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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters


Active member
regardless of what you believe...this is funny as shit IMO....love this guy's sick sense of humor! maybe I just like making fun of pompous authority figures....

Click image for larger version  Name:	21800_6eb3_2022-01-1316.25.20.jpg Views:	0 Size:	103.9 KB ID:	18062103

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
What do you think will happen when the whole situation with suppressing effective treatments gets resolved?

How will that effect the legality of the EUA for the jabs?

How do you define fraud?

Did it lead to people dying?

How many people died because hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, and other treatments were banned (because Trump recommended them)?

What will the penalty be and how many people will be implicated?

What institutional and structural changes will follow?

You sure nothing's happening?

Did you all know that EUAs can only be granted if there is no other alternative treatment available?

Fraud: NOUN
  1. wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
  2. a person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities.


Active member
one more!! NOT a fan of Big Pharma - been sent to the ICU once from their meds, nearly died of bleeding ulcers, 15,000 people die from NSAID-caused GI bleeds in the US every year....one reason they kept nontoxic CBD illegal for 90 years....

Click image for larger version  Name:	272830597_241703321460529_2207815575051325715_n.jpg Views:	0 Size:	55.6 KB ID:	18062119


Active member
Gee, it seems they left "immunization" off the wheel...

yes, it's satire, this is not a peer-reviewed cartoon! But doesn't "immunization" imply that you will not become sick with the pathogen? Partial immuniziation or "pre-treatment" would be more accurate. And of course, Covid-19 is only 1/3rd to 1/7nth as lethal as influenza to people under 18, from the two big studies I've read.

The mRNA shots have value, no doubt. For people in my family I would only want to see those at high risk for Covid taking the shots. The 80-year olds. I was also glad they were there for my middle-aged friends that are 50 pounds overweight, sedentary, and alcoholics. I'm glad the various Pharma medicines are there, just don't think coercion has a place in public health.

I think mRNA treatments could turn out to be a huge factor in treating cancer. They'll still be dangerous but people are often facing a 100% chance of death with cancer, unlike the .15% overall risk of death from C-19. *edit OK I'm in the wrong thread, still getting my bearings, looks like there is an onging thread on the mRNA topic....


Well-known member
How is he a "fascist?"

collaborates with antisemites, fascists, white supremacists... good buddies with richard spencer, thinks pizzagate was real, pretty sure has expressed "doubts" about the holocaust, and so on. if it looks like a duck....

In April 2017, Posobiec amplified for his Twitter followers an event staged by the Polish neo-fascist political movement called Obóz Narodowo-Radykalny (ONR). ONR has a long history of promoting and emulating Nazism. As the German Nazi movement of the 1930s rose across the border, ONR sought a “cleansing” of Jews in Poland. ONR members were also responsible for a wave of violence targeted at the country’s Jewish population. As recently as June 2019, authorities opened an investigation into ONR after they publicly commemorated the memory of a Belgian member of the Schutzstaffel (SS), which was the paramilitary arm of Hitler’s Nazi party.

Posobiec, as well as Canadian white nationalist pundit Stefan Molyneux, participated in a march on Warsaw that included ONR, as well as a collection of other extreme far-right groups. Marchers that day chanted “white Poland,” according to a report in The New York Times. The march took place in November 2018, while Posobiec was employed by OANN. Someone took a picture of him at the march, walking with a child in his arms.

Posobiec also met with Krzysztof Bosak of the extreme far-right party Ruch Narodowy (RN) in Poland in July 2017, around the same time Trump gave a nativist-themed address in Warsaw, according to social media posts and local reporting from that time. Posobiec led an event he described as a “MAGA meetup” in a series of Twitter posts. (MAGA refers to “Make America Great Again,” a Trump campaign slogan.) RN has been criticized for antisemitism. To provide context for RN’s beliefs, party president Robert Winnicki said in 2018, “the Jews will not get a penny from us,” in response to a U.S. bill that was passed in an effort to help give restitution to Holocaust survivors and their families. In 2013, while president of the far-right group All Polish Youth, Winnicki also defended a historian who blamed Jews for their own genocide during World War II.

Posobiec, who is of Polish heritage, has served as a link between President Trump’s brand and Polish far-right politics. He has promoted Trump in person in Poland and also appeared on Polish state television, hyping the U.S. president. (Following one of Posobiec’s early appearances on Polish television in July 2017, local Polish media depicted him as a conspiracy theorist and a troll.) Hatewatch previously reported on Trump’s apparent affinity for Posobiec, noting that he has singled the OANN correspondent out with praise and used Posobiec’s disinformation and propaganda to deflect from criticism that he has stoked white supremacist violence in the U.S.

Poland is currently under the leadership of Andrzej Duda, a reactionary politician endorsed by Trump who gives voice to hardline anti-LGBTQ views. Like Trump, Duda has overseen a rise in far-right activity and antisemitism in his country. Duda met with Trump as part of Duda’s push for reelection in June. When Trump acknowledged Duda’s victory on Twitter on July 13, Posobiec replied with a GIF of Polish football fans celebrating.

he's a crypto fascist propagandist who has infiltrated mainstream republican news feeds where mainstream righties are now quoting and retweeting him. this is how the right keeps legitimizing and accepting fascists which in turn drags the right even further right.


Well-known member
I bet you have no proof that those who beat up people were actual Trump/MAGA people.

listen to the statements that their lawyers make in court regarding their motive, they did it b/c Trump wanted them to fight like hell.

still you offer no proof. understandable.


Three Berries

Active member
listen to the statements that their lawyers make in court regarding their motive, they did it b/c Trump wanted them to fight like hell.

still you offer no proof. understandable.


I'm not on trial. And if you don't want to believe what I say then just wait. When they lock up Trump I might say you were right. But I don't think that is going to happen. I think Trump is protected and lot of what is going on is because of things he did in office that cannot be undone.

Quite frankly I think the Lib Left MSM narrative is a bunch of shit.

How long does it take to build a case against a guy????? Every thing they have done has resulted in failure to Lock Him Up!!!!!! It's been going on for decades.


Well-known member

big question is will the great state of Texas have a power grid that can with stand the freeze or will the state that likes to talk succession fail their citizens and have to ask the bad fed govt to come in and save the day.

Texas' great awakening is realizing the fed govt, while not great and filled w/many flaws, is actually necessary.



Well-known member
Looks like you got this one correct. Most of the people held seem to have been charged (many only within the last few months). Many are charged with just violation of curfew. Also, some of the people who are agent provocatuers were also charged such as the viking guy. Many were held for quite some time before being charged last summer. That is a long time to not have charges brought. No one has been charged as an insurrectionist of course. So, that means they will be able to sue for slander, as they are innocent until proven guilty.

Im glad to see this post as now I know you are willing and able to admit to being wrong when evidence cant be explained away. its a step in the right direction.

so you have been railed up over Fake News and the fake news is coming from the Maga Media Sphere. Ask yourself why your news outlets are driving this fake narrative and then ponder the possibility that its not the only False Narrative they are wanting their viewers to believe.



Well-known member
big question is will the great state of Texas have a power grid that can with stand the freeze or will the state that likes to talk succession fail their citizens and have to ask the bad fed govt to come in and save the day.

Texas' great awakening is realizing the fed govt, while not great and filled w/many flaws, is actually necessary.


uh-oh...someone tell Cruz it's time for his kids to "want to go to Mexico" on vacation again, lol...or maybe Hawaii this time...


Well-known member
Did you all know that EUAs can only be granted if there is no other alternative treatment available?

Fraud: NOUN
  1. wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
  2. a person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities.

or as in "Donald Trump is a successful businessman." or "won by a landslide!" did you see where the FDA gave Moderna it's full approval? of course, you'll still claim it is "experimental", lol...

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