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The Impeachment Of Trump

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White Beard

Active member
You have a seriously high standard for news sources, would you care to share ones you recommend?

CNN is discounted as fraud because:

a) Anderson Cooper stood in a water ditch, somehow misleading

b) No impeachment yet

c) The sandman lawsuit

You left out d) ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!!!!1


Active member
Before Trump many in my small town were unemployed and barely making ends meet. Now most have a decent job and living much better. This is happening all over small towns in America. One thing Trump ran on was jobs and so far many are satisfied. They may not be rich but they can live comfortably considering the cost of living in small towns is next to nothing.

I still ask what exact policies did Obama enact that boosted the economy? Things were fucked in my small town while he was in office although I won't deny the horrible fucker bush had a lot to do with it.

This is why the idiot liberals hate Trump and his voters. They don't believe people who disagree with them should be allowed to exist. Why do you think they want to get rid of the electoral college?

The hatred of hardworking Americans, by the lazy fucking leftist is insane. Thankfully the hardworking Americans won, and the leftist scum lost.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
This is why the idiot liberals hate Trump and his voters. They don't believe people who disagree with them should be allowed to exist. Why do you think they want to get rid of the electoral college?

The hatred of hardworking Americans, by the lazy fucking leftist is insane. Thankfully the hardworking Americans won, and the leftist scum lost.

Insulting those you have no clue who they are doesn't help your views. In fact it hurts it, just makes you look like a lonny bird. Thinking any leftist wants you dead because of your views is the stupidest comment i've read. I know of no one that thinks you shouldn't exist. WTF does being a liberal have anything to do with being lazy. I know a lot of people on both sides none are lazy leftists. All the people I know are hard working motherfukers.

The Electoral College was created for two reasons. The first purpose was to create a buffer between the population and the selection of a President. Without it states with low population would never have any impact on any Presidential election. Many don't like it because it goes against what the will of the people want. The majority of the people did not want Trumptard as POTUS.

The second as part of the structure of the government that gave extra power to the smaller states.


Well-known member
This is why the idiot liberals hate Trump and his voters. They don't believe people who disagree with them should be allowed to exist. Why do you think they want to get rid of the electoral college?

The hatred of hardworking Americans, by the lazy fucking leftist is insane. Thankfully the hardworking Americans won, and the leftist scum lost.

I hate him because of his stance on the environment. And that he has the hardworking Americans tricked into falling for his shit show.

Mr D

A little disappointed the report did not provide better obstruction talking points for CNN and MSNBC. Very anti climatic.

Now I suppose Barr can finally get down to the business of indicting those who conspired with foreign actors to interfere with the 2016 election as well as a few other nasty deeds.

If you watched Rosenstein during Barr's press conference you can tell he knows a world of shit is coming now that this farce is over.

The funniest thing here is the attempted use of a bullshit story to take down a guy with 3 closets full of skeletons. My god pick one or two things that actually happened instead of making shit up that you can't prove. What a fuckin joke.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I did notice he looked like a deer in head lights lol. Not really sure why he was there.

I never thought this report would mean anything. Even the other investigations on going won't put Trumptard in jail. Its a redundant effort when nothings going to happen in the end.

We all know Trumptard is a POS. The only thing left is our vote in 2020.


Active member
A little disappointed the report did not provide better obstruction talking points for CNN and MSNBC. Very anti climatic.

Now I suppose Barr can finally get down to the business of indicting those who conspired with foreign actors to interfere with the 2016 election as well as a few other nasty deeds.

If you watched Rosenstein during Barr's press conference you can tell he knows a world of shit is coming now that this farce is over.

The funniest thing here is the attempted use of a bullshit story to take down a guy with 3 closets full of skeletons. My god pick one or two things that actually happened instead of making shit up that you can't prove. What a fuckin joke.

Fusion paid for the bombastic piss dossier hoping for shock value... you see how hard these kids are coping with the 2 year old no collusion info? Can’t imagine the shed tears when they finally figure out they’ve been manipulated this whole time and the actual crimes where committed by those they love so much


Active member
:laughing: Rosenstien is as nervous as a queer at a weinie roast
As well he should be... his name is at the bottom of at least 2 of the fisa request...that investigation is now on the front burner and places his balls directly in the vise

Mr D

Fusion paid for the bombastic piss dossier hoping for shock value... you see how hard these kids are coping with the 2 year old no collusion info? Can’t imagine the shed tears when they finally figure out they’ve been manipulated this whole time and the actual crimes where committed by those they love so much

The effect of propaganda has left them with a hatred for Trump that allows them to pivot without shame. Fer crips sake some of them are still quoting and linking to CNN and MSNBC like they have shread of credibility.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Just imagine if Buttyfudge wins the democratic nomination,he/she may be the first president to not only bend over backwards for the country,but bend over forwards :moon:

God help us all


Active member
I did notice he looked like a deer in head lights lol. Not really sure why he was there.

I never thought this report would mean anything. Even the other investigations on going won't put Trumptard in jail. Its a redundant effort when nothings going to happen in the end.

We all know Trumptard is a POS. The only thing left is our vote in 2020.

Rod's mouth was drooping. Like he had a stroke.


Active member
Just imagine if Buttyfudge wins the democratic nomination,he/she may be the first president to not only bend over backwards for the country,but bend over forwards :moon:

God help us all

Yeah.... until his whole spying on police chief makes it mainstream. Then again illegal spying seems to be the new ‘norm’ for the DNC


Active member
The effect of propaganda has left them with a hatred for Trump that allows them to pivot without shame. Fer crips sake some of them are still quoting and linking to CNN and MSNBC like they have shread of credibility.

Worst part is they can’t see the forest from the trees. Can’t even see the useful idiots they have become sowing discord. Have literally ZERO idea that over the past 3 months their narrative has changed from ‘collusion’ to ‘obstruction’ in step with their liberal media overlords. Anybody that doesn’t agree with them is a ‘conspiracy theorist’. Yet after vindication by Mueller report instead of admitting they were duped, they just double down on ignorance. Not sure if it’s ego or ignorance but either way it’s a tragedy.


Active member
The effect of propaganda has left them with a hatred for Trump that allows them to pivot without shame. Fer crips sake some of them are still quoting and linking to CNN and MSNBC like they have shread of credibility.

Feel free to give examples of CNN lies, MSNBC for that matter.

Otherwise you just sound like packer and fishy, parroting trumps fake news chorus, like swamp frogs

fishy and packer have been previously invited to contribute as well, but all I’ve got is the sandman bs case and some tears shed privately
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