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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Mr D

Democrat Bob Kerrey is no fan of Trump.

20 MAR 2019
In an indignant rant, former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-NE) railed against President Donald Trump for calling soldiers “suckers” for going to Vietnam when Trump managed to avoid it.

Kerrey was a SEAL officer in the U.S. Navy during Vietnam and was ultimately put on SEAL Team One. While in combat, Kerrey was seriously injured and lost the lower part of his right leg, for which he was awarded the Medal of Honor.

By Bob Kerrey Mar 29, 2019
At the moment my fellow Democrats are suffering from two that are harmful. The first is that Americans long for a president who will ask us to pay more for the pleasure of increasing the role of the federal government in our lives. That this is a delusion can be seen in the promises made by six successful Democratic candidates in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan: three governors and three senators. Not one of them supported the Green New Deal, a tax on wealth or “Medicare for all.”

The second Democratic delusion is that Americans were robbed of the truth when Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller and Attorney General William Barr concluded that President Trump did not collude with Russia in 2016. All evidence indicates that the full report will not change the conclusion that Donald J. Trump did not collude with Vladimir Putin to secure his victory in 2016.

Rather than investigating the president further, Congress needs to investigate how the Department of Justice got this one so wrong.
If the president of the United States is vulnerable to prosecutorial abuse, then God help all the rest of us.


That last line is the only thing that really matters in this whole fiasco.

St. Phatty

Active member
If you disagree with a political view today, it's fair game to call it fascism or Nazism or Communism or anything else.

Political discourse has fallen into malignant chaos.

Sounds like a description of the US gov

independent of who is at 1600 Penn Ave.

So with Trump it's a side order of side-show

to go with the normal US gov. malignant chaos.

White Beard

Active member
Collusion...that word again...’I do not thin’ it means what we thin’ it means.”

No reason to assume the DoJ imagined a Russian effort to destabilize the 2016; the SC, per Barr, was unable to establish an underlying crime that would prove active co-operation or coordination between Trump and the Russian efforts, but if we accept from the amassed evidence that the trump campaign knew of Russian efforts, it becomes clear that at no time did anyone in the campaign alert DoJ to those efforts - instead, they minimized, deflected, distracted...almost like they were trying to prevent investigations into the matter.

Would *THAT* be collusion? Only in a passive but ultimately guilty-minded way.

Would it be obstruction of justice? You might very well think so....


Active member
Why do lefties want MS-13 gang members in the US? And Mexican drug cartel members? Instead of answering how they are going to keep criminals out of the US lefties just call Trump a Nazi. More fake news like the Russian collusion delusion.

The sanctuary cities are magnets for criminal illegal aliens. All run by democrats.

Why? The same reason AP pointed out that Butter ORoarke was speaking in Spanish his ‘native’ language. Pandering this hard for the illegal vote... imagine muh Shawk


Well-known member
Democrat Bob Kerrey is no fan of Trump.

By Bob Kerrey Mar 29, 2019
At the moment my fellow Democrats are suffering from two that are harmful. The first is that Americans long for a president who will ask us to pay more for the pleasure of increasing the role of the federal government in our lives. That this is a delusion can be seen in the promises made by six successful Democratic candidates in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan: three governors and three senators. Not one of them supported the Green New Deal, a tax on wealth or “Medicare for all.”

The second Democratic delusion is that Americans were robbed of the truth when Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller and Attorney General William Barr concluded that President Trump did not collude with Russia in 2016. All evidence indicates that the full report will not change the conclusion that Donald J. Trump did not collude with Vladimir Putin to secure his victory in 2016.

Rather than investigating the president further, Congress needs to investigate how the Department of Justice got this one so wrong.
If the president of the United States is vulnerable to prosecutorial abuse, then God help all the rest of us.


That last line is the only thing that really matters in this whole fiasco.

of course the only way to see if there has been prosecutorial abuse is to release the report
and in a form that shows any deficiencies in the process
we're still waiting, what's the hold up?


Well-known member
LOL, family separations. Liberals always pull the drama card. Of course I would rather they just toss the kids right back over the fence instead of waste MY tax dollars housing them.

Mr D

of course the only way to see if there has been prosecutorial abuse is to release the report
and in a form that shows any deficiencies in the process
we're still waiting, what's the hold up?

Here's a better idea that will keep us from listening to the gyrations Nadler, Schiff and the rest of the insane clown possee over the next 4 months.

Republicans say Nadler should be focusing his attention on Mueller, not Barr, who was not involved in the sprawling 22-month investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Republicans are calling for Mueller to testify before congress so everyone can hear what Mueller discovered. No interpretations from Barr or the insane clown possee. Straight from the horse's mouth.



Well-known member
Here's a better idea that will keep us from listening to the gyrations Nadler, Schiff and the rest of the insane clown possee over the next 4 months.

Republicans say Nadler should be focusing his attention on Mueller, not Barr, who was not involved in the sprawling 22-month investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Republicans are calling for Mueller to testify before congress so everyone can hear what Mueller discovered. No interpretations from Barr or the insane clown possee. Straight from the horse's mouth.


seems Republicans want it all their way
sometimes in life you don't get it all your way


Active member
LOL, family separations. Liberals always pull the drama card. Of course I would rather they just toss the kids right back over the fence instead of waste MY tax dollars housing them.

Common sense would say stay with your kids in your shit hole country and there is no risk of family separation for committing a crime... however with politicians pandering this hard for the illegal vote, common sense is out the window. But of course in true liberal fashion, it only matters when convenient. Kavanaugh raped these women you MUST believe them. Oh no no no Biden wouldn’t do that, don’t believe these women. But the kids ripped from family because of Drumpf, it’s Ok this is a Hussein Era policy because his legacy n such.... feel bad for these kids cause drumpf bad... oh it’s ok you are a whore Suzie, just have that baby full term... we will keep it comfortable until we snuff it out


ICMag Donor
Mueller report
Congressional investigations
long list of convictions

How could someone possibly think that he is guilty and trying to hide it?

Mr D

seems Republicans want it all their way
sometimes in life you don't get it all your way

Not surprised you reject full transparency knowing that there is no there there.

Much like the Barr coverup stories that never mention Rod Rosenstein's role in this alleged coverup. Rod signed off on Barr's summary.

The collusion thing is dead and was bullshit from the beginning. No such law against "collusion". Conspiring with the Russian to affect the election outcome would be treason under the law. Not "collusion"

Collusion is some made up BS so Schiff can say "Manafort talked to the Russian in 1978, so we can see collusion by Trump associates took place".


Well-known member
Not surprised you reject full transparency knowing that there is no there there.

Much like the Barr coverup stories that never mention Rod Rosenstein's role in this alleged coverup. Rod signed off on Barr's summary.

The collusion thing is dead and was bullshit from the beginning. No such law against "collusion". Conspiring with the Russian to affect the election outcome would be treason under the law. Not "collusion"

Collusion is some made up BS so Schiff can say "Manafort talked to the Russian in 1978, so we can see collusion by Trump associates took place".

complete mis-characterization
just pointing out reality
Democrats are going to do what they see as best, where best obviously aligns with their interest
just like Republicans
the Republicans hold the senate, they use it as they see fit
what goes around comes around


Well-known member
Taxes = Voters didn't care
Mueller report = bust
Congressional investigations = politically motivated
Cohen = who doesn't know a crooked lawyer
long list of convictions = irrelevant
Packer = who?
Weiselberg = cares?

How could someone possibly think that he is being politically harassed by the left?

Fixed it for you.


Well-known member
You don't want the man himself Mueller to testify so we can finally get this shit out the way weither it be good or bad?
just another transparent attempt to create your own narrative
all i've said is the democrats are going to run the investigations in the house
this is political reality
we'll see what they do, i reserve judgement until there's something to judge

Mr D

You don't want the man himself Mueller to testify so we can finally get this shit out the way weither it be good or bad?

No because it's not what's best for the democrats and the republicans control the senate or some bullshit excuse.

Being objective and understanding the long term ramifications of unwarranted forensic examinations of someone's life are not his strong points.
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