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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

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    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

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Three Berries

Active member
I actually held a contractors license in DC for well over 20 years,most of my work was in Georgetown and Capital Hill.
The location of the pizza joint is up on a fucking hill.
Had they the sense to have chosen a location about 500 yards to the South, it would have put them down along the canal where there have been smugglers tunnels for hundreds of years.
Had they chosen a location down along the canal, it may have been somewhat more credible.

Pizzagate is a misnomer for something much bigger than one story about one pizza parlor. You miss the whole point of the pedophile and child trafficking. And Obamas' little girl friend was named Maggie Nixon. She made a few visits to the White House and other places with Obama. They got the pictures.....

I'm sure you can find some fact checking that rebuffs all this though.


Well-known member
Speaking with you now is about as deep an engagement with the deep lunar sea as I intend to make.

Three Berries

Active member
Durham will tie the Clinton Foundation, along with a couple other well know foundations to the child trafficking of the Haitian children after the Earthquake.

Three Berries

Active member
The Street knows.......


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I should have bought on that last dip. I've never bought stock before. I'm thinking about getting in on some of that DWAC! I probably won't and will regret it later.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
What happens if the "consensus" shifts to support the deplorable conspiracy theorists claims? Will the zombies still "Trust the Science?"

Hard truths are coming into the light...

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!

Good try anyway Sherlock...trying to ride the coat tails of the vaccine issue. What about all the pedophiles? Did you figure out the meaning of the word yet and make a statement about its misuse?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Uh oh!

MLK's Niece Slams Biden, Says He's 'Playing the Race Card' from the Bottom of the Deck on Voting Rights (westernjournal.com)

The entire Democratic Party is in on it.

Democrats understand that without universal mail-in voting, the elimination of voter identification requirements at the polls, federal control of elections, ballot harvesting, and all the other mechanisms of fraud they’re trying to ram into federal law, their party will lose in November.

Starting with President Joe Biden, the party has gone all-in on efforts to gaslight the American people into believing that, unless their toxic “voting rights bill” — a combination of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act — is passed by the Senate, the 2022 midterms and future elections will be stolen by Republicans.

They know, of course, that the opposite is true.

Democrats’ disingenuous fight for voting rights is a fake issue. Their claim that minority voters are being disenfranchised because they have to show up in person or present photo identification to cast a ballot is fraudulent.

At any rate, party leaders used the occasion of Martin Luther King Day observances last week to drive home the message that anyone who rejects these controversial bills supposedly “dishonors” MLK’s legacy and is a “domestic enemy.”

Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, has a very different view. She sees the voting right bills and the Democratic Party’s grandstanding for what it is: A vast, big-government power grab.

In an appearance on the “John Solomon Reports” podcast last week, as Just the News reported, King slammed Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for “stirring up emotions to get their way.”

On Monday, Biden declared that voting reform legislation passed by numerous Republican state legislatures last year amount to “assault on our freedom to vote,” especially for minority voters.

King called that out for what it was.

“[What] Biden is doing [is] stirring the race card, race-baiting, playing the race card, trying to stir up emotion,” she said, according to Just the News.

“Martin Luther King Jr. was a prophet and a preacher before he was a civil rights leader,” noted Alveda King, a strong advocate of the pro-life movement. “And you have to put all of that together and represent human dignity from the womb to the tomb.”

“Now, that’s not what Biden is doing — President Biden and Vice President Harris, they’re not — Nancy Pelosi and all of them. They’re stirring up emotions to get their way.”

King said the Democratic Party is trying to stoke fear around voting legislation. Essentially, it’s telling voters: “Be afraid, be very afraid.”

Rather than stirring fear and anger, King told Just the News founder Solomon that her uncle was “a man of faith, hope and love.”

“And he, of course, believed in appropriate voting and legislation and the laws, but he said, ‘the law can’t make you love me, but it can keep you from lynching me,'” she added.

King is right on target.

At his disastrous press conference on Wednesday, Biden was asked (twice, actually) if he thought the forthcoming election would be illegitimate. At one point, he replied: “Oh, yeah, I think it could easily be illegitimate … The increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is in proportion to not being able to get these reforms passed.” (Emphasis mine.)

Pelosi got in on the act, too.

Gesticulating wildly as she delivered remarks Monday at the MLK Day Deliver for Voting Rights Press Conference, the occasionally overwrought House speaker told her audience: “Nothing less is at stake than our democracy.”

She continued, according to a release from her office:

“This is about suppressing the vote. It’s about nullifying the elections, which Dr. King talked about that day, nullifying the election. It’s about just doing so many things to be obstacles to participation. That’s wrong. The truth is, that’s wrong. …

“And, as has been indicated by the King family this – this bill is supported by all of the Democrats, House and Senate. It’s just the filibuster in the way. So, in a way, if you really, truly want to honor Dr. King, don’t dishonor him by using a Congressional custom as an excuse for protecting our democracy. We have no right to honor this family, to visit the monument. Imagine, 30 – someone 36 years old, left this earth in such a way that he has a monument on the Mall along with Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson. All of them with tears in their eyes for the departure from our democracy that is happening right now – unless the truth is acknowledged and this legislation is passed.”

Democrats are painfully aware that, outside of the party’s leftist base, Americans are disgusted by their unprecedented power grab over the past year. Among independent voters, support for Democrats went down drastically over the past year.

Gallup released a poll on Friday that showed even Democrats have soured on 117th Congress.

According to the poll, approval of Congress among Democrats peaked in February 2021 at 61 percent and now stands at a meager 26 percent.

The report explains that, typically, when one party controls both chambers, “approval of the legislative branch tends to be higher among partisans associated with the majority party than those whose party is in the minority.”

The party doesn’t stand a chance in November unless the Senate passes the Democrats’ corrupt, unconstitutional bills “election reform.” And the only obstacle in their path is the filibuster.

The filibuster, which has been praised so eloquently by Biden, former President Barack Obama (when he was in the Senate) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (when he was in the minority), and which Democrats used literally hundreds of times throughout the Trump years, has now become “a relic of the Jim Crow era.” It’s racist.

The Democratic Party has grossly underestimated the intelligence of the American people. Its pretense that minority voters are being disenfranchised because they’re asked to show identification to cast a ballot is one of the biggest snow jobs in history.

Alveda King is right on the money with her analysis. Democrats have falsely portrayed opponents of the voting rights bills as hateful white supremacists and claim those who disagree with them are evil, conniving racists.

King destroyed these dishonest notions.

Democrats have gone too far. Realizing their days in power are numbered, they are getting desperate. The only way for them to win is to cheat.

Democrats’ fight for so-called “voting rights” is a fake issue. It’s another hoax that’s right up there with ‘Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election’ and that the Jan. 6 Capitol incursion was an “insurrection.”

And the entire Democratic Party is in on it.

What a shitty writer.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Good try anyway Sherlock...trying to ride the coat tails of the vaccine issue. What about all the pedophiles? Did you figure out the meaning of the word yet and make a statement about its misuse?

I don't have any questions about the meaning of that word. Is there something that you dislike about the word or its common usage?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I'm not on trial. And if you don't want to believe what I say then just wait. When they lock up Trump I might say you were right. But I don't think that is going to happen. I think Trump is protected and lot of what is going on is because of things he did in office that cannot be undone.

Quite frankly I think the Lib Left MSM narrative is a bunch of shit.

How long does it take to build a case against a guy????? Every thing they have done has resulted in failure to Lock Him Up!!!!!! It's been going on for decades.

sound familiar? Clintons?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Quick Reference List – Enemies

1. The International Satanic Cabal - Deep State/Illuminati/Pedophile Ring

2. The Entire Democrat Party and some in the Republican Party

3. Parts of C.I.A./F.B.I./D.O.J. and other American Government Agencies

4. The Vatican

5. Kabbalah Jews and Canaanites that disguise themselves as Jews

6. Israeli Government – Specifically MOSSAD

7. Radical Muslims

8. The American Mainstream Media & Big Tech

9. Hollywood Liberals

10. ANTIFA – The “so called” Anti-Fascists are really Fascists (Marxists)

11. Black Lives Matter (The Organization)

12. MS-13 Street Gang

13. The Chinese Communist Government

14. The Iranian Government

15. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Detailed Information

I’ve created this list to help easily identify enemies of the United States of America in this covert Shadow War. I encourage everyone to research these groups yourself so that you can draw your own conclusions, but I will also provide a brief summary for each below. Like him or not, President Trump is our only hope in retaining our constitutional rights and freedoms as citizens of this great nation. Yes, he is a flawed man, but if we look within ourselves, we all have flaws. He is also a strong leader and he is committed to regular everyday Americans like you and I. That is why the 15 groups listed above are all against him. Thus, if they are against him, they are against you and I.

The following is more detailed descriptions of the main group and each of the 14 subgroups that are interconnected:

The International Satanic Cabal - a.k.a. Deep State/Illuminati/Pedophile Ring - The Satanic shadow government that has held a strain on America since the Industrial Revolution is often as called the International Satanic Cabal, Cabal, or Illuminati. It is likely a product of the southern politicians who lost the Civil War and started to gain traction when it added barons of the industrial revolution as members. Their first major step was to overtake the federal banking system in the early 1900’s, by way of creating the Federal Reserve Banking System or Central Banking System that allowed only a handful of international families to operate individual private banks that more or less controlled the US economy. These families combined and became part of the cabal in the early 1920’s. They continued to operate the Federal Reserve System until 2020, when a small amendment to the definition of the “Central Banking System” was added to the Cares Act that took power away. Yet, it was in 1963 when the cabal really came to prominence with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy; a successful coup that installed one of their very own as President of the United States of America, Lyndon B. Johnson.

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