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The 2020 Presidential Election

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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I listened to Giuliani interviewed on Fox last night. He tries to accuse Parnas of lying but because he and Trump have told so many lies, his claims are meaningless.


Well-known member
We will see if the new trade deals helps the farmers. All the farmers I have talked to still support Trump and are happy that he dropped the death tax. We do a lot of work for them in the winter months with pipes freezing.

ignorance is bliss

i'm sure all the farmers you spoke to have multi million dollar estates in the midwest lol.

"For starters, about 90% of farms are small -- meaning they bring in $350,000 or less in revenue a year, according to the USDA. And the median wealth for farm operator households was $827,300 in 2015.

Under current law, only those estates worth more than $5.49 million (or $10.98 million for married couples) even have to file estate tax returns.

And of those, only about half end up being taxable once all deductions, credits and special provisions are factored in, according to the Tax Policy Center."

this is a perfect example of why the right gets called useful idiots.


Active member
They pulled this 100k number in the past and had normal crowd sizes when the rally took place.

The GOP was caught inflating Don Jrs book sales to make the best seller list. You dont think they'd do the same with rally tickets?

The population of Wildwood, NJ is 5,000 people by the way. So if 100% of the population of Wildwood showed up at the rally, that would mean 95% of rally goers are from another city, town, or state. Cool.

They from one event to the next. They’re groupies following the band.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
ignorance is bliss

i'm sure all the farmers you spoke to have multi million dollar estates in the midwest lol.

"For starters, about 90% of farms are small -- meaning they bring in $350,000 or less in revenue a year, according to the USDA. And the median wealth for farm operator households was $827,300 in 2015.

Under current law, only those estates worth more than $5.49 million (or $10.98 million for married couples) even have to file estate tax returns.

And of those, only about half end up being taxable once all deductions, credits and special provisions are factored in, according to the Tax Policy Center."

this is a perfect example of why the right gets called useful idiots.

A perfect post

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
So two more people were fired in Puerto Rico because a lot of the aid sent two years ago for the hurricane is still in warehouses.

Guess the Democrat governor was to busy lying about Trump and not getting aid on the news to hand it out.

Kind of what you would expect when a dem is in charge. Nothing but a get rich quick scheme by the dems.


Here is how its going to go and the dems know it. Biden is most likely to get the nomination and be set up to be the punching bag that looses to President Trump. Face it Trump IS going to be re-elected in a large win. Bidens reward for voluntarily being a punching bag is his baby boy will likely get to slide on any crimes and just the fact he is a known scumbag wont bother him or daddy. They both take the money and run off into the sunset.

They wont nominate Buddigieg because they see he has future potential and they don't want the stigma of being a looser for a potential future run. He is from my state and there is a lot about him I don't agree with but he has the charisma or whatever you want to call it that will propel him to a win especially if he runs against the dick hole pence in 2024. So long as he keeps his name in public. I am pretty sure everyone recognizes this run for the presidency is about getting his name out there and grooming for the future. I predict a senate run for him. Very likely a victory even in Indiana. For the most part the people in this state are not as conservative as some think in many ways. We just have managed to elect state officials that are entrenched and make laws that most do not agree with such as legalization of cannabis.

Warren ?? Forget it. Bernie?? Even less of a chance. Bloomberg?? Can anyone say slurpee?? Not a chance in hell. There are no other possible choices and those who are wetting their pants for hillary to jump in are going to be disappointed. She wants to be kingmaker and doesn't want the humiliation of being beaten again and by a huge margin.

Now Im sure the attacks will come from the usual suspects incapable of anything other than attack mode. i have nothing further to add to this discussion for a few months or until Im either proven wrong or right.
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