is cool minus a few flakey characters... I just hope Im not one of em. :pointlaug

Bro Check out the ecsd... look familiar?

Many many many thanks!
Oh yeah I ran into NorcalCrypt in chat, if u get a second drop in... someones always there... lol

great pics people... keep em coming!

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try comb

Active member


thanks for the info, its always nice to talk to multiple ppl other than yourself that have grown the exact same plant......gives a nice variety of insight.....since i have 3 i just flipped a couple days ago ill let each go a diff. amt of days and see what we like here.... :joint:

outdoor bubba that got stolen.peace :wave:

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