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The Haze discussion thread

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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Thats quite an interesting thing to claim. You should therefore be able to link to the advertising for us all to see unless your not correct. Pretty easy I would think. unless your really the shit stirring asswipe you seem more and more to be. If your correct I will say Im sorry and your right. But if not your a dick and at least I wont have to read your shit while your on ignore. So you bit it off, now chew it. IF not hopefully enough members add you to the ignore list your like a ghost.

Hi Stewart

It`s an in joke buddy .
That you weren`t in on .
There is a picture of Star Crash`s SSH on the Mr Nice website advertising Nevil`s Haze . It has been there at least 5 years . I PM`d Shantibaba and informed him . He said some one else was responsible for the photos and he would see it fixed . Well , it never did .
Star Crash knows about this ...

Americans don`t get irony ?

So climb down off your high horse and forget about that ignore function and your Lord of the Flies antics . And maybe you can learn a thing or two .

The photo on the far right in the group of pictures on this page . Click on it . It enlarges .

Eating crow
Eating crow is a colloquial idiom, used in some English-speaking countries, that means humiliation by admitting having been proven wrong after taking a strong position. The crow is a carrion-eater that is presumably repulsive to eat in the same way that being proven wrong might be emotionally hard to swallow.



Hi Stewart

It`s an in joke buddy .
That you weren`t in on .
There is a picture of Star Crash`s SSH on the Mr Nice website advertising Nevil`s Haze . It has been there at least 5 years . I PM`d Shantibaba and informed him . He said some one else was responsible for the photos and he would see it fixed . Well , it never did .
Star Crash knows about this ...

Americans don`t get irony ?

So climb down off your high horse and forget about that ignore function and your Lord of the Flies antics . And maybe you can learn a thing or two .

The photo on the far right in the group of pictures on this page . Click on it . It enlarges .

Eating crow
Eating crow is a colloquial idiom, used in some English-speaking countries, that means humiliation by admitting having been proven wrong after taking a strong position. The crow is a carrion-eater that is presumably repulsive to eat in the same way that being proven wrong might be emotionally hard to swallow.
Here is a term,, you can suck a dick asshole. Your an ass constantly stirring the turd regardless. Fuck your little colony of criminals. AND FYI I have actually gone crow hunting many times, easy target practice. You could just be a normal person but you enjoy being a dick. And I am pretty sure your on more ignore lists than you like since your the type who seeks and craves attention.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Here is a term,, you can suck a dick asshole. Your an ass constantly stirring the turd regardless. Fuck your little colony of criminals. AND FYI I have actually gone crow hunting many times, easy target practice. You could just be a normal person but you enjoy being a dick. And I am pretty sure your on more ignore lists than you like since your the type who seeks and craves attention.

Umm excuse me Stewart you said if you were wrong you would apologise .

So are you a man of your word or just a guy who talks the talk but can`t walk the walk ?

If I was looking for attention I wouldn`t be up in this back corner of this back water talking about an obscure subject that very few people have an interest in .
I would be showing my arrogance on a social media platform where people might pay attention to detail . lol .

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Yeah , yeah , Nah !
That`s Nevil`s Haze I saw it in the advertising for Nevil`s Haze @ Mr Nice .

:moon: :laughing::biggrin:

Well I guess it figured it was so impressive that by substituting the pictures it would help sell the Nevils haze..Shanti sent me free seeds &was an easy guy to talk to.. l never bothered him about that picture issue. I did think it was kind of shady Bait and switch advertising

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
What's Maka haze?
Mako Haze Developed by kiwi seeds out of new Zealand I actually was able to get a pack several years ago I was put on a waiting list and it took a year I have not popped them yet and that’s a pretty foolish thing because I intend to

Hi Stewart

It`s an in joke buddy .
That you weren`t in on .
There is a picture of Star Crash`s SSH on the Mr Nice website advertising Nevil`s Haze . It has been there at least 5 years . I PM`d Shantibaba and informed him . He said some one else was responsible for the photos and he would see it fixed . Well , it never did .
Star Crash knows about this ...

Americans don`t get irony ?

So climb down off your high horse and forget about that ignore function and your Lord of the Flies antics . And maybe you can learn a thing or two .

The photo on the far right in the group of pictures on this page . Click on it . It enlarges .

Eating crow
Eating crow is a colloquial idiom, used in some English-speaking countries, that means humiliation by admitting having been proven wrong after taking a strong position. The crow is a carrion-eater that is presumably repulsive to eat in the same way that being proven wrong might be emotionally hard to swallow.
I’m wondering if there has ever ever been total transparency in the seed business? The point of a seed companies to sell seed...they all say they have the best ...it’s laughable


The Haze Whisperer
It’s a very difficult question to answer because I like them tremendously and for very different reasons.. for example the super silver haze that I ended up keeping was ridiculously huge and the quality of the herb was amazingly good I felt like I had a mutant plant and I made a lot of money with her ..I held onto her for over five years but unfortunately I lost her and all my other genetics to an unfortunate incident involving the police but that’s a different story ...the simple truth is I have very little experience with Haze hybrid Other than mako haze & the super silver haze and ..the one cross that I made Mako x with C 99 and ...which was an incredible combination ...certainly no experience with original haze or pure haze ...But BELIVE me that I am a good enough and versatile grower that I’m pretty sure Ican do her justice ..also hempy you should know I’ve been around a long time I’m familiar with a lot of the old school weeds ...I smoked my fair share of Colombian back in the mid-70s ..I know what real Colombian is ...I also know What Jamaican is ...of course I know what commercial Mexican is ...it was shitty is what it was ..the very very best that I had was in 1980 and 1981 it was Thai weed we called it chocolate Thai or Buddha Thai..it came to the East Coast in vacuum packed kilo weights it was 10 times as expensive as everything else and the high was narcotic it was seriously strong BUT it was narcotic like ...not like what you guys are describing as the pure soaring sativa high ...so I always kind of wondered about that? the first sinsemilla was 1981..I got it sent out from the grower in Berkeley California ..it was big lime green colored birds with red pistols it was a very exotic thing In cost $200 an ounce which is completely unheard of because Colombian was going for $40 an ounce ...but it wasn’t that great..It worked and tasted a lot better but it wasn’t very potent ..the Colombian was stronger go figure...The Columbian came in reds browns and lighter shades of gold it was really fascinating weed... right now at this point in my life i want a real Haze!:peacock:Definitely smelled something phenomenal being blown out of the lungs of concert goers at some of the smaller clubs in New York City about 20 years ago

Star the one thing i have come away with from being on the Forums reading peoples posts and experiences is we have all seen and smoked a lot of good cannabis in the past.

We all seam to have had different experiences and come across things others may or may not of and some times we have had shared experiences.

You are a good grower in and out and growing a good SSH gives you a true understanding of what haze is really about.

People have a huge chance of finding great representations of haze in hybrids few seam to get that.

Growing pure Haze the odds of finding a great plant is there but you need to grow a lot out.

Finding a great haze expressive plant from a pure haze crossed to a unrelated plant is a lot simpler and the odds are on the growers side.

The Thai can really fk you up if you smoke to much you dont run around cleaning the house or digging the garden you end up in a heap and not functional bit like a pin ball machine that is on tilt kinda.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Well I guess it figured it was so impressive that by substituting the pictures it would help sell the Nevils haze..Shanti sent me free seeds &was an easy guy to talk to.. l never bothered him about that picture issue. I did think it was kind of shady Bait and switch advertising

I fell for it .
Was thinking about what to buy . Saw that pic and placed an order .


The Haze Whisperer
I re looked at the MMx78Thia cross Nevil had made that i assume is at best an F2 or F3 being sold by BushWeed.


I found this interesting

MM x Thai 78 – Kangativa’s Mullumbimby Madness x Hempy’s 1978 Thai stick. This cross offers a glimpse into the 1970s when imported Thai sticks were blowing minds. Nevil kept this hybrid tight and considered it too valuable for the commercial market. The Thai 78 with its citrus scented habit of resinous, golden coloured flowers reminded Nevil of the original haze he sourced from Skunkman in the 80s. The Mullumbimby Madness is the perfect complement; a giant showcase sativa with strong branching and flowers of pine, green mango and hash. Expect vigorous, hardy plants that produce a soaring, ceiling-less high. Flowers 14 – 16 weeks.

vanilla dutch

Active member
So the main problem with Haze is people want clones.but the seeds are before? I feel the need to say it's all the same from super silver to Neville's to selected seeds now clones.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
I fell for it .
Was thinking about what to buy . Saw that pic and placed an order .

I feel bad about that but obviously no I had nothing to do with it all I did was growing amazing plant and I wanted to show it off to the mr. Nice guys and I did and then they did it and took something else with it,, I am still incredibly proud of those plants despite the fact of what happened to you

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
The Thai weed I was trying to describe earlier was heavy and resinous and again there were different shades of color ranging from a lighter to darker Browns it was highly highly potent but it would knock you on your ass also it was not uncommon to find some seeds


Active member
Very interesting thread! I used to be a member on the mr nice forum and have always had a passing interest in haze strains. I’m in the uk so obviously growing anything with haze in it was for indoors only. I remember doing 14 hour nights to try to get plants to finish.

Probably my favourite was mango haze, but SSH was very close. I grew Kali mist as well, but can’t remember the heritage of that strain.

Great to see so many nice pics, happy growing all.

Mango Haze:


star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Very interesting thread! I used to be a member on the mr nice forum and have always had a passing interest in haze strains. I’m in the uk so obviously growing anything with haze in it was for indoors only. I remember doing 14 hour nights to try to get plants to finish.

Probably my favourite was mango haze, but SSH was very close. I grew Kali mist as well, but can’t remember the heritage of that strain.

Great to see so many nice pics, happy growing all.

Mango Haze:

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=3223&pictureid=206064&thumb=1]View Image[/url]


I also once in a time ago grew kali Mist and Western Winds:)


The Haze Whisperer
The Thai weed I was trying to describe earlier was heavy and resinous and again there were different shades of color ranging from a lighter to darker Browns it was highly highly potent but it would knock you on your ass also it was not uncommon to find some seeds

We had lots of different Thai come in threw the years it was very strong then started to go down hill around the mid 80s here and then out of no were vanished.

You can still find a lot of good old school Thai and other sativas here.

Not all had seed some times you got lucky.

It didn't look like this did it.


star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
We had lots of different Thai come in threw the years it was very strong then started to go down hill around the mid 80s here and then out of no were vanished.

You can still find a lot of good old school Thai and other sativas here.

Not all had seed some times you got lucky.

It didn't look like this did it.

View Image

Flowers were generally longer thicker .Bear in mind it came compressed in vacuum sealed kilo units ..without a doubt imported by very rich dealers directly from Thailand...Extreme potency very resinous & gooey ...she was unbelievable but it was fucking narcotic


The Haze Whisperer
Flowers were generally longer thicker .Bear in mind it came compressed in vacuum sealed kilo units ..without a doubt imported by very rich dealers directly from Thailand...Extreme potency very resinous & gooey ...she was unbelievable but it was fucking narcotic

I wouldn't smoke a joint of that it has to be up with the best of the Thai i ever smoked.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
I came over from overgrown.com and cannabis world ...my first handle here was Nexus ..this was just in the beginning of the scene here dutch grown had a lot of power... She was setting up some of the vendors like Dubi with all sorts of fucking rules Dubiwas new he was trying to get established they had a policy and bids you could get instantly banned if you made a bid and then reneged that happened to me?. happened to a lot of people there was a period of time when the ban hammer wouldn’t stop due to power crazy moderators but in any case I came back a star cras and then in 2008 I had a major bust $ deleted my star cash account ..then I came back in 2016 with a new star crash account...hello
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