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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
Well boys and girls …...We`re lless than an hr away from the rest of your life since all of you want Trump`s head on a stick......Let the chips fall where they may.....Is there ANYONE here that actually thinks that Trump will be drummed outta office ?......Hell.....

I sure hope when all the smoke clears , the Dems don`t end up with Bernie against the Trumpinator…..shit could get real when he `s exonerated of this made up horse shit making his "Partisan"accusers look even less holier than thou , but who am I to judge.....My thoughts and prayers have always been to wish less government control over my life than what the Dems want to make sure of every step of their policies and mandates.....Me....?.....

Ya`ll call me a racist , but I`m a realist.....I hold absolutely NO political affiliation with ANY Party , Independent , Democrat , OR Republican , BUT.....since I`ve been a SLAVE to the Government all my working days , the ONLY times I prospered and did well in the REAL WORLD was when Republicans were in office and were stimulating the economy , while in retrospect , the only times my real world has ever sucked was when the Democrats implemented all their "give away" programs during their yrs of reign and work fell off with recession that followed right behind , and I remind ALL of you there was just as bad a recession in the 80`s as there ever was when it hit the hardest here in 2008.....but I digress.....also.....

Hey guys......Ya`ll hatin much ?......Try lookin at both sides from each sides point of view and reasoning BEHIND what all this is about and see that it`s ALL POLITICAL with BOTH SIDES wanting control in the Senate and House as well as Hell......I got a banner sent today for a petition to put BARACK OBAMA in the Supreme Court to secure Democratic reign when the opportunity presents itself ...…jus sayin....

How scared are the Democrats that they`re gonna have another 4 yrs of Trump.....seems fairly evident to me.....Ya`ll get a grip....it is what it is and what each and every 1 of you think is inconsequential and matters not .......and why ?.....

Electoral College controls the votes and it GALLS the Democrats short and curlies that they can `t win the race with Cali and New York controlling their driving force to do so, AND let folks vote for the popular vote , like that matters lol.....in the electoral college scheme of things that is....but again I digress.....and lastly.....

All things shall come to pass , and guess what.....You`ll ALL get another chance to put Democrats in the White House in 2024 , but I`m fairly sure DJ Trump`s got a cod lock on 2020 due to all the bullshit Dems have flung at him.....Time will tell and I`ve been wrong before.....just not much.....

Peace....DHF....:ying: .....


Active member
Call me racist over pepe the frog, I really don't give a fuck lol. It's a meme.

My middle finger is just my middle finger but folks just don’t understand.
It ain’t just a meme. It’s a racist meme. I know you don’t give a fuck. Yet you do.


Active member
Here is how its going to go and the dems know it. Biden is most likely to get the nomination and be set up to be the punching bag that looses to President Trump. Face it Trump IS going to be re-elected in a large win. Bidens reward for voluntarily being a punching bag is his baby boy will likely get to slide on any crimes and just the fact he is a known scumbag wont bother him or daddy. They both take the money and run off into the sunset.

They wont nominate Buddigieg because they see he has future potential and they don't want the stigma of being a looser for a potential future run. He is from my state and there is a lot about him I don't agree with but he has the charisma or whatever you want to call it that will propel him to a win especially if he runs against the dick hole pence in 2024. So long as he keeps his name in public. I am pretty sure everyone recognizes this run for the presidency is about getting his name out there and grooming for the future. I predict a senate run for him. Very likely a victory even in Indiana. For the most part the people in this state are not as conservative as some think in many ways. We just have managed to elect state officials that are entrenched and make laws that most do not agree with such as legalization of cannabis.

Warren ?? Forget it. Bernie?? Even less of a chance. Bloomberg?? Can anyone say slurpee?? Not a chance in hell. There are no other possible choices and those who are wetting their pants for hillary to jump in are going to be disappointed. She wants to be kingmaker and doesn't want the humiliation of being beaten again and by a huge margin.

Now Im sure the attacks will come from the usual suspects incapable of anything other than attack mode. i have nothing further to add to this discussion for a few months or until Im either proven wrong or right.

Like Nixon and Reagan were stigmatized before they won.
You had nothing to add. Same old schlock. I’m sure you’re an outstanding citizen though. Don’t wanna hurt your feelings.


Well-known member
My middle finger is just my middle finger but folks just don’t understand.
It ain’t just a meme. It’s a racist meme. I know you don’t give a fuck. Yet you do.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, everything you don't like is "racist". Thanks for sharing your opinion.


Well-known member
Kkk are racists, white nationalists are racists, nazi sympathisers are racist?

What party do all of these people traditionally vote for?


Well-known member
Kkk are racists, white nationalists are racists, nazi sympathisers are racist?

What party do all of these people traditionally vote for?

Commies and marxists vote democrat, I'm just not dumb enough to believe all Democrats/lefties are commies. Your strong arm argument is actually pretty weak.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
If you believe in sustainability, then you believe in acting and buying locally. If you act and buy locally (sustainably) then you are acting as a nationalist. If you are white and you live sustainably, you are a white nationalist. Therefore, the democrat party is the party of white nationalists. And I hear that white nationalosts are racists, lol.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Kkk are racists, white nationalists are racists, nazi sympathisers are racist?

What party do all of these people traditionally vote for?

Well since the dems typically enforce racist policies I guess that is self evident.

Civil Rights bill

Votes for it in the house
61% dems
80% Republicans

Votes for it in the senate
69% dems
82% Republicans

So seems like the dems are the more racist party there.

Oh I know that was a long time ago right.

Well in 1996 then president Clinton spoke at William J Fulbrights funeral. You remember him right. Well not if you are a dem because you are ignorant of history.

So who was he? He was 1 off the 99 dems who signed the Southern Manifesto. Don't know what that was because you are a cool aid drinking dem. Well that was a commitment to oppose integrations of public schools. Only 2 Republicans signed it.

But wait there is more he was also one of the guy who lead the filibuster for the bill of rights. The one that lasted for 83 days.

How about Al Gore lying about his dad loosing his seat because he voted for the civil rights act. Well the record clearly shows his dad voted against it. But we will over look that since he is a dem.

Still not recent enough for you. Yeah I know since the dems claim that the democrat party that enacted the Jim Crow laws and fought to keep slavery was different than the current dem party the Republicans must be racist. Another lie by the dems. In 2010 the senate president pro tempore was a Klu Klux Klan exalted cyclops. His name was Robert Byrd.

The truth is the dems have history of racism and are the racist party of today. They just wont admit they have a racism problem.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
You probably don't realize this but the Democratic party has a lower percentage of white people than the GOP.

That in itself is a racist statement. How can you say one party is less racist based on skin color or nationality? You hold a view against white people which is racist.

Amazing but you just don't see racism.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I did no such thing.

I responded to this
If you believe in sustainability, then you believe in acting and buying locally. If you act and buy locally (sustainably) then you are acting as a nationalist. If you are white and you live sustainably, you are a white nationalist. Therefore, the democrat party is the party of white nationalists. And I hear that white nationalosts are racists, lol.
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