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Well-known member
Hi Dark Nevil told me the afghan he collected on the trip to Afghanistan that we see pictures of him holding hash turned out to be rubbish but i know he collected good specimens of afghan and Hindu Kush and other indicas.

He may have collected a few.....this one is supposed to be quite long flowering....the pictures I seen had pink pistols...I think its different to the one he donated to some university for preservation(which I think was the not so good one)...maybe it could be something that shanti has further refined privately


The Haze Whisperer
He may have collected a few.....this one is supposed to be quite long flowering....the pictures I seen had pink pistols...I think its different to the one he donated to some university for preservation(which I think was the not so good one)...maybe it could be something that shanti has further refined privately

Hi Dark i just know what Nevil collected in Afghanistan on that trip did not turn out that good as i asked him about what he collected and we talked about the unique micro environment found from valley to valley the hash so on.


DEA Agent
Premium user
Hi Dark Nevil told me the afghan he collected on the trip to Afghanistan that we see pictures of him holding hash turned out to be rubbish but i know he collected good specimens of afghan and Hindu Kush and other indicas.

I believe Northern Lights, Hashplant and G13 are what made Nevil reach Legendary status. No way in hell anyone else could compete with those power houses at that time.


DEA Agent
Premium user
I think you may be referring to the mazar nevil collected himself on his travels ....it was kept as private stock an passed on to shanti....supposed to be wat kanga said was the strongest an best indica he has had.....but the one im on about was defo hashplant x hazeC..

I remember Shanti said something about dropping a Hashplant line awhile back ( never did ). Do you know if that Mazar had anything to do with it?

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Found another 2 females from the Todd McCormick Ohaze I popped, so that's 3 out of 10 so far.

I was sure this mutant/weird looking one would be a male...most of the seed plants I've grown in the past that have come out looking a bit "off" during veg were almost always found to be male later on. Glad I held onto her. I'll transplant when she gets a little bigger, but she's good to go in the small pot I have her in for now. Pretty NLD by the looks...will be interesting to see how this one goes...





Well-known member
Found another 2 females from the Todd McCormick Ohaze I popped, so that's 3 out of 10 so far.

I was sure this mutant/weird looking one would be a male...most of the seed plants I've grown in the past that have come out looking a bit "off" during veg were almost always found to be male later on. Glad I held onto her. I'll transplant when she gets a little bigger, but she's good to go in the small pot I have her in for now. Pretty NLD by the looks...will be interesting to see how this one goes...

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good to see those genetics getting grown outside,,had 9 out o f 10 pop here one is having a wobble others seem fine so far unsexed will take some snaps soon :tiphat:


The Haze Whisperer
I believe Northern Lights, Hashplant and G13 are what made Nevil reach Legendary status. No way in hell anyone else could compete with those power houses at that time.

I never tried the Hashplant but the NL i did and the G13/sk even tho i dont like indicas even i know they were a valuable tool but also quality plants in there own right.

I know shanti dose have pure Afghanis and kush lines.


The Haze Whisperer
HB there looking good i like the look of the runt question is it unusual for plants to sex so early on like these have were you are ?.

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
good to see those genetics getting grown outside,,had 9 out o f 10 pop here one is having a wobble others seem fine so far unsexed will take some snaps soon :tiphat:

Decent germs rates is always a good thing. I prefer growing stuff outdoors from seed...gives you a true representation of the plant as nature intended, imho. When they get a bit of veg on them, I'd love to see how yours are turning out, harvestreaper...just for comparison's sake.:tiphat:

HB there looking good i like the look of the runt question is it unusual for plants to sex so early on like these have were you are ?.

Thanks Hempy. Best I can figure is maybe I started my seed too early? I didn't baby them indoors at all...instead, I stuck them straight outside under a makeshift greenhouse since sprouting them in mid-April. The days get progressively longer here as we get closer to the middle of Summer Solstice, so only thing I can reckon is the young plants got triggered by the natural light cycle in early veg. I should have hit them with some extra light around late April straight through to May, but I never got around to whacking the lights up. Oh well.

I'm noticing a lot of my other seed plants are also just starting to show sex...a few of the C5 hyrbids, one of the SLH x (A5 x A5T), one of the Skunk 1 plants, as well as some of the others. I haven't checked them all, but I'm sure there's more.

This should be ok since Summer Solstice is June 20th here...so, maybe my timing wasn't so bad after all? I could have started later OR I could have added some supp lighting to decrease the chance of early flower, but all in all, I think it's going to work out. I thought about adding some supp lighting after I get them in their permanent homes next week...but maybe they'll get stressed? I don't really know. Might be worth a try just to extend the veg cycle a bit more...if you or any one else has any suggestions born from experience, I'm all ears.

There's pretty much no chance of them going into reveg after the Solstice, so I'm not too worried at this point. Just gonna keep trucking and start getting some of the females into the bed so they can stretch their legs a bit.

To give you some idea of how the weather has been and how my light cycle is affecting things...the C99 x 303 plants in the last pic down at the bottom of this post came from some seeded branches I buried in the ground last winter. The main plant is around 6' tall and only just now starting to show sex. Last Fall, I had harvested most of the seeded bud from the mom plant, so I left some of the lower branches on there to wither and die. I started to see stray seeds sprouting out of the melting buds around December, so I pulled the plant, cut everything up, and buried the branches in place.

As Winter wore on, I started to see a bunch of seedlings sprouting up from the same spot, so I let them go. I culled a bunch of the seedlings in late Winter/early Spring and left some of them in place to grow out. I figured it would be fun to see what happens...and maybe take some cuts before chopping the plants down.

Anyway, they smell so good and they're growing so well, I decided to just leave them alone. Not 100% sure what pollen hit the original C99 x 303 plant I had in that spot, but it's either A5 x A5T pollen or SCDK pollen...as I had both males sitting near the original plant last year. These plants are about 6 months old and should finish around November of this year.


Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
I think you may be referring to the mazar nevil collected himself on his travels ....it was kept as private stock an passed on to shanti....supposed to be wat

kanga said was the strongest an best indica he has had.....but the one im on about was defo hashplant x hazeC..

Kanga didn`t smoke .
So using him as a reference of potency is misplaced .

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Hi Dark i just know what Nevil collected in Afghanistan on that trip did not turn out that good as i asked him about what he collected and we talked about the unique micro environment found from valley to valley the hash so on.

Did he say he went into Afghanistan ?

Refugee camp on the Pakistan border is the story I heard .


The Haze Whisperer
Did he say he went into Afghanistan ?

Refugee camp on the Pakistan border is the story I heard .

Nevil did go into Afghanistan i cant remember the story ward for ward now but one of the guys pictured was one of the warlords.

It was from memory at the time the old USSR was in Afghanistan but it was an interesting story one of many i heard from Nevil.


The Haze Whisperer
HB i would try and take clones of the Haze just encase you find your self with something real special mate.

Sounds like that is normal for your part of the world here were i am we plant weather permuting September /October and early sex can show any were from say new years to Easter.

Last summer was a mess here with the bush fires lots of grows lost and or affected by smoke.The smoke was so bad it affected the olives on my trees they ended up dry and shriveled up never seen that before.

That c99 x 303 looks nice threw to the 303 big time.


Well-known member
I remember Shanti said something about dropping a Hashplant line awhile back ( never did ). Do you know if that Mazar had anything to do with it?

No idea royal flush....
How you getting on with your more sativa phenos of karmas 5hz s1....?..did you pollinate any with anything else other than your 89nl5 ibl.


Well-known member
Found another 2 females from the Todd McCormick Ohaze I popped, so that's 3 out of 10 so far.

I was sure this mutant/weird looking one would be a male...most of the seed plants I've grown in the past that have come out looking a bit "off" during veg were almost always found to be male later on. Glad I held onto her. I'll transplant when she gets a little bigger, but she's good to go in the small pot I have her in for now. Pretty NLD by the looks...will be interesting to see how this one goes...

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Lovely garden you have going ther....looks nice an peacefull.....could be the root ristriction speeding up your hazes....you getting any scents from them yet ?


Kanga had a few lines of mm each slightly different....nevil I believe used the big mullum line which was the huge big yielding pine tree type...then kanga has one called mm#3 wich is mm x mm/oaxacan...then he had the quicker mm line, which was one of kangas lines put to a different clone someone held....he had one mm line put to the victoria indica....an the line that looks the closest to his 80's pictures which is the one that seems to have more Columbian(probably gold) is the line he calls mm#1...an thers probably a few others he had.....nevil I think had two different malest and two females of the line he used...one of which was tagged with the name the beast.

Thanks, for the info

Yeah, that's what I gathered regarding the huge MM, it was his top recommendation to me, for my purpose, which I wanted the strongest haziest stuff to cross to my 5hz line, which is also a giant. My pick had a lighter and different type of shade than her siblings. It had that silver sheen that Nevil liked. I picked it because it had the clearest strongest high.
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The MM should smoke like the strongest Nevil's Haze

Hi Hempy,

the NH 21mm is very strong.
Especially my main pick.
The high is more floaty than my 5hazes, with less of a paranoid edge, almost feels like a high with a bit of alcohol or valium in the mix, very powerful. Lasts all day, no tolerance build up. 2 or 3 bonghits a day, and I still have to smoke some good indica to come down off it in the evening.
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