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The Haze discussion thread

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Cheers Hempy thanks for your advice I'll have to give it a go next grow when I run NHxMango in the summer.... I'm just a teeny tiny micro grower mate, there is no cornor of the grow room LOL but LEDs will dim down quite nicely for similar effect.


Hiya mate did you ever come across the Tripping weed in the late 70s early 80s ?.

I am almost 100% that was haze.

Never got a chance to try it. Smoked plenty of trip weed though.
Actually those Thai sticks got me started, we only got those for about a year, then that dude disappeared and we never saw Thai stick again. It wasn't till I experienced my haze cut,
that I felt that kind of high again.

I smoked lots of trippy weed, some cartoon weed from Hawaii, we got real Durban, Columbian Red, all kinds. But only thing that gave that feeling like Thai was the haze, except the haze was even stronger.


Holy crap I missed stars SSH, that thing seems to be growing like it's on meth or something...

I'd love to have a proper grow space .... Finances and the wife say hell no, maybe the referendum will pass and I can when it's legal but I doubt it, New Zealand is far more conservative then people realise.


If there was opiate in sticks, enough to feel effects, several things would have happened. The first is that casual pot smokers who had zero opiate tolerance would have had nausea and some would have had vomiting spells from their first few hits. Opium definitely will cause that to happen to zero tolerance users. The next thing would have been that for those who kept smoking them, opiate dependence would have developed soon. A week or two of daily smoking would do it. No way around it and most stoners were chronic smokers of what they were holding. Addiction from sticks would have become a well known issue. FOR SURE.

Funny, what you are describing is exactly what happened. A lot of people puked, including me. Also, people fiended for those things, one of them was a friend of mine, who eventually became a heroin addict. Not everyone gets busted, and lots of people seem to remember it the way I do. Just because you never came across it doesn't mean it never happened.

If you can double the price of the end product with a little opium? That's incentive enough right there.

The sticks we got were oily, tarry, you had to handle it carefully it would stain your clothes. It was blackish looking and smeared to brown.


Also it did not burn easily, you had to get it started, but after a while it would start burning stronger than regular weed, and burned much longer, but the first few hits didn't hit well.


The Haze Whisperer
Never got a chance to try it. Smoked plenty of trip weed though.
Actually those Thai sticks got me started, we only got those for about a year, then that dude disappeared and we never saw Thai stick again. It wasn't till I experienced my haze cut,
that I felt that kind of high again.

I smoked lots of trippy weed, some cartoon weed from Hawaii, we got real Durban, Columbian Red, all kinds. But only thing that gave that feeling like Thai was the haze, except the haze was even stronger.

I only saw the tripping weed in 79 up to say 81 82 but from talking to older smokers i have traced it back to at lest 76.

I honestly think it was haze but that is a different story argument lol.

We got Thai mostly in stick form but now and then it was in brick form the good Thai was around until 85 some batches were good others insanely good.

Then in 86 i got or scored my last lot of imported Thai from a friend and it was real poor quality had the smell taste look but high was mild and lasted a short time.

We had Thai lines growing but it was over for imported Thai a friend who was traveling to Thailand every month or few months was asked to collect seed of good Thai and did.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
The Golden Triangle is Thailand /Burma / Laos not one of us was there in the 60s 70s or the early 80s.

To venture into that area was not safe unless you had the right connections.

I had no clue on what was happening in California in the 70s or early 80s and i bet one part of Cali had no clue on what was happening in other parts of Cali also.

So i find it funny People in Cali or other part of Aus had a clue on what was happening in my part of the world.

I know what i saw and what i smoked and i smoked pure opium once also.

I am not the only person to see opinionated Thai or hash you yourself smoked opiumated hash Donald.

Tell us more about the opium smoking exp you had pls ?

I don`t doubt it was available .I know folks who grew it locally .


The Haze Whisperer
Tell us more about the opium smoking exp you had pls ?

I don`t doubt it was available .I know folks who grew it locally .

My first experience smoking it was not a pleasant one there was 4 or 5 of us we had gone and hooked up with a friends uncle who was selling the Thai sticks 2 lots regular or opinionated.

The bong was an orchy bottle hose pipe and large party cone we filled it and smoked it and took big hits cant remember how many hits each but a few.

We then spent the night throwing up out side all of us were sitting or laying on the ground laffing and throwing up at different times not an experience i call fun.

After that experience we knew to only smoke a small amount of it.


Wait a minute 6000w LOL I read 600w.... Dam that power bill would be about 1k a month here for the light alone.

Doesn't Australia have controlled grows of opium poppies for making pharmaceuticals ?


The Haze Whisperer
What i find odd in Haze threads and Haze discussions is no one talks about smoking Haze before the time period of Sam arrived in Holland we know there are posters we know there are magazine articles we know Haze seed was sold from at lest 1976 but no one has spoken about there experiences with Haze apart from Sam before 85.

Apart from the tripping weed in Australia who else has smoked what they believe to be haze before the birth of the Dutch Haze seen ?.

Donald Mallard

el duck
The Golden Triangle is Thailand /Burma / Laos not one of us was there in the 60s 70s or the early 80s.

To venture into that area was not safe unless you had the right connections.

I had no clue on what was happening in California in the 70s or early 80s and i bet one part of Cali had no clue on what was happening in other parts of Cali also.

So i find it funny People in Cali or other part of Aus had a clue on what was happening in my part of the world.

I know what i saw and what i smoked and i smoked pure opium once also.

I am not the only person to see opinionated Thai or hash you yourself smoked opiumated hash Donald.
sam was there and so was someone else posting ,
but lets not worry about what they say about what they saw because it doesnt agree with what folks want ,

so its best to pretend they didnt say it right??
and disregard their first hand experience , since it doesnt agree with someone elses who was never there ..

the whole of thailand was not the golden triangle hempy ,
you need to be more aware of the geography of the place and the people ,

your quite the stubborn chap at times , once u get something in your head there is no changing it no matter what proof you get offered to the contrary ... its a bit sad mate ..

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I agree I never saw Thai sticks in Thailand with Heroin wash or Opium added it is just made up to help sell the sticks. Opium is much more expensive that Thai sticks were why would Thais want to do this? I knew many in the trade in Thailand none thought it was real, all thought it was made up, also the best Thai did not need anything added. I visited Thailand a dozen times over many years and my focus was always Cannabis or Cannabis seeds. -SamS[/FONT]


The Haze Whisperer
sam was there and so was someone else posting ,
but lets not worry about what they say about what they saw because it doesnt agree with what folks want ,

so its best to pretend they didnt say it right??
and disregard their first hand experience , since it doesnt agree with someone elses who was never there ..

the whole of thailand was not the golden triangle hempy ,
you need to be more aware of the geography of the place and the people ,

your quite the stubborn chap at times , once u get something in your head there is no changing it no matter what proof you get offered to the contrary ... its a bit sad mate ..

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I agree I never saw Thai sticks in Thailand with Heroin wash or Opium added it is just made up to help sell the sticks. Opium is much more expensive that Thai sticks were why would Thais want to do this? I knew many in the trade in Thailand none thought it was real, all thought it was made up, also the best Thai did not need anything added. I visited Thailand a dozen times over many years and my focus was always Cannabis or Cannabis seeds. -SamS[/FONT]

I am a bit confused why this has blown into such an issue Donald clearly my experiences or what i saw or my ward is not valid in this discussion.

People claim Thai stick was never dipped in hash oil and that rumor was a myth also but here is proof that a shipment of Thai sticks dipped in hash oil was real.

"Thai sticks" are small bamboo shoots filled with marijuana and laced with opium. The agreed price for these Thai sticks was $21 per stick. The persons who were to deliver the marijuana and the Thai sticks were different people. Hills returned to his farmhouse; shortly after 7:30 p.m., he left and went to the Riverview Bar where he was to meet the agents. Hills stated that the "Thai sticks" had been delivered and the person who delivered them was waiting alone at the farmhouse. En route to the farmhouse Hills stated that this person did not want to meet anyone. Upon arriving at the farmhouse, Hills, the informant and two agents entered. They passed through a limited area in the kitchen. Hills directed the three men into a den. He told the agents not to go into the living room; however, as they entered the house both agents observed the defendant-appellant, Thomas Monahan, seated in the living room. Following a discussion Hills left the den, went through the kitchen and into the living room. Following Hills into the kitchen, one agent observed Hills remove a bag from underneath a couch in the living room directly to the left of where Monahan was seated. In the den the sticks were counted, and after it was ascertained that there were 200, the bag with the sticks in it was returned to the hiding place in the living room. One agent left to get $4,200 from another agent waiting in the car while Hills brought the sticks back into the den. When the agent returned, both Hills and Monahan were arrested.
It was later discovered that the sticks were not laced with opium, but contained only marijuana and hashish.


This is from United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

In some parts of North America, for instance, the following combinations are found: 'Candy sticks: cannabis herb cigarettes laced with cocaine;'Buddha': cannabis herb spiked with opium; 'Ace' or ' Zoom' : cannabis herb mixed with PCP, etc.; use of cannabis in food items (e.g. in NorthAfrica'); 'Marijuana brownies' (e.g. in North America); as well as frequent use of both cannabis and alcohol (often reported from Europe and Aus-tralia).


You have the DEA and Court Case on the bust of a shipment of hash oil laced Thai sticks.

You have United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime report clearly saying Buddha': cannabis herb spiked with opium and you have people saying they smoked opium laced hash or Thai you being one of them what more do you need ?.


Dread & Alive
What i find odd in Haze threads and Haze discussions is no one talks about smoking Haze before the time period of Sam arrived in Holland we know there are posters we know there are magazine articles we know Haze seed was sold from at lest 1976 but no one has spoken about there experiences with Haze apart from Sam before 85.

Apart from the tripping weed in Australia who else has smoked what they believe to be haze before the birth of the Dutch Haze seen ?.

I agree, I've always wondered the same thing ....

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Wait a minute 6000w LOL I read 600w.... Dam that power bill would be about 1k a month here for the light alone.

Doesn't Australia have controlled grows of opium poppies for making pharmaceuticals ?

Let me correct that misconception ...she is in a room with 6000 W total:). Six 1000 W high-pressure sodium lamps...It’s a flowering room ... she is sharing space with many plants ...i can bathe her in all the light intensity she will need


Well-known member
What i find odd in Haze threads and Haze discussions is no one talks about smoking Haze before the time period of Sam arrived in Holland we know there are posters we know there are magazine articles we know Haze seed was sold from at lest 1976 but no one has spoken about there experiences with Haze apart from Sam before 85.

Apart from the tripping weed in Australia who else has smoked what they believe to be haze before the birth of the Dutch Haze seen ?.

I am still searching for people on forums who have smoked the green/golden Original Haze that was sold in Coffeeshops, before the Skunks or the Hazes from Neville did hit the market.
In vain.

Seems that they are not on forums or have quit smoking.
Good luck in your quest @Hempy.

May be we are searching at the wrong place, and should ask in cookies forum, if there is people who have parents or grand parents who did smoke in the 70s or 80s :)


The Haze Whisperer
I just think it is really odd that a Californian line as famous as Haze has not been posted about or brought up in discussions relating to Haze before the Dutch seen apart from what Sam and Rob have posted.

You had magazine articles seed being sold as far back as 1976 you had posters and more.

Trip weed here had no marketing no posters no magazine articles but older smokers smoked it remember it or know of it for the most part.
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