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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Mr D

When Chucky Schumer declared the intelligence agencies have 6 ways to Sunday to get Trump. Was he aware of how inept Brennan is? Brennan organized foreign intelligence assets to run against the Trump campaign March through July 2016 to help construct Brennan’s “EC” memo that he gave to James Comey to initiate the official start of the FBI counterintelligence operation.

When they squeeze Brennan will he roll over on his co-conspirators? Maybe he will have an unfortunate accident, never know.

I expect to see Susan Rice's email to herself on Inauguration Day deployed as the walls close in.


I'm pretty sure Barr has talked with IG Horowitz and that is why he put together a team... "to review controversial counterintelligence decisions made by Justice Department and FBI officials, including actions taken during the probe of the Trump campaign in the summer of 2016, according to a person familiar with the matter". - Bloomberg


Going to be an interesting Summer as we close the book on Russian conspiracy theories.

Not much to do now except wait and watch the media parrots switch the narrative from Russian to immigration to taxes or whatever fiction the discredited politicians and media are selling to there "intellectual" audience.


one thing is for sure, the dems will run on free stuff and white supremacy in 2020...It will never work but it sure gets people fired up

Mr D

Be sure to watch the press conference tomorrow for some new and exciting info about the Schiff's favorite lawyer Michael Cohen.

Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan, & Mark Meadows will be holding a press conference tomorrow, 11:00AM ET


Active member
Cohen is a gold mine, his yield will be realized over time. 12 years provides lots of content.

News conference should provide comedy gold with McCarthy, Jordan and meadows special trump brand of rabid bullshit, served in heaping quantities.


Active member
Wouldn't that be great, then he could imprison all non native Americans for being immigrants.

Where the did this tangent come from!? I got a newsflash for u buddy.....ain't no one pure native anymore! But I'll let u keep throwing delusional thoughts out ......but if ya direct em at me I will steer ya clear!:tiphat:


'We have to impeach the president in order to find out what we impeached him for'

I thought she was one of the folk who was against impeaching him, regardless of whatever was found?
Most reasonable people just want him held accountable for whatever crimes he has done, and if he hasn't done any then he gets absolved.

The reason so many want him INVESTIGATED is because he can't stop lying and is just a smug careless POS, who has BRAGGED about being a tax dodger.

If he is absolved then HOORAY, he can carry on being the smug careless POS in peace.... if not, then he can be hung out to dry.

The fact that people don't want any investigations is the worrying part....


Active member
I doubt that the USA will remain intact until 2050. I will more likely break into two separate states (countries.) Politics and political discourse has devolved into tribal hatred, this thread providing any number of good (but by no means exceptional or unusual) examples. WHat used to be regarded as reasoned (if spirited) debate is dead. There is no reason to expect things to get better, and there is every reason to expect it to get worse. Every day we are subjected to another stream of hate-filled hyperbole.

Still worked up over the observation that populism is the new fascism?

You say hateful and I say true dat homie, I sure hate what I'm seeing.



Well-known member
:laughing: ha ha, a joke, yeah, I got it, but it falls flat because the 'quote' isn't paraphrasing anything Pelosi ever said of would say, just a cheap attempt at SPIN for the sake of spreading Fake News to anyone not in on 'the joke'.

…… and I'm not gonna let that go over the top of anyone's head without comment!:tiphat:


Well-known member
:laughing: ha ha, a joke, yeah, I got it, but it falls flat because the 'quote' isn't paraphrasing anything Pelosi ever said of would say, just a cheap attempt at SPIN for the sake of spreading Fake News to anyone not in on 'the joke'.

…… and I'm not gonna let that go over the top of anyone's head without comment!:tiphat:

LOL, ok dude... You just called a joke fake news, if somebody doesn't get that joke they don't belong in this thread anyways.
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