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Well-known member
I am still searching for people on forums who have smoked the green/golden Original Haze that was sold in Coffeeshops, before the Skunks or the Hazes from Neville did hit the market.
In vain.

Seems that they are not on forums or have quit smoking.
Good luck in your quest @Hempy.

May be we are searching at the wrong place, and should ask in cookies forum, if there is people who have parents or grand parents who did smoke in the 70s or 80s :)

i remember dam pre haze i remember jamaican i remember mexican durban thai many different hashes in coffeeshops dont remeber a green haze altho it does ring a bell still in contact with a few who might have a better memory ill ask ,, i think it was mid 80s we started hearing about skunk in holland ie the dutch were pushing it as a product wernt long after heard wispers of it here in uk but it wernt til late 80s the game seemed to officaly start in uk with haze sk ,,sk1 nl haze 5 all landing and cuts getting sold traded ,i personally over estimated my uk brethren as i told my friend who gave me the cuts who was also the first person i knew of in uk with those genes hed have 18 months on top of the hill til everyone else caught up ,but he was still smashing it ten years later with the haze 5 and that cut would put most to shame today ,,people think its sentiment but it aint if you was around back then youdve of seen the quality decline each year from the kick off to were we are today,money is king ,,,,,,ive spent lots of time going thru genetics just to try to find things as good as what i started off with and usually falling way short lol,,,i dont know if what im saying tallies up with them in the know but thats my memory of it :tiphat:


Well-known member
I just think it is really odd that a Californian line as famous as Haze has not been posted about or brought up in discussions relating to Haze before the Dutch seen apart from what Sam and Rob have posted.

You had magazine articles seed being sold as far back as 1976 you had posters and more.

Trip weed here had no marketing no posters no magazine articles but older smokers smoked it remember it or know of it for the most part.

maybe it was sams and his buddies who created all the posters aritcles and theyve made a pretty penny an had a ball ever since lol


The Haze Whisperer
i remember dam pre haze i remember jamaican i remember mexican durban thai many different hashes in coffeeshops dont remeber a green haze altho it does ring a bell still in contact with a few who might have a better memory ill ask ,, i think it was mid 80s we started hearing about skunk in holland ie the dutch were pushing it as a product wernt long after heard wispers of it here in uk but it wernt til late 80s the game seemed to officaly start in uk with haze sk ,,sk1 nl haze 5 all landing and cuts getting sold traded ,i personally over estimated my uk brethren as i told my friend who gave me the cuts who was also the first person i knew of in uk with those genes hed have 18 months on top of the hill til everyone else caught up ,but he was still smashing it ten years later with the haze 5 and that cut would put most to shame today ,,people think its sentiment but it aint if you was around back then youdve of seen the quality decline each year from the kick off to were we are today,money is king ,,,,,,ive spent lots of time going thru genetics just to try to find things as good as what i started off with and usually falling way short lol,,,i dont know if what im saying tallies up with them in the know but thats my memory of it :tiphat:

The type of cannabis changed after Sam showed up in Holland and that was what 85 ?.

Nevil got hold of the Haze and the rest is history.

The things friends brought back from Holland was not my cup of tea i first saw Haze 2000 on the Mr nice forum at CW and i was lucky to be at the right place at the right time to also collect things Nevil had made and also things Shanti had made using Nevil's parent plants but also seed Nevil had past on to shanti that were never offered.

The Seed collected from Nevil's work and Sam's work in Holland in the later part were gems and lots got them.

Fast forward to 2020 apart from Todd's original Haze reproduction what else has there been that has Haze heads swinging from trees in excitement in the last what 17 or more years.

These days if some one posts and says i found this haze plant or haze phino and it is so strong it leveled us people thing your exaggerating and yet in the late 80s even early 2000s lots of people did post smoke reports like that.


Well-known member
sounds like you had a right result in those genetics hempy ,,as you can see by some of my crosses i pretty much try to recreate similar plants to the first haze hybrids i had with whats available to me and its its been an enjoyable ride i agree todds release is exiting and all being well ill cross some to my fav haze hybrids and the search will continue while moving closer to there roots,,,, as for exagerating its like the old horse to water cliche if they cant tell truth from fiction maybe thats just the way it sposed to be lol


I've got high hopes for Madmac, I asked about where I could buy his seeds assuming he already offered them.

His response was that he only offered the THH reproduction on Seedbay at the moment and he wasn't ready to release anything until he was 100% happy with it.

Perfect attitude in my opinion, I respect a man who is passionate about his work.


Well-known member
What's wrong with this inbred Seedsman Haze @Hempy?



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Let me correct that misconception ...she is in a room with 6000 W total:). Six 1000 W high-pressure sodium lamps...It’s a flowering room ... she is sharing space with many plants ...i can bathe her in all the light intensity she will need

I was gonna say your not in Cali. PGE is still cheap enough to use 6kw and not go broke in most other states.. Here in Cali its .35$ per kilowatt. Once you get into the 4th tier your paying big bucks.


Active member
"Haze" was just a name somebody created - very possible that it was a Mexican landrace somebody grew out. Most of the Mexican weed imported was just average but sometimes

Yes it was a name that my friend created, but he did not use Mexican genetics at all. You are so far off the truth it is hilarious.

there was some awesome trip bud.

Other people in California created the seeds that Sam & Nevil get credit for - they were probably wise & did not want to bring attention to themselves.

I never tried to take credit for breeding the Original Haze I have always said it was bred by S.C. friends for the last 40+ years, why you think this I have no idea maybe you want some attention? LOL
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
True, Not much had any name. Most local weed was called Homegrown or mexi. Some others had counties of origin like Thai Stick or Jamaican. Lots could have been haze.

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
"Haze" was just a name somebody created - very possible that it was a Mexican landrace somebody grew out. Most of the Mexican weed imported was just average but sometimes

there was some awesome trip bud.

Other people in California created the seeds that Sam & Nevil get credit for - they were probably wise & did not want to bring attention to themselves.

Haze was a line created by seeds that the Haze brothers procured from someone else, sure...it's what Sam and Nevil did with those seeds that made the progeny unique and able to stand on their own. Sam did it with his skunk, Nevil with his haze hybrids...with the Haze coming from Sam...which he got from the Haze brothers...which they got from whomever...

Every breeder today is standing on the shoulders of someone that came before them. They didn't just pop out the womb with cannabis seeds in their hands. They had to procure the seed and then work them/combine them to get to a point where the progeny stood apart from what came before.

I do believe both Sam and Nevil pushed the envelope...which is something that's lacking these days in modern breeding programs, imho. These days, it seems more luck of the draw than anything else since most folks can't run the types of numbers required to find that one in a million plant.

When Sam and Nevil were working, and I could be wrong here, but I don't think they were trying to recreate the past so much as they were trying to create unique lines that could stand the test of time...which should be the goal of any breeding program, imho.



Active member
Haze was a line created by seeds that the Haze brothers procured from someone else, sure...it's what Sam and Nevil did with those seeds that made the progeny unique and able to stand on their own. Sam did it with his skunk, Nevil with his haze hybrids...with the Haze coming from Sam...which he got from the Haze brothers...which they got from whomever...

Every breeder today is standing on the shoulders of someone that came before them. They didn't just pop out the womb with cannabis seeds in their hands. They had to procure the seed and then work them/combine them to get to a point where the progeny stood apart from what came before.

I do believe both Sam and Nevil pushed the envelope...which is something that's lacking these days in modern breeding programs, imho. These days, it seems more luck of the draw than anything else since most folks can't run the types of numbers required to find that one in a million plant.

When Sam and Nevil were working, and I could be wrong here, but I don't think they were trying to recreate the past so much as they were trying to create unique lines that could stand the test of time...which should be the goal of any breeding program, imho.


Mostly true - running large numbers might help.

the "Haze Brothers" story is likely fiction, story created to sell seeds. Marketing in dangerous times. Lots of great California strains back in the day, many never got made into seed. :tiphat:

I do not know what to say, both of the Original Haze growers were my close neighbors, how you can decide this is just unbelieveable you were not there and yet you decide it is just likely fiction, I guess the Original Haze poster from 1976 was just made by me to further seed sales? O ye, of little faith is all I can say to you, I honestly feel sorry for you. -SamS

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]he[/FONT]


  • HazeFINAL3.jpg
    70 KB · Views: 21
  • 1250OriginalHaze.jpg
    43.4 KB · Views: 20
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Well-known member
Creators of "Sacred Seeds", This seedbank does not exist any more...

"High Breed" and "Select Seeds" is the worlds leading explorer, importer, cultivator, breeder and researcher of select, exotic, pedigreed cannabis seed.

In his 1985'er catalogue, Sam the Skunkman,
the founder of this legendary company write:

Cultivators Choice offers the finest of:

- Pure, true breeding varieties
- The ultimate in F1 Hybrids
- Superior, imported seed from the world over.
Cultivators Choice is proud to offer these incredible seeds to those who can truly appreciate them.

Note: These seeds are not accidental by product of commercial cannabis production.

They are from consciously chosen seed strains, carefully cultivated and scientifically pollinated.

The entire motivation is to produce vigorous, healthy seeds of the highest quality and purity.

Acapulco Gold
Afghani #1
Early Girl
Original Haze
Skunk #1
Skunk #1 x South African
South African
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Well-known member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]True Breeding[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Acapulco Gold[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Afghani #1[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]South African [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mazari[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]F1 / F2?[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Orange [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Early Girl[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Indi-Sat[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mazari-Afghani[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Original Haze[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Skunk #1[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Skunk #1 x South African[/FONT][/FONT]
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Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Mostly true - running large numbers might help.

the "Haze Brothers" story is likely fiction, story created to sell seeds. Marketing in dangerous times. Lots of great California strains back in the day, many never got made into seed. :tiphat:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]he[/FONT]

It could be fiction, but I’d rather not call Sam an out and out liar based on no evidence at all. Doesn’t seem fair, imho. He’s dedicated his life to cannabis and given away thousands and thousands of seed over that time. If he was in it purely for the money, he could have done even better financially than he probably already has. His research, along with RCC, is pretty vast and RCC’s books are great guides to growing better cannabis.

Nevil did mention being able to breed successfully with small numbers, if I recall correctly...of course, he was working with lines like NL which had been grown indoors in the PNW for generations before he got them.

Nevil was all about creating “bottlenecks of quality” (his quote, not mine) and he was able to achieve that without popping thousands of seeds at a time, so it’s possible...assuming the lines you’re working come from solid stock and you know what you’re looking for. Nevil’s goal was for people to find a good plant in every pack and I think he did that for the most part.



Hi Harvestreaper,
Finally found those pics of plant that the bud came from. Will repost pic of bud so you don't have to scroll back.
This bud was selected for it's ultra clear Uber potent haze high.




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