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NFL 2019-2020


I posted that at half time. Just comparing to the last couple of weeks. Bears looked pretty good in the second half. Their punter was kicking the crap out of that ball today

Exciting times ahead ???.......hmmmm :unsure:


Well-known member
I posted that at half time. Just comparing to the last couple of weeks. Bears looked pretty good in the second half. Their punter was kicking the crap out of that ball today

Exciting times ahead ???.......hmmmm :unsure:
So we got another bears fans huh?my condolences friend.just kidding.im a happy camper.and even the Falcons won by a hair with a 58 yard field goal.cant say I'm in a bad mood.mind if I ask if your IL?also Santos is one of the best in the league.and Korean kid on the Falcons looks like hot shit.he won the game


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Marbles and tops? Old school entertainment, but i dig it. At least it was done outdoors. Nowadays kids might never leave their home, theyre so addicted to their screens.

Ive done some cement work myself and it's hard work for sure. Love that cloud of grey dust that you have to avoid breathing in with every 60lb bag you empty into the mixing pan. What's that lung disease you get when u breathe too much of that stuff, silicosis?
Your 'white privilege' has 'entitled' you to a lifetime of back pain, knee pain and lung disease. Only in America!

Pops is right, that's a professionally done slab. And is that a camper van i see? Very nice.
I see u werent wearing ur knee pads while smoothing out the 'crete. They can be annoying to wear, i guess.

Is that u in all 3 pics, Bigsur? Very Normal Rockwell. That corn looks positively Jurassic in size. Is it supposed to get that big? Can you grow enough corn to make some moonshine at least?

Bears pulled out a win vs a tough Rams team. What made u say Caleb played better in the 1st half, Whip? At least the run game got back on track, both Swift and Roschon had TDs, and Swift had almost 100yds rushing...

I have probably rubbed and patched and ground as much concrete as I poured..

I had to grind the inside walls of an ammunition bunker out at the air National Guard base in Tulsa

Concrete ceiling walls, and only one door to get in and out

I had to grind the ceilings and the walls and then rub and patch them

We used pieces of gunny sack and a wheelbarrow full of cement and sand at about a 75 to 25 ratio

but it was the grinding that was awful with an offset grinder and Carborundum stone

Sometimes the seams were so bad that I had to use what they call a bush hammer to knock away the excess concrete and then the grinder after that

talk about dust and all we use back in those days was a bandanna pulled up over our face like a bunch of cowboys

i’m surprised my lungs are as healthy as they are

I give the credit to all the cannabis that I’ve smoked😂

Smoked my first joint in 1963🤓🎉

At first, when I was an apprentice, I thought I would be tough and not wear kneepads

After a few times of setting your knees down on a piece of half-inch gravel, I decided to buy some knee pads

But like you said, I wasn’t wearing any that day, but I knew I wasn’t gonna be crawling around for very long so I didn’t bother to put them on

Yes, I’m guilty. That is me standing by the corn.

I won a blue ribbon at the county fair that year

That corn variety is called bloody butcher and it is an heirloom corn that Indians grew

It is best used for making flour, but if you pick it early enough, you can roast it or boil it

The kernels are a beautiful deep dark red. I guess that’s why they called that strain bloody butcher.

I don’t recall what that lung disease is other than emphysema

My knees and back are in pretty good shape for being in my 70s after working construction for about 40 years

I also had some laborers pull some scaffolding out from underneath me when I was on the ninth floor and I fell through an elevator shaft to the sixth floor and broke my back , back in 1983

Probably the worst pain that I deal with nowadays is my neck which I broke in five places about eight years ago when I hit some black ice and rolled my little Toyota truck about 30 miles south of Limon, Colorado

I had to be life flighted into a hospital in Denver , that was one hell of a ride

Five fractures in C3 , 4 , and 5


I quit riding my scooter after that accident cause I couldn’t turn my head around fast enough to see if anybody was coming up behind me if I had to switch lanes real quick



So we got another bears fans huh?my condolences friend.just kidding.im a happy camper.and even the Falcons won by a hair with a 58 yard field goal.cant say I'm in a bad mood.mind if I ask if your IL?also Santos is one of the best in the league.and Korean kid on the Falcons looks like hot shit.he won the game
Yes I live in the messed up state of Illinois


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
what a day of football and things are still going strong with b'more v buf (its the half but the ravens are running wild over the bills)
i thought the rams were going to come back against the bears and was on the edge of my seat till a last min int sealed the deal
the defense looks good
fiske is still playing in beast mode racked up a forced fumble and spent a lot of time in the bears backfield
verse almost had two sacks but (back to back) but both were called back because of penalties
unfortunately all the rams could muster on offense was field goals, i guess if you want to win games in the nfl you need to score tds

im seeing no ball pics, no weenies pics, nada
luckily i found this to snack on


its exactly what it looks like, a kind of liverwurst thing that taste great as a spread
i chopped up some pickles and onions extra fine to give it some texture and a little extra flavor but this stuff is off the wall
next time i go to aldis im going to buy more
/they also brought back the crab cakes!

who t'f is this handsome guy! nice tassels man
are you a football fan?
sounds like you have done your share of hard work man, but sometimes those are the most rewarding projects
/like once you are done you can step back and actually see what you accomplished
ive seen the stamp here in san diego and its still holding up
/we need to bring back a wpa type program
that red corn sounds cool man and i bet the flour would have a reddish color to it
look at that wound?! its like something dr frankenstein would have used to reattach your head man
you are one tough f'm'r
kick ass brother!

/so what are you calling your dad about?
im glad to hear you are having a good day man! and i hope you can string a few of them together
thats young' ho man, hes koo!
young ho.jpg

he started his career with the chargers but kind of sucked, but once he turned his hat backwards got gangsta i guess and could kick
happy birthday to your mom man!
what does she like? my mom is not impressed by any of my gifts but she likes to go out to eat so i will take her and her friends out for lunch/ dinner; i choose the place
keep it up man! and i hope tomorrow is another good day buddy

Morning, another Sunday. I am a huge NFL fan but My team has been bad for so long that I usually stay in the corner.

Like today. The Broncos play the Jets. I see a bad moon a risen. If I were a betting fan, and I'm not, best way to make some quick cash is to lay the 8 and bet the farm on the Jets. Broncos have no O line and a marginal running game. Plus the Broncos have a rookie QB and has been inaccurate on passes over 10 yards.

I see a rout coming! I am a loyal Bronco fan so I will sit through this but It won't be fun. Something like 35-7.......Jets.
hey whats happening man!
your team sucks? those are the best fans!
/i have sat through years of bad football
looks like you were good for 1pt. because the broncos won today 10-9
i think there is potential in bo nix but they need to give him time to season

looks like @superx finally got back to work!
f'n slacker
/best to you and the fam my man
so are you guys doing shit for halloween?
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Well-known member
never heard of the guy.sounds like a korean name.he saved the day.only guy i got to talk about football with can only get up for jeapordy ,smoke pot and drink a beer and passes out again. reminds me of the guy on the couch in half baked.dont do shit. my mom hates everything.forgive me father for i have sinned. i bought a ribeye and overcooked it just for her.ive sinned the steak gods.only did it for her.may mercy be on my soul.i got a pic but shine your eyes.its a horror show.its not even holloween yet.the things i do fotr my mom.i almost cried.thats like medium well.your gonna have to put a gun to my head if im gonna cook that again.at least the fat was juicy .what a waste
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
never heard of the guy.sounds like a korean name.he saved the day.only guy i got to talk about football with can only get up for jeapordy ,smoke pot and drink a beer and passes out again. reminds me of the guy on the couch in half baked.dont do shit. my mom hates everything.forgive me father for i have sinned. i bought a ribeye and overcooked it just for her.ive sinned the steak gods.only did it for her.may mercy be on my soul.i got a pic but shine your eyes.its a horror show.its not even holloween yet.the things i do fotr my mom.i almost cried.thats like medium well.your gonna have to put a gun to my head if im gonna cook that again.at least the fat was juicy .what a waste View attachment 19075814
thats not that bad man,i ve had worse
looks very med to well done all i see are sticks of butter plus a sweet mushroom gravy
man i would gravy up that whole plate
when you say this guy can only get up do you mean his boner? because @Bababooey can help with that
/click on his link!


Well-known member
im game ready and looking forward to kickoff
/who knew early morning drinking could be so much fun
the rams are playing a young defense but i think there might be some emerging stars in the mix
bears are sporting a hot shit new qb but can their d contain $tafford and his jv offense
/im saying no

View attachment 19075455
its just indigestion from the braut
there are a lot of bears fans on this thread

that looks like a nice slab there



Well-known member
thats not that bad man,i ve had worse
looks very med to well done all i see are sticks of butter plus a sweet mushroom gravy
man i would gravy up that whole plate
when you say this guy can only get up do you mean his boner? because @Bababooey can help with that
/click on his link!
it was ok.i used too much rosemary and garlic but its ok. just being goofy. but yeah it hurt to cook it that long.my buddy is a bum.gets up at 7am to panhandle,get back around noon.smoke some pot and have a few beers then hes down for the count till he needsasmoke and beer.the state pays for his apartment.hes always past out so his girlfriend ive known a long time calls me cause hes always sleeping.he has mooch bum on max level.sometimes hes up to talk about old times but thats his fucking life.drink smoke and sleep.he literally cant stay up an hour.he only just turned 60.hes a packers fan so we fuck with each other
Yes I live in the messed up state of Illinois
join the club.just moved to IA recently.its ok.lots of bears fans here. ilived all over IL. the country in IL is great if you know where to look. DuPage is great if your rich


Well-known member
thats narnly bigsur..reminds me of some dudes i know but they are all beat the hell.i always wanted a 1200 sportster cause thats about all i can handle.these were joliet outlaws.never wore nothing but leather on choppers.my dad and i got a 73 honda cb450 but thats just a toy to you.it was mint until the elements got it.mark my words ill ride again.stay safe out there brother.nothing in the world can compare to riding


Well-known member
never heard of the guy.sounds like a korean name.he saved the day.only guy i got to talk about football with can only get up for jeapordy ,smoke pot and drink a beer and passes out again. reminds me of the guy on the couch in half baked.dont do shit. my mom hates everything.forgive me father for i have sinned. i bought a ribeye and overcooked it just for her.ive sinned the steak gods.only did it for her.may mercy be on my soul.i got a pic but shine your eyes.its a horror show.its not even holloween yet.the things i do fotr my mom.i almost cried.thats like medium well.your gonna have to put a gun to my head if im gonna cook that again.at least the fat was juicy .what a waste View attachment 19075814
only thing im guilty of is giving it one more minute.my n=mom wanted to


Well-known member

Damn....I think I just had a flashback :geek:
Sure hope it not like a sharp pickup stick to the eye, @Whip.

I prefer to use a square point emergency brake, but I suspect the round point is more effective at altitude.

those pecan sticks no good for cooking if you dry them out are they going in the burn pile?im feeling unusally spry.this kid here would help if i could.
They are great for cooking and smoking meats. There is no shortage of pecan sticks. Pecans drop limbs and branches regularly. I have to play pick up sticks before I mow. They have a way of getting into the mower deck and shredding a belt.
'Horse doover' =Hors d'oeuvre. Nice one, Buzz.

Were the plants floating in the grow room? I think u mentioned that happened earlier. Is it possible to seal up the cracks so there's much less water infiltration or is that like using ur finger to plug a hole in a dam, another leak will spring up somewhere else?

Im guessing Buzz has to rake up the sticks and cart them to the burn/brush pile. Does he even bbq anymore?
Some were floating most were thoroughly soaked where they stood. There is not a fix other than a demo and a re-do. There are many cracks running across the non-reinforced concrete slab. (Yes, @Whip, cement is not concrete. A Roman told me that but he said it was a secret in Latin.) Someone tried to relieve the hydrostatic pressure from below by drilling 1/2" holes in the slab. Now when the groundwater rises I can bounce on parts of the slab and water pops out of the drill hole. LOL This flood was all Helene's fault.

Hand selected sticks are lovingly placed in the Gorilla cart and wheeled to the burn pile for future pagan rituals.

Does he even bbq anymore?

these two games were popular when I was growing up in the late 50’s and 60’s..

and football 🤓
Mom brought home two original Wham-O frisbees one day after a shopping trip. There was an empty lot across the road that the neighbors allowed us to play football and baseball. Frisbees took care of the off seasons.

but now I’m just a poor old dirt farmer who’s lost all his corn
I can see you did not lose your marbles. You kept them in your pockets, didn't you.

Baker had fun again Sunday against the Eagles. Trevor did not have any fun.

Who ya rootin' for @bigsur51 ?


Horse-toothed Jackass
Glad to hear that ur endorphin levels appear to be in the green, Hawk.
Falcons pulled out a last second win vs the eagles also, a couple weeks ago. The kicker is young hoe koo, they make memes of his name calling him Young Hoe, even though it's pronounced young hway, not ho.
He did badly as a rookie for the chargers, they cut him after 3 or 4 games, he rehabbed his game in the AAF and atlanta signed him, he's been good for them since. One game i think he had 3 successful onside kicks in a row.

I admit i missed most of the game but finally Swift redeemed himself, think he was averaging 1.6 yds a carry before today.
Caleb doesnt look like a future star but 4 games into his career is a bit premature to make any concrete judgements. He can throw some absolute dimes, if he can get more consistent at that would go a long ways towards making him a superstar, but with the nature of the game nowadays i feel like every QB has their highs and lows. Josh allen looked like the MVP frontrunner the 1st 3 weeks and against the ravens last night looked extremely mid.
Having a functional run game will go a long way towards letting caleb grow at his own pace.

The Bears punter is Tory Taylor and he's got an interesting story, he's a 27yr old rookie from Australia who was working as a miner there (think he was a mechanic or machine operator?) in his early 20's when he went to a camp they have for aussies interested in learning how to kick american footballs. I guess there's a lot of ex rugby and soccer players there? Anyway he did well enough to attend University of Iowa on scholarship, i think a fair number of college punters are from australia so there's a pipeline of talent there. He was practically their best offensive player, Iowa's offense was so bad. Anyway Bears spent a 4th rd pick on him and it's been well worth it so far, flipping the field like that is so valuable for a team with a good defense but suspect O.

Ah i forgot about cutting concrete as well, Bigsur. Ur right, the dust is bad enough, were u able to wet the blade and concrete enough so it didnt kick up so much dust? The worst part for me was inhaling the exhaust from the gas engine, the fumes from that would have my eyes burning within minutes.
Maybe there is something to be said for smoking cannabis actually protecting ur lungs. Were u ever a tobacco smoker as well?

A 3 flight fall down an elevator shaft sounds like it would be at least 50% fatal. I hate that the laborers almost ending up killing u over negligence, they couldnt make sure nobody was ON the scaffolding before pulling it? I stg, the idiots u meet in construction, u wonder if theyre on some sort of prison work release program... I hope u got a decent worker's comp settlement or lawsuit settlement out of that.

High speed car accidents freak me out, were u wearing ur seatbelt during the rollover? Whenever i sit in the back i dont put my seatbelt on but im going to start changing that.
I love how surgical staples look almost exactly like the staples that come out of an office stapler. Like Pops said, gives u a nice little frankenstein effect back there while theyre in. But spinal injuries are no joke, are they still very painful? That's lifelong $hit u gotta deal with, in most cases.
Glad to see ur healthy enough to ride gain. U ever make it to Sturgis for the annual rally? I guess it's not too far from CO and it's huge, even if there's people u dont care to see again it's big enough where that's possible.

Liverwurst, Pops? Alright, throw enough pickles and onions on there i might give it a try.
Ive only checked the one aldi's for crabcakes, maybe ill check some others if i remember but it's depressing when u can find them so easily.

I was quite surprised when the jets beat the broncos, that D is stepping up big time last 2 games. Orange Crush, is that what the old school bronco's D was called? Jets had a 50yd FG try to win it at the end but the kicker missed it in the rain. Bo nix had terrible stats but also threw for his first TD, Sean payton appears to be finding his groove as a playcaller so maybe they'll continue to surprise people, especially if the D holds teams to 15pts or less.

I thought medium well had a touch of pink in the center? I dont see any pink, but like u said Hawk, the fattiness of the meat kept it soft enough. Love the mushroom sauce on top and the baked potato w/ butter as a side is on point.

Ur friend works 7am-12noon, smokes weed and drinks beer the rest of the day, and gets a free apt from the govt? Where do i sign up, Hawk? Although panhandling has to be a soul crushing experience in some ways. Not sure what i'd do if i saw someone i knew. Maybe i could wear a disguise...

I was wondering if ur mower would chew up the loose sticks, Buzz, but i guess not, at least not that many at a time.
I suppose it's a blessing that it could have been a lot worse, like u said the eastern seaboard got hit hard, the Carolinas got some epic flooding, including far inland.

I had a grower friend was was way into disc gold, that was his primary form of exercise, do u still toss a frisbee around sometimes?

Jags almost pulled out a win over the texans and tampa rolled over philly like they did last playoffs. Not sure if the eagles coach, nick sirianni, will survive the season. Maybe he can join the bears coach in the unemployment line at the end of the season.

sonic foot long.jpg

Here's a pic of my victory wiener. Foot long chili cheese coney from Sonic. It was alright, typical pork/turkey oscuh meyuh wee-nuh. I prefer all beef myself but it was BOGO free. I dont often go to Sonic and every time i go im reminded of why that is, lol, it's not very good, even for fast food.
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Well-known member
what a day of football and things are still going strong with b'more v buf (its the half but the ravens are running wild over the bills)
i thought the rams were going to come back against the bears and was on the edge of my seat till a last min int sealed the deal
the defense looks good
fiske is still playing in beast mode racked up a forced fumble and spent a lot of time in the bears backfield
verse almost had two sacks but (back to back) but both were called back because of penalties
unfortunately all the rams could muster on offense was field goals, i guess if you want to win games in the nfl you need to score tds

im seeing no ball pics, no weenies pics, nada
luckily i found this to snack on

View attachment 19075750
its exactly what it looks like, a kind of liverwurst thing that taste great as a spread
i chopped up some pickles and onions extra fine to give it some texture and a little extra flavor but this stuff is off the wall
next time i go to aldis im going to buy more
/they also brought back the crab cakes!

who t'f is this handsome guy! nice tassels man
are you a football fan?
sounds like you have done your share of hard work man, but sometimes those are the most rewarding projects
/like once you are done you can step back and actually see what you accomplished
ive seen the stamp here in san diego and its still holding up
/we need to bring back a wpa type program
that red corn sounds cool man and i bet the flour would have a reddish color to it
look at that wound?! its like something dr frankenstein would have used to reattach your head man
you are one tough f'm'r
kick ass brother!

/so what are you calling your dad about?
im glad to hear you are having a good day man! and i hope you can string a few of them together
thats young' ho man, hes koo!
View attachment 19075768
he started his career with the chargers but kind of sucked, but once he turned his hat backwards got gangsta i guess and could kick
happy birthday to your mom man!
what does she like? my mom is not impressed by any of my gifts but she likes to go out to eat so i will take her and her friends out for lunch/ dinner; i choose the place
keep it up man! and i hope tomorrow is another good day buddy

hey whats happening man!
your team sucks? those are the best fans!
/i have sat through years of bad football
looks like you were good for 1pt. because the broncos won today 10-9
i think there is potential in bo nix but they need to give him time to season

looks like @superx finally got back to work!
f'n slacker
/best to you and the fam my man
so are you guys doing shit for halloween?
Hey pops, for sure buddy I thought the steelers might of pulled it out of the bag in the last quarter. A lot of games played yesterday, a lot of tightly fought encounters with a lot of the teams, was reflected in the final scoring with tight margins.. Babba gets to keep his house.

Regarding Halloween, nothing planned as such, we still have some of those trips left over from the festival. If all else fails, we might drop some of those on the mountain and wish for a full moon.
The mountain is great for acid, your head is almost touching the sky and the stars are magnified x 10. Serious clarity.. I love Halloween.🎃

Hey Hawk that’s a serious looking steak you have, you always serve up fine looking steaks, your a man after my own heart..What did you wash it down with.

Steak for me nowadays, has to be rare (blue) I find the older I’m getting so is my craving for blood 😜 it’s gotta be mooing on the plate.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
@buzzmobile …I guess I will root for the Chiefs but I don’t know why…could be that I did about 14 years in Wichita , no , not as a lineman , just concrete..

I used to love football more than I do now…grew up in southern Commiefornia from around 1959-69 and loved Roman Gabriel and the Fearsome Foursome and Dick Bass was the running back…

then I found cannabis and lsd which changed the course of my life…the rest is history….family with 3 kids , got drafted in ‘69 , did 7 years , kids grew up and left home , I needed a change back then so I left home too and been a gypsy nomad ever since , landed out here in eastern Colorado 16 years ago and got in on the Green Rush when one could get a plant count of 99 and sell flowers to dispensaries at 4000 a pound …then I retired and like someone said in a song , what a long strange trip it has been

and what the heck is a square point emergency break ?🤓

@shithawk420 ..you got that right brother , riding a sled at 80 mph on a two lane hi way and coming up on an overpass at the same time that a semi tractor trailer pulling a hundred cows and he is also going 80 and there is only 6 feet between me and the pearly gates is one hella rush ..my scooter was an 800 pound electraglide and that is the only reason I wasn’t blown off that bridge , had a few white knuckle close calls , but hey , more thrills eh



@pop_rocks not a big football as I used to be , but yeah , I do enjoy watching a good game….shhhh please don’t tell anyone how much I love golf..😂
my pops was to young for WW1 and to old for WW2 , born in 1913 , but he did do a hitch in the CCC’s and worked at a defense plant Hughes Aircraft for the military industrial complex..he started work in the coal mines after he graduated from the 8th grade…
my mom and pops both loved liver wurst and brunswager along with pickled pigs feet..no thanks
Frankenstein indeed , so I added a couple of bolts to get a jump start on slow days


Well-known member
Glad to hear that ur endorphin levels appear to be in the green, Hawk.
Falcons pulled out a last second win vs the eagles also, a couple weeks ago. The kicker is young hoe koo, they make memes of his name calling him Young Hoe, even though it's pronounced young hway, not ho.
He did badly as a rookie for the chargers, they cut him after 3 or 4 games, he rehabbed his game in the AAF and atlanta signed him, he's been good for them since. One game i think he had 3 successful onside kicks in a row.

I admit i missed most of the game but finally Swift redeemed himself, think he was averaging 1.6 yds a carry before today.
Caleb doesnt look like a future star but 4 games into his career is a bit premature to make any concrete judgements. He can throw some absolute dimes, if he can get more consistent at that would go a long ways towards making him a superstar, but with the nature of the game nowadays i feel like every QB has their highs and lows. Josh allen looked like the MVP frontrunner the 1st 3 weeks and against the ravens last night looked extremely mid.
Having a functional run game will go a long way towards letting caleb grow at his own pace.

The Bears punter is Tory Taylor and he's got an interesting story, he's a 27yr old rookie from Australia who was working as a miner there (think he was a mechanic or machine operator?) in his early 20's when he went to a camp they have for aussies interested in learning how to kick american footballs. I guess there's a lot of ex rugby and soccer players there? Anyway he did well enough to attend University of Iowa on scholarship, i think a fair number of college punters are from australia so there's a pipeline of talent there. He was practically their best offensive player, Iowa's offense was so bad. Anyway Bears spent a 4th rd pick on him and it's been well worth it so far, flipping the field like that is so valuable for a team with a good defense but suspect O.

Ah i forgot about cutting concrete as well, Bigsur. Ur right, the dust is bad enough, were u able to wet the blade and concrete enough so it didnt kick up so much dust? The worst part for me was inhaling the exhaust from the gas engine, the fumes from that would have my eyes burning within minutes.
Maybe there is something to be said for smoking cannabis actually protecting ur lungs. Were u ever a tobacco smoker as well?

A 3 flight fall down an elevator shaft sounds like it would be at least 50% fatal. I hate that the laborers almost ending up killing u over negligence, they couldnt make sure nobody was ON the scaffolding before pulling it? I stg, the idiots u meet in construction, u wonder if theyre on some sort of prison work release program... I hope u got a decent worker's comp settlement or lawsuit settlement out of that.

High speed car accidents freak me out, were u wearing ur seatbelt during the rollover? Whenever i sit in the back i dont put my seatbelt on but im going to start changing that.
I love how surgical staples look almost exactly like the staples that come out of an office stapler. Like Pops said, gives u a nice little frankenstein effect back there while theyre in. But spinal injuries are no joke, are they still very painful? That's lifelong $hit u gotta deal with, in most cases.
Glad to see ur healthy enough to ride gain. U ever make it to Sturgis for the annual rally? I guess it's not too far from CO and it's huge, even if there's people u dont care to see again it's big enough where that's possible.

Liverwurst, Pops? Alright, throw enough pickles and onions on there i might give it a try.
Ive only checked the one aldi's for crabcakes, maybe ill check some others if i remember but it's depressing when u can find them so easily.

I was quite surprised when the jets beat the broncos, that D is stepping up big time last 2 games. Orange Crush, is that what the old school bronco's D was called? Jets had a 50yd FG try to win it at the end but the kicker missed it in the rain. Bo nix had terrible stats but also threw for his first TD, Sean payton appears to be finding his groove as a playcaller so maybe they'll continue to surprise people, especially if the D holds teams to 15pts or less.

I thought medium well had a touch of pink in the center? I dont see any pink, but like u said Hawk, the fattiness of the meat kept it soft enough. Love the mushroom sauce on top and the baked potato w/ butter as a side is on point.

Ur friend works 7am-12noon, smokes weed and drinks beer the rest of the day, and gets a free apt from the govt? Where do i sign up, Hawk? Although panhandling has to be a soul crushing experience in some ways. Not sure what i'd do if i saw someone i knew. Maybe i could wear a disguise...

I was wondering if ur mower would chew up the loose sticks, Buzz, but i guess not, at least not that many at a time.
I suppose it's a blessing that it could have been a lot worse, like u said the eastern seaboard got hit hard, the Carolinas got some epic flooding, including far inland.

I had a grower friend was was way into disc gold, that was his primary form of exercise, do u still toss a frisbee around sometimes?

Jags almost pulled out a win over the texans and tampa rolled over philly like they did last playoffs. Not sure if the eagles coach, nick sirianni, will survive the season. Maybe he can join the bears coach in the unemployment line at the end of the season.

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Here's a pic of my victory wiener. Foot long chili cheese coney from Sonic. It was alright, typical pork/turkey oscuh meyuh wee-nuh. I prefer all beef myself but it was BOGO free. I dont often go to Sonic and every time i go im reminded of why that is, lol, it's not very good, even for fast food.
Congrats on the victory ✌️ foot long, are you going to try and put that in your mouth sideways? I hear you on the mish mash of meat mix, rather than just beef or pork. At least it filled the spot.


Well-known member
You Bears fans are going to have another hard time next week against the Redskins. Been 20+ years since I can say that.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
@Bababooey yes Sir I was wearing my seatbelt , probably saved my life and my gf’s life , she didn’t have a scratch..we were on our way to the big box store in Denver and I had about $3000 in cash which ended up scattered in the tumbleweeds and grass…girlfriend was able to unbuckle herself and gather it all up before the ambulance got there..yes neck does give me fits at times but a few hits on a joint usually takes care of that..no opiates here , they trigger migraines so I have to stay away from them and use alternative meds..
most of the concrete saws we used were diamond blades with water and no dust…but yeah , I have abused my lungs using those quickie saws with no water , cough cough..

Fearsome Fouresome


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