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The Haze discussion thread

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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Thx Sam :tiphat:

According to Phylos OT1s Haze is related to colombian...

OT1s Hz nº 1 cut vegged and flipped indoors

Colombian Gold :)



Well-known member

non political haze


Well-known member
I like the touch at the bottom...your right they dont care about the politics...do have any pictures of any of the finshed buds of this one harvest reaper


Active member
Thx Sam :tiphat:

According to Phylos OT1s Haze is related to colombian...

OT1s Hz nº 1 cut vegged and flipped indoors

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=82574&pictureid=2023733&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Colombian Gold :)

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=1209&pictureid=2022525&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

I have a theory. OT1 was a hippy old enough to have been around at the time and claimed to have been involved in the breeding of skunk.(Not skunk1). His haze clearly has links genetically to Ohaze, and Colombian gene pool. It's clear skunk existed before Sam. My take is he was sent seeds and worked them in the early days of skunks development pre Sam. It is also possible that the "haze brothers" inherited the work of breeders from hippy communes in Cali just as OT1 may have, as did Sam. Sam always states ot1 never got them from him or the "brothers" so it is entirely possible that the seeds predate both Sam, the haze brothers, posi, Tom hill, etc etc. What of the story of early haze development in the hills/mountains before the haze brothers?


Well-known member
I like the touch at the bottom...your right they dont care about the politics...do have any pictures of any of the finished buds of this one harvest reaper
exactly always found it a very divisional subject at best ,dont thnk i have ill be sure to post some of this one soon tho :tiphat:


Well-known member
I have a theory. OT1 was a hippy old enough to have been around at the time and claimed to have been involved in the breeding of skunk.(Not skunk1). His haze clearly has links genetically to Ohaze, and Colombian gene pool. It's clear skunk existed before Sam. My take is he was sent seeds and worked them in the early days of skunks development pre Sam. It is also possible that the "haze brothers" inherited the work of breeders from hippy communes in Cali just as OT1 may have, as did Sam. Sam always states ot1 never got them from him or the "brothers" so it is entirely possible that the seeds predate both Sam, the haze brothers, posi, Tom hill, etc etc. What of the story of early haze development in the hills/mountains before the haze brothers?

he can still found online i guess could be asked direct,,, they probly all just sold us a bunch of there bagseed and been laughing the asses off ever since lol


Well-known member
Wats the link between the haze brothers haze an othz apart from old columbians that wer around in the 60-70....grow them side by side they actually look different too.....but that could be down to selection...nh and a5 are on phylos I dont know if they link in some way to othz...I dont think they do....anyone know ?


Well-known member
A question...how did phylos actually work....wat exactly wer they tracing things back to wen more then half of the starting ladraces that wer originally used are missing....did they just go on what people told them, or wer they actually looking at the genetic markers an dna......an how accurate wer they....for example would something like super silver haze an mango haze show up as two seprate plants, or just show up as the exact same thing.


Active member
The labels are 100% what people labeled thier samples when they were sent in, go look at the clusterfuck of the bigger clone groups like OG Kush, or GDP, and you see all sorts of strange names and labels.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Kaiki shared some info with me ...many years ago...that I´m not going to share with you sry :)

and yes, OT1 is and old hippy ...and probably a joker as well
Hope you know what I mean :biggrin:

Think he said "what later became"...not sure lol

I´ve been watching those Todds fully seeded buds....look at the single leaflets and the dull rims...no serration at all

Here´s a pic of Tom´s Haze from seed I got at least 4 years before it was released...not a P1

I´ve seen the same exact thing in many Monkey Hazes and one cross I made ...THH P1 revegged females x kaikis Panama cut /Moño Rojo colombian males mixed pollen

I´m thick ..need some rest LOL...almost forget to upload the pic jajjaja...I dont know how to fix it....zoom it

I held the Panama cut for a while and then gave it back to Kaiki + 2 Moño Rojo males strain I inbred 3 times ....I gifted kaiki a Destroyer male selected by me 17 years ago :biggrin:
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Well-known member
The labels are 100% what people labeled thier samples when they were sent in, go look at the clusterfuck of the bigger clone groups like OG Kush, or GDP, and you see all sorts of strange names and labels.

Yep I agree.. thats one of the resons I dont take any of ther stuff as 100% factual...Ive seen plenty of bs on ther

Tod does have some phenos with plenty of double serations.....but I do think othz an ohz are two different things...they may have shared some types of columbians but I dont think that the exact same plants have been used to make the two lines...maybe just columbians from a similar time/era
Looks like a nice plant raco


Well-known member
Wats the link between the haze brothers haze an othz apart from old columbians that wer around in the 60-70....grow them side by side they actually look different too.....but that could be down to selection...nh and a5 are on phylos I dont know if they link in some way to othz...I dont think they do....anyone know ?

just going on what i read on this site ot1 didnt call it haze just a cali bred sativa other added the name haze after ,,i know the mysterious haze brothers wernt the only people growing sativas in cali and other areas of us back then could of easily come from a 1000 other sources i would personally not change the name of a line from the originator but it no biggy as long as the pedigree is true and as advertised its just marketing


Well-known member
just going on what i read on this site ot1 didnt call it haze just a cali bred sativa other added the name haze after ,,i know the mysterious haze brothers wernt the only people growing sativas in cali and other areas of us back then could of easily come from a 1000 other sources i would personally not change the name of a line from the originator but it no biggy as long as the pedigree is true and as advertised its just marketing

Hey its cool ....I wasnt trying to have a pop at you...thats wat its know as now an messing about with the name now would only cause confusion an doubt on it...sticking to wat its being passed on as now is the best thing...I was genuinely asking if wer able to see it linked together, or as somthing predating ohz or something on phylos...even tho phylos are abit wack ...but we can still use some info from ther galaxy...


Well-known member
Hey its cool ....I wasnt trying to have a pop at you...thats wat its know as now an messing about with the name now would only cause confusion an doubt on it...sticking to wat its being passed on as now is the best thing...I was genuinely asking if wer able to see it linked together, or as somthing predating ohz or something on phylos...even tho phylos are abit wack ...but we can still use some info from ther galaxy...
its all good didnt think you were having a pop at all,,, you never know maybe there were linked somewere :tiphat:


The Haze Whisperer
OldTimer grew haze hybrids now when he posted in Vic Highs Forum to give the seeds away for free he called the strain a unknown sativa its all there documented.

WolfMan called OldTimer1 unknown sativa Haze and that is were the name Haze was given to the OldTimer line.

It looks like a nice line but its not haze.


The Haze Whisperer
Yes - Cannabisworld was around back then too - along with Marc Emery's outfit - both based in Canada -

Cannabisworld was more laid back then Overgrow - and was more for the old school growers of fine sativa's mostly - but Overgrow catered for the 1000's of new growers keen to get started and grow their own 'erb - and most newbie's wanted something fast and easy to grow - time was of the essence - so most all turned to growing indica dom hybrids - for a fast turnaround - and this type of 'erb was wrongly all named 'Skunk' in the UK - even though it might not be - as a blanket name for any high THC cannabis variety -

Most of the now commercial 'Skunk'/Indica dom varieties you see out there these days are what cannabis buyers have got used to over the past 20 years or so - most all of them have never tried a HAZE or a real uplifting sativa - so maybe they don't realize that you can really get 'HIGH' on cannabis? - rather than the mong'ed out couch-lock-munchies/sleepy effect the majority of cannabis users have grown used to - due to only 'Skunk'(which is not really skunk) being available for purchase -

For them to be commercially viable and compete within the cannabis market - long flowering HAZE/Sativa buyers would have to first be educated as to the vast difference in the high from what they are used to - and the higher cost of production - so making the price higher than the usually Indica dom commercial cannabis available -

C99 was of great interest back then - and when I first tried some in 2000 - I was most impressed - and soon, after hooking up with Sly and Soul - was vending it in Europe for the first time - to many other growers and breeders over here - and worldwide - quite a few then used C99 in their own breeding/seed making efforts -

I joined CW first then OG but tended to post and hang in CW more and it was full of a lot of great growers and breeders and the debates discussions were great i loved the Rez and Vic debates.

I agree 100% with you n most don't understand what a good sativa or haze high is about.

Sativas also lack the bag appeal of indicas or heavy indica lines and this is why a lot of the old strains have been lost.Most blame the US eradication programs not me i blame people wanting faster commercial lines with better bag appeal.

20 years ago you see places like Jamaica full of Northern Lights /Sk1 white widow so on but you would not see old sativas native to there grown.If you did odds were it was pollinated by a dutch line.

Few understood how to preserve seed or store seed long term but there is a positive side to this in that many old lines are still being grown by growers for there own personal smoke.

Once it becomes legal a lot of it will re surface.


Well-known member
Its bad in some places hempy...I know most of the younger generations have no clue as to wat they had..eg.in Jamaica from wat I seen it was sad...ther on about champion plants an wat they consider to be the best of the best...they want ghs co type feminised stock an thats all you see(not to say ghs are bad)...but they have no value at all for wat was originally ther, most of the old native stuff are seen as just old mens tales an myths now...things like lambs bread, the blue mountain sativa ect are probably lost ther...some people dont even realize you can get high off cannabis...they think if it puts you to sleep its good...from wat ive seen in Jamaica thers skunk evrywer an in most evrything...I know people back in our westernized countries who wont smoke anything but Jamaican import because they think its natural pure native sun grown weed...sad thing is they dont realize its just poorly grown indicas an theyd be beter off getting privately organicly grown sativas from someone more local....
Even the way things have been legalized in some places its just sad...the plants just been legalized by the authorities to be a cash crop, a taxable commodity, with no real respect for the actual plant, its types an strains...no vale or recognition given to the work previously or currently done by people to make it all possible...all I see in some places are governments an corporations taking advantage an abusing things...iv seen things like taking one strain an growing out a hundred seeds an renaming evry single plant coming from those seeds as a completely new strain with no acknowledgment for wat it actually is...people are dupped daily....would be nice to see the plant freed in the hands of the people as a private hobby plant...but to have a internationaly recognized database recognising type and strain an history..one that everyone can use freely if they wish to log with proof any work theyve done so at least thers some official record an recognition for some people....but instead we see a model that just rapes the plant with no real respect for it....at least while it was illegal we all had some respect for it an a system(maybe not perfect) that we all kinda respected an large majority of us voluntarily worked with.


Well-known member
In this legal model I see in some places i seen a list coming out of some places called the top 10 greatest cannabis breeders of all time...on that list I see people like snoop dog, mike tyson and burner (no disrespect to these guys) an I had to look again an again at the list....no mention of people like sam an nevil ect....an the worst thing is thers a younger generation out ther now who are willing to seriously argue with you about the legitimacy of these types of lists..an give serious recognition to these types of lists an actually consider the people on these lists as the true forefathers an foundation of the cannabis world as we know it...an its actually being backed, put out an promoted by this new legal model in some places....


Well-known member
In this legal model I see in some places i seen a list coming out of some places called the top 10 greatest cannabis breeders of all time...on that list I see people like snoop dog, mike tyson and burner (no disrespect to these guys) an I had to look again an again at the list....no mention of people like sam an nevil ect....an the worst thing is thers a younger generation out ther now who are willing to seriously argue with you about the legitimacy of these types of lists..an give serious recognition to these types of lists an actually consider the people on these lists as the true forefathers an foundation of the cannabis world as we know it...an its actually being backed, put out an promoted by this new legal model in some places....

Unfortunately, I think what you see here is human nature as it is and as it has been. EVERY generation has it's "heroes", and every generation degrades the last generation's heroes... and they are ALL delusional. There were great plants in the 1700s, we don't credit or acknowledge that. Neville grew the first great plant. No, Sam, no, Mel Frank, No, some shepherd in Uzbekistan... LMFAO.


Unfortunately, I think what you see here is human nature as it is and as it has been. EVERY generation has it's "heroes", and every generation degrades the last generation's heroes... and they are ALL delusional. There were great plants in the 1700s, we don't credit or acknowledge that. Neville grew the first great plant. No, Sam, no, Mel Frank, No, some shepherd in Uzbekistan... LMFAO.
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