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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Well-known member
the natives are getting restless as the congressional hearings loom
i think they have it right, they're afraid

Mr D

According to Democrats Rod Rosenstein appointed special counsel Mueller and then took part in a cover up of Mueller's findings.

Swear to god you can't make this shit up.


ICMag Donor
the natives are getting restless as the congressional hearings loom
i think they have it right, they're afraid

Yes Sir. Getting jacked around is right up there with getting lied to.

I see a smack down coming with the subpoenas.


Active member
the natives are getting restless as the congressional hearings loom
i think they have it right, they're afraid

No... you HOPE they have it right. After all you’ve been shilling almost 300 pages about how drumpf was done after mueller report... then ate shit when it was a whole bunch of nothing. Now you are hoping you won’t have to eat shit a second time. If there was anything, trump would have been impeached. That’s all there is to it... I’m excited to watch this blow up in the Democrats faces once again. DOJ/FBI brass being paraded like a bunch of circus elephants... Comfy as fuck if honest


Well-known member
According to Democrats Rod Rosenstein appointed special counsel Mueller and then took part in a cover up of Mueller's findings.

Swear to god you can't make this shit up.

almost as outrageous as what Trump spews daily
like judge Flores and cancer causing windmills
you just have to stretch your brain in the 'right' direction


Well-known member
just another transparent attempt to create your own narrative
all i've said is the democrats are going to run the investigations in the house
this is political reality
we'll see what they do, i reserve judgement until there's something to judge

I honestly don't think they will find anything big. Hell once I was 100% sure Hillary was in trouble and still believe she is guilty. Im actually hoping they investigate their little hearts out and turn off the American people.


Active member
Hard to not be comfy when one possesses the knowledge gleaned from a few partial sentences in a 300 page report.


Well-known member
I honestly don't think they will find anything big. Hell once I was 100% sure Hillary was in trouble and still believe she is guilty. Im actually hoping they investigate their little hearts out and turn off the American people.
that's a fair statement, expressed as a clear opinion
and i don't know myself(obviously)
i just want to see what the hell is in there
but remember this is a moving target, other investigations are heating up and look to be catching up with Mueller and surpassing him

Mr D

almost as outrageous as what Trump spews daily
like judge Flores and cancer causing windmills
you just have to stretch your brain in the 'right' direction

He will continue to get away with it because you all are so invested in Russian conspiracy theories that you are unable to shift the focus to his policies and his bullshit.

Meanwhile you better hope that Barr is not biased in favor of Trump. Nunes delivered 8 criminal referrals to Barr. If Barr decides to start indicting people some of the members of the congressional committees looking to find something on Trump might be busy lawyering up.

Also in addition to the newly discovered classified emails. Judicial Watch announced Monday it uncovered 422 pages of FBI documents showing evidence of “cover up” discussion related to Hillary Clinton’s private email server with Platte River Networks. I'm sure to read what Barr wrote about the BS email investigation before he became AG. Now he's being provided with everything he needs to start a new investigation and void all those immunity deals.


ICMag Donor
Li Yang is a Madam. She 'sold' her chain of spas (brothels).
Madam Yang, a purveyor of fine slightly used, trafficked women, buddies around with trump.
At trumps resort, don't you think they have 'the book' on every individual entering the property?
So trump knows her game and he's doing photo ops with her.
Maybe she's got photos of him too? When they busted Kraft reports said they had action photos.
Based on the photo below, it's safe to say that she is trumps madam.




Active member
Hello all,

It would seem the bodies of admin personnel are pilling up..

Hey hey remember when donald said he would have only the beat people...

Oh oh, remember when he said he did not want to cage kids? yeah good times.

Trump has labeled Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

Thats lucky.
His trump building in Baku was part funded by the Iranian National Guard
and other Russian Fraudsters.
Great minds think alike, as they say:dance013:

Luckily his followers dont care to read.
He can say anything . and they follow.
Like a religion it is. lol

the stageshow is part-sponsored by City of London corporation, est 1191.
Cambridge Analytica got him elected. The company dissolved once people found out.


A very close friend of mine worked there.
We got to watch the stageshow happen in live time.

Russia didnt need to influence america.
America is already under the influence.
Welcome to 'democracy' :tiphat:


Well-known member
So what's her game Zeez, spying, planting equipment, BLACKMAIL, and/or human trafficking????

I think both Russia AND China sense weaknes and an openness to exploitation.

Does trump even give a damn or is America just up for sale?:tiphat:


ICMag Donor
So what's her game Zeez, spying, planting equipment, BLACKMAIL, and/or human trafficking????

I think both Russia AND China sense weaknes and an openness to exploitation.

Does trump even give a damn or is America just up for sale?:tiphat:

Just lining up facts and putting it out there. It is extraordinary that a brothel madam has this level of access.

Check out this Rolling Stone article. They state the spas were busted for human trafficking.

Even the statement that Li Yang sold her ten spas a few years ago sounds shady. Say she has ten spas that make her a million a year. Does someone plunk down ten million to her and buy out of the business or does she assume part of the risk and finance the sale over a longer period meaning she is still a partner?

My guess - It wouldn't be the first or last time his dick got him in trouble and the guy is a sell out.
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