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The Impeachment Of Trump

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White Beard

Active member
LOL, family separations. Liberals always pull the drama card. Of course I would rather they just toss the kids right back over the fence instead of waste MY tax dollars housing them.


Go read vta’s inaugural post for the green new deal thread...nothing but drama and hyperventilation

White Beard

Active member
Here's a better idea that will keep us from listening to the gyrations Nadler, Schiff and the rest of the insane clown possee over the next 4 months.

Republicans say Nadler should be focusing his attention on Mueller, not Barr, who was not involved in the sprawling 22-month investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Republicans are calling for Mueller to testify before congress so everyone can hear what Mueller discovered. No interpretations from Barr or the insane clown possee. Straight from the horse's mouth.


Of course, the “better idea” would be to let the GOP lead, ‘cause they weren’t tossed out of the house en masse...oh, wait....

White Beard

Active member
So what's her game Zeez, spying, planting equipment, BLACKMAIL, and/or human trafficking????

I think both Russia AND China sense weaknes and an openness to exploitation.

Does trump even give a damn or is America just up for sale?:tiphat:

“America” has been for sale since Reagan took office, it’s just been picking up speed....


Active member
“America” has been for sale since Reagan took office, it’s just been picking up speed....
I agree with this post^^^^^^^^^^^
I do realize folks have selective hearing and sight so I'm gonna write it again.........we used to ship in raw materials and make great goods to ship out amd sell, now we send out raw materials and buy great goods from other countries..........not good!
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White Beard

Active member
I do realize folks have selective hearing and sight so I'm gonna write it again.........we used to ship in raw materials and make great goods to ship out amd sell, now we send out raw materials and buy great goods from other countries..........not good!

Dude, I didn’t contradict you - I wasn’t even arguing with your point: what we’re seeing, as you spell out here, is the late-stage development of a process that began in the early 80s.

Yes, NOT good


Active member
I was confirming your post, I apologize if mine came off in any other way than that. I edited it so there can be no CONFUSION! OR COLUSION!

Mr D

i see the outcome
congress will not get an unredacted report
we'll see what the courts say about this one
it's on

The unredacted Comey memos will make for much more interesting reading.

You are correct when you say "It's On"

DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz has a pending investigation into FISA abuse, Barr said "I am reviewing the conduct of the Russia investigation, and all the aspects of the counterintelligence investigation that was conducted in the summer of 2016." ..and indicates he takes Devin Nunes 8 criminal referrals seriously


Boreal Curing
Originally Posted by Sunshineinabag View Post
I do realize folks have selective hearing and sight so I'm gonna write it again.........we used to ship in raw materials and make great goods to ship out amd sell, now we send out raw materials and buy great goods from other countries..........not good!

Dude, I didn’t contradict you - I wasn’t even arguing with your point: what we’re seeing, as you spell out here, is the late-stage development of a process that began in the early 80s.

Yes, NOT good
The Japanese started this in the 70s. Buy raw materials, add value, resell it. It's why you get your new 32" TV for $250, otherwise you'd be paying $2500.

A good example of it, and their commitment to quality, was when a Japanese company was hired to supply alternators for Chrysler (can't remember which car). The contract specified quality must be 5 defective alternators out of 100. So the company sent them 100 good ones, and 5 bad ones.

About the same time they invented JIT: Just-In-Time inventory control where the warehouse is in the back of a truck on it's way to you. When you use your last widget, a truck is backing up to your loading dock with new ones.

You can't just say "Hey I want my job back" which is what Trump is doing. You have to take it back with your brain. The US has had an uncanny ability to do that, and bounce back bigger than ever. My money is on the US to do it again. Certainly, Trump is just a whiner try to get his way by demanding it. That's no good for anyone.


Active member
I doubt that the USA will remain intact until 2050. I will more likely break into two separate states (countries.) Politics and political discourse has devolved into tribal hatred, this thread providing any number of good (but by no means exceptional or unusual) examples. WHat used to be regarded as reasoned (if spirited) debate is dead. There is no reason to expect things to get better, and there is every reason to expect it to get worse. Every day we are subjected to another stream of hate-filled hyperbole.


Well-known member
I doubt that the USA will remain intact until 2050. I will more likely break into two separate states (countries.) Politics and political discourse has devolved into tribal hatred, this thread providing any number of good (but by no means exceptional or unusual) examples. WHat used to be regarded as reasoned (if spirited) debate is dead. There is no reason to expect things to get better, and there is every reason to expect it to get worse. Every day we are subjected to another stream of hate-filled hyperbole.

no argument with the anger, plenty of that obviously
political fault lines are strong, but geographic? not as much
not sure where we go from here, but i don't see the country splitting
in part depends what happens with the fair haired rogue


Active member
Hello all,

Seems mnuchin had a hissy fit in congress today.....buahahahaha

What could be hidden tRump tax returns?
Are there discrepancies in his accounting?
Could he not be as generous has je has said?
Would they so him to be poor?
Is there danger for donald within?
Will Jessica confront Chester about his affair?

All that and more on the next episode of tRumplandia.


Also, he is just plain coming unglued.

St. Phatty

Active member
I doubt that the USA will remain intact until 2050. I will more likely break into two separate states (countries.) Politics and political discourse has devolved into tribal hatred, this thread providing any number of good (but by no means exceptional or unusual) examples. WHat used to be regarded as reasoned (if spirited) debate is dead. There is no reason to expect things to get better, and there is every reason to expect it to get worse. Every day we are subjected to another stream of hate-filled hyperbole.

The US has one central "trick" that the entire nation is built on - persuading the rest of the world that the US $ is actually worth something.

The "pulling back the curtain on the wizard of Oz" moment, for the US, is when the US $ loses its status as World Reserve Currency.

As far as the US breaking up, I think one of the obvious schisms is firearms.

Some people tell me that Idaho will eventually go "California". I don't think so.

Meanwhile, Urban Oregon and Urban Washington are going California with firearms rights. i.e. tightening up.

And Rural Oregon & Rural Washington like their firearms freedoms, including access to Semi-Auto rifles.

Wendull C.

Active member
Collusion with the Russians. Then obstruction of justice. Now, tax returns?

This shit is fucking hilarious. What will you libs hang your hat on next?

Trump won, now your hero Mueller bitch slapped you with his report. Just go to the corner and cry.


Collusion with the Russians. Then obstruction of justice. Now, tax returns?

This shit is fucking hilarious. What will you libs hang your hat on next?

Trump won, now your hero Mueller bitch slapped you with his report. Just go to the corner and cry.

That 'other stuff' was always in the pipeline, i would imagine....

There are just so many angles in which Trump is a f*ck up TBH.... has the report been released yet or just the 4 page write up (idk, i'm not up to date)?
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