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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Now Iran just seized a British Tanker in the strait of Hormuz.....shits starting to escalate,Fuck!

Mr D

When you push for a 15 dollar minimum wage in your campaign and you pay your workers 13 and under...its called baldface hypocrisy...what is the union cut from 13 bucks an hour? 40 bucks a month
UFCW is the biggest rippers in the union biz and have been involved in many federal indictments for fraud and embezzlement

Good luck with all that...

He defends Bernie like Trump supporters defend Trump. This cult of personality thing has to go. Congress will never pass his wishlist of socialist fantasies and he proved in 2016 that he not a fighter. Give him years worth of free first class flights and he'll carry any scumbags water. He's an old bitch with no balls.

Mr D

The right sees that as the same. It shows us how they compare apples to apples lol. Trumptard has never followed the same rules the rest do. The rule of Law is no longer viable under this admin.

The left, the most intolerant and hate-filled movement any of us have ever seen in this country, has rewarded itself with the exclusive right to interpret our every word and thought, and somehow they always conclude the same thing. We are evil, but they are not.

The left’s tactic of defining its enemies seems to have succeeded so well that it can’t be corrected by mere conversation and evidence. When every word we speak is instantly rejected on the basis of imaginary biases and prejudices we don’t have, but which are imposed upon us by those who hold them, the ability to converse is permanently smothered.

It has taken generations to fracture the country, but the left’s adherents are now almost unreachable. The country consists now of those who hate virulently, and those who are accused of doing so but don’t. Perhaps that is changing, but not in a positive way. That is, rational, decent Americans are getting truly sick and tired of the asylum’s tactics, and are trying to figure out their options in the shrinking vestiges of traditional America.

The stage of words is gradually being succeeded by the stage of isolated acts of sanctioned violence by the Party’s enforcers, whether in the form of elected officials encouraging aggression and physical violence, roving mobs wearing hoods and masks, or the media.

The Economic Innovation Group, which is an investor-funded group pressing Congress to allow state legislators to import their own extra supply of cheap immigrant workers, consumers, and renters. Housing investors also support more immigrants to drive up rent and increase profits. The upper income workers in the cities enjoy the benefits of cheap, disposable restaurant workers.

This huge supply of imported workers, consumers, and renters prefer to cluster in coastal cities — and so it also drains job-creating investment, wages, and real estate values that would otherwise go to the four million Americans graduates each year and to the children, young workers, and homeowners in America’s heartland towns and cities.

Kind of funny and sad to sit here and watch these self righteous tools go on and on about "the children" seemingly clueless they are selling the rich man's propaganda.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
LOl, I did research to the best of my abilities on this going back multiple admins, I found nothing that comes close to the inhuman activities this admin has implemented.

The right has beat on people at there rallies. No one on the left has committed these acts of violence. POTUS encourages violence and hate speak. There already was a death attributed to the white nationalist rhetoric coming from Trumptard.

Anyone that has not been manipulated by Trumptards hate speak can see the horrific conditions this admin has put these kids in. Some have died because of it. No matter how much you guys try to deflect we can see whats going on. You guys fell for "What your seeing is not whats going on" and the Truth is not the Truth BS.

I'm not one to continue to repeat myself. It seems you guys cant retain info well. Its not the illegal workers fault for trying to make a better life. If there wasn't someone hiring undocumented people most wouldn't be here.

If anyone on the right can show me info any previous admin locked up every undocumented person and the kids we could have a discussion. Since all you guys have is more of the same BS coming from Trumptard you arent helping your opinions.

Mr D

LOl, I did research to the best of my abilities on this going back multiple admins, I found nothing that comes close to the inhuman activities this admin has implemented.

The right has beat on people at there rallies. No one on the left has committed these acts of violence. POTUS encourages violence and hate speak. There already was a death attributed to the white nationalist rhetoric coming from Trumptard.

Anyone that has not been manipulated by Trumptards hate speak can see the horrific conditions this admin has put these kids in. Some have died because of it. No matter how much you guys try to deflect we can see whats going on. You guys fell for "What your seeing is not whats going on" and the Truth is not the Truth BS.

I'm not one to continue to repeat myself. It seems you guys cant retain info well. Its not the illegal workers fault for trying to make a better life. If there wasn't someone hiring undocumented people most wouldn't be here.

If anyone on the right can show me info any previous admin locked up every undocumented person and the kids we could have a discussion. Since all you guys have is more of the same BS coming from Trumptard you arent helping your opinions.

Yeah yeah yeah and everyone is a racist. <Yawn>

You are just repeating what you read in favorite echo chambers. You have no first hand knowledge to back up your hyperbole. Reading Huffpo and MSNBC does not qualify as research.

More of the same tired BS about your sudden concern for the US immigration policies and the practices continued under Trump from previous administrations. The current administration has built zero cages. They are left over from previous administrations.

Remember the time in 2010 when you were concerned about the '"Cages". Yeah, neither does anyone else.

You seem to think whining about "Trumptard" and demeaning people on the internet is a way forward. Spare us your new found outrage. The only thing different at the border from when Obama was president is the scale of the problem. You are so easily led from one liberal outrage to another by the fake media.

In your zeal to take the moral high ground you passed right over what I posted concerning how the rich are benefiting from illegals.

Hopefully you are better at breeding some OG bullshit strain, or chemdawg hype schwag.


ICMag Donor
I met some Iranian people in Europe. I think that Iran might be the most highly educated countries in the neighborhood and pretty civilized. As usual it's the governments and not the people.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Fuck their government,Trump has his foot on their economic throat,right now US cargo ships going through the straights has fighter jets escorting them.Lets see if they have balls enough to hijack those,or will they continue to hijack commercial cargo ships that have no defense.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Yeah yeah yeah and everyone is a racist. <Yawn>

You are just repeating what you read in favorite echo chambers. You have no first hand knowledge to back up your hyperbole. Reading Huffpo and MSNBC does not qualify as research.

More of the same tired BS about your sudden concern for the US immigration policies and the practices continued under Trump from previous administrations. The current administration has built zero cages. They are left over from previous administrations.

Remember the time in 2010 when you were concerned about the '"Cages". Yeah, neither does anyone else.

You seem to think whining about "Trumptard" and demeaning people on the internet is a way forward. Spare us your new found outrage. The only thing different at the border from when Obama was president is the scale of the problem. You are so easily led from one liberal outrage to another by the fake media.

In your zeal to take the moral high ground you passed right over what I posted concerning how the rich are benefiting from illegals.

Hopefully you are better at breeding some OG bullshit strain, or chemdawg hype schwag.

Typical uneducated nonsense from those that follow blindly. Let Trumptard spoon feed you more of his BS. If you could read you would know why I posted that comment about the thread deteriorating into everyone being a racist. Damn dude I thought you have some brains, But oh was I wrong.

You got nothing so you attempt to make it personal, which makes you look like a total douchebag. I'm not gonna take the bait and stoop to your level of idiotic behavior. I'm trying hard not the let the stupid rub off on me again.

I will let those that have grown my work speak. I dont need to say anything lol.

Mr D

I'm posting these to show the BS liberals are spewing in this thread. It's not a defense of the current administration. It also makes my case that both sides are the same.

ACLU: Immigrant minors often mistreated during Obama’s term

Obama created something called a "rocket docket" that "fast-tracked the deportation of toddlers and families, oftentimes without lawyers," to maintain compliance with the Flores agreement, a settlement barring the US from holding migrant children for more than 20 days.

"They basically were torturing people," Kolken said of the Obama administration. "They were putting them in freezers and holding them there until they could be transferred to an expedited deportation." Kolken says the detention centers were purposefully put in remote locations to stop immigration lawyers and activists from helping the detained.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Your just a god damn idiot.. I'm not a liberal . If anyone isn't a trumptard supporter that makes us a lib. Momma says stupid is as stupid does.

If doing research on the net is baseless. your info is also BS.

Gotta go play in the garden to bring back my Zen. Cant handle anymore stupid today.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yep I'm trying hard not to let stupid rub off on me again as well.
Gotta take it with a grain of salt,everyone in here is a racist to some degree.


Active member
the key to the end of TRUMP is the Taxes....even Al Capone who bought off everyone couldnt get past the tax man....if there wasnt something damaging for Trump in the taxes he wouldn't keep them hidden...WTF is he hiding...The TAXES will be his demise...if there is nothing in there show them...he knows just how damaging they are, thats why he is fighting tooth and nail to hide them..DJXX


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Money can buy anything,read up on the Dupont family,and how one of the heirs got away with raping a 10 year old.
Fucked up family,but they paid off that douchebag bitch judge that should rot in hell.

This story always pops into my head when it comes to the wealthy,and justice.


Eh, idk, i would think he would at least be smart enough to hire an accountant that can hide whatever. I really do think the big thing is that he isnt rich and most of its just debt, ie he would borrow a billion and suddenly be a billionaire..then go bankrupt and not pay it back. I would be more interested in seeing wire transfer info from Deutsche bank.
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