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The Impeachment Of Trump

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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
The electoral college has two primary functions (off the top of my head). One is to distribute representation geographically (states). The most important according to founding literature (which I have read some time ago) is to prevent the people from electing an inappropriate president. There is really supposed to be discussion within the college regarding this but this along with fairness has fallen by the wayside.

White Beard

Active member
Fusion paid for the bombastic piss dossier hoping for shock value... you see how hard these kids are coping with the 2 year old no collusion info? Can’t imagine the shed tears when they finally figure out they’ve been manipulated this whole time and the actual crimes where committed by those they love so much

Oh, Fishy - now *everyone* knows you don’t know the meaning of ‘bombastic’...hate it when a fella blows the whistle on himself...

And Med4U - I gotta hand it to you...that’s about the stupidest attempt at a come-back, *ever*.

A little self-respect, gentlemen, *please*!

St. Phatty

Active member
Man understand soils, not so much the electoral college or the reasoning behind it. Inb4 something something slaves... that HELPED the dems

So what do you guys think about Biodynamic composting ?

I think it's mainly a marketing thing.

Besides this thread does jump around a little.

What I would like to see is a Ghia Trump. You know, like Ghia Pet.

I did a search accordingly


and found this picture -


OH NO !!! Do I need to make extra coffee for the Secret Service.

I have the outpatient version of TDS. :tiphat:


  • trump-dead.jpg
    9 KB · Views: 12


Well-known member
Feel free to give examples of CNN lies, MSNBC for that matter.

Otherwise you just sound like packer and fishy, parroting trumps fake news chorus, like swamp frogs

fishy and packer have been previously invited to contribute as well, but all I’ve got is the sandman bs case and some tears shed privately

I already did this twice now. Quit posting the same bullshit question over and over. They ruined the life of a security guard at the Atlanta olympics. They exaggerated the evidence and knew he wasn't the bomber. There are at least 10 significant example. Go look them up. In the meantime stop with the same question over and over.




Well-known member
So what do you guys think about Biodynamic composting ?

I think it's mainly a marketing thing.

Besides this thread does jump around a little.

What I would like to see is a Ghia Trump. You know, like Ghia Pet.

I did a search accordingly


and found this picture -

View Image

OH NO !!! Do I need to make extra coffee for the Secret Service.

I have the outpatient version of TDS. :tiphat:

One person adds a bunch of goodies to get the compost rolling, the other guy uses worms... They both arrive to the same place imo :tiphat:


Active member
Peckerfan; What is your special needs child going to work hard at? [forgive me if I confused you with another member]
Will it make him/her a leftist scum if unable to work hard?
~ a special needs child who worked harder than most all his life, yet has the brains to see the difference between capitalist greed and kindness

He's going to work hard at whatever he wants. I raise my children with morals, and values. Capitalism isn't greedy, it's the Consentual exchange of a good or service. Capitalism has raised half the world out of abject poverty (real poverty, not imaginary American poverty) in the last few decades. Capitalism is freedom. I know that freedom is a bad word to the left. Can't have equality of outcome without government compulsion.

Leave my children out of your ignorant argument. Your not kind because you vote for a politician who promises to take what's not yours to give it to someone who didn't work for it. You want kindness take what you have earned and give it to someone in need, don't wait for the government to do it, you do it. Live your beliefs. Billions of people worldwide would kill for a chance at living the way you live, stop talking and start doing something, since you're such a kind person.

Mr D

So you then agree there are many 'skeletons' Trump could be nailed on?

He understands very well, as do many of Trump's voters.

Americans have been indifferent to politicians lies and corruption for decades. There is little shock value over Trump's past misdeeds when society is rife with corruption and greed.


Well-known member
Insulting those you have no clue who they are doesn't help your views. In fact it hurts it, just makes you look like a lonny bird. Thinking any leftist wants you dead because of your views is the stupidest comment i've read. I know of no one that thinks you shouldn't exist. WTF does being a liberal have anything to do with being lazy. I know a lot of people on both sides none are lazy leftists. All the people I know are hard working motherfukers.

The Electoral College was created for two reasons. The first purpose was to create a buffer between the population and the selection of a President. Without it states with low population would never have any impact on any Presidential election. Many don't like it because it goes against what the will of the people want. The majority of the people did not want Trumptard as POTUS.

The second as part of the structure of the government that gave extra power to the smaller states.

California is a shit hole. They literally have human shit from the homeless in the streets. We can't let people like that dictate the election. It is a great system. Trump won. Popular vote can suck it.

I argue the popular vote. Trump won the popular vote. The most states and the most counties.

Donald Trump won an overwhelming 7.5 million popular vote victory in 3,084 of the country’s 3,141 counties or county equivalents in America’s heartland.

Trump won 2,626 counties in the and Clinton won 487.

Hillary won California and New York City.


Active member
Hello all,

The more the report is dissected, especially volume 2, the more we learn.

Still does not look good for individual 1.



Well-known member




This is why the idiot liberals hate Trump and his voters. They don't believe people who disagree with them should be allowed to exist. Why do you think they want to get rid of the electoral college?

The hatred of hardworking Americans, by the lazy fucking leftist is insane. Thankfully the hardworking Americans won, and the leftist scum lost.

Sometimes i feel like you have an opinion worth hearing out and then you go and post sh*t like this that snuffs out every reasonable thing you have muttered....

People hate Trump because he is a certified lying scumbag, the vast majority don't hate his voters, they might pity them or facepalm at their gullibility but hatred? I think not....

And if that's how you feel about half of a country then for sure i pity you....

The truth is that Trump is the most divisive, hateful asshole around and he is quite clever in the way he attracts people with persecuted or hateful feelings themselves.... that is his only skill.... he recognized that a lot of people felt that way and used his conman skills to scoop them up, you are one of them.

You guys (for the most part) aren't the real bad guys, HE IS.


Jesus christ Tarzan.... get a.... life? brain?.... TBH, idk what you need, but you need something....

Your size 10 font bold love messages to Trump basically stamp 'I aint got a G-G-good brain' on your forehead for the whole forum to see.


Active member
I already did this twice now. Quit posting the same bullshit question over and over. They ruined the life of a security guard at the Atlanta olympics. They exaggerated the evidence and knew he wasn't the bomber. There are at least 10 significant example. Go look them up. In the meantime stop with the same question over and over.

I repeatedly post it to illustrate the point that you guys are full of shit because you can’t back up your fake news claims.

Seriously, the Atlantic Olympics bomber is the best you’ve got? He was focused on until further evidence came out otherwise. Are you telepathic in knowing they knew he was innocent?


ICMag Donor
Jesus christ Tarzan.... get a.... life? brain?.... TBH, idk what you need, but you need something....

Sometimes I get the impression that places like this are where the Russians let their Junior Varsity trolls practice.



Well-known member
Mueller knew 17 months ago there was no collusion by Trump with Russia. He should have come forward then. But instead he waited. He waited because he wanted to trick Trump into committing obstruction of justice. Trump didn't bite. They tried to trick him. They didn't like who won.

Obama and his administration have broken the law trying to take Trump down. It will all be revealed in the coming months. You illogical Trump haters will have to come around eventually/ When your Democratic totem topples. When you see the people you trusted go to jail you will then hopefully become woke.


Active member
Hello all,,

Mueller: tRump campaign sought to benefit from info stolen from and released by Russia.

That is all, carry on.



Well-known member
Sometimes i feel like you have an opinion worth hearing out and then you go and post sh*t like this that snuffs out every reasonable thing you have muttered....

The truth is that Trump is the GREATEST MAN EVER and he is quite clever in the way he attracts people with his masculinity

You are not from the USA. Please feel free to stay out of our business. You have no idea what Trump is or isn't except what you learn watching foreign news on a 12 inch black and white tv you were given by a missionary from the USA. You have nothing to offer except bullshit, useless international babble. You wish you were American but you are not. Sucks to be you.



Well-known member
Hello all,,

Mueller: tRump campaign sought to benefit from info stolen from and released by Russia.

That is all, carry on.


I said all along. I don't care if Trump was glad the Russians were releasing stolen hacked emails. Why should he care? He didn't hack Clinton's server. I don't care if they gave them to him and he released them to the press. The forbidden fruit theory is BULLSHIT. I will take every bit of forbidden fruit. Hilary and the DNC shouldn't have been growing any forbidden fruit.

That is all, carry on.
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