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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Couldn't have something to do with Democratic presidential candidates going to Mexico to help illegal immigrants avoid ICE.

Couldn't be Democratic Congress people who have gone on record with abolishing ICE.

So, are they endangered brown people suffering, or paid tools of Trump? Can't be both. The reality is Democrats have been supporting migrant caravans. Now they are working with illegals in Mexico. Pretty clear who they care about.

The Democrats don't represent Americans.

How many of the Democratic candidates raised their hands to de-criminalizing illegal border crossings?

How many raised their hands to free healthcare for the illegal immigrants?

To emphasize the glaringly obvious fact. California just passed a bill that fines California's who can't afford health insurance, to provide free health insurance for illegal immigrants. I don't know how any American can accept this latest attack on Americans. Let's not forget that Obamacare was the debacle that sent health insurance cost skyrocketing. Without the complete failure that Obamacare was, we would not be in this situation.

All in all, the dems own the healthcare crisis, and the border crisis.

No one I know likes ICE. No democrat I know supports any caravan or open borders. Nothing but a talking point to rally the base. That theory is total BS. If you read what I posted those people have no clue whats going on. They are not the people getting paid. There the ones getting used. Im sure there's some getting paid but most are not. You radicals think the dems are the boogieman lol.

It is disturbing how much you guys will let Trumptard piss on the constitution. The reality is your changing what use to be acceptable by allowing trumptard to do what he does... Win or lose in 2020 is so fucked up it cant go back to what it was. At some point your gonna have to realize you screwed yourself.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It was a government conspiracy. First they suppress free boobs. Rock n roll, people who knew how to play musical instruments, and long hairs were next. Now they're after the brown people who harvest our crops.

Harvest Crops!!!! :chin:

In my best Charlton Heston voice "Let my people go"
I'm heading to the border right now,I'll lay my Truncheon wand at Sgt Pharoah's feet,and turn it into a snake.
They will have no choice but comply.

Not to sell short the idea of free boobs,Eric Clapton,Jack Bruce,and Ginger Baker.
But I just cut for 3 days,I'm done with this shit....hahaha


Active member
No one I know likes ICE. No democrat I know supports any caravan or open borders. Nothing but a talking point to rally the base. That theory is total BS. If you read what I posted those people have no clue whats going on. They are not the people getting paid. There the ones getting used. Im sure there's some getting paid but most are not. You radicals think the dems are the boogieman lol.

It is disturbing how much you guys will let Trumptard piss on the constitution. The reality is your changing what use to be acceptable by allowing trumptard to do what he does... Win or lose in 2020 is so fucked up it cant go back to what it was. At some point your gonna have to realize you screwed yourself.
And they don't even see any of it...i still cant figure out their loyalty to him...almost like they have never lived a day in america and they just arrived here and think this is the norm...well surprise surprise...this isn't anything like the America before Trump..they are ok bowng down to the biggest con artist in history ... they would sure be an easy used car sale...DJXX


ICMag Donor
I always thought my generation was going to fix everything when it was our turn. No chance. They screwed it up worse than ever. All the peace love Woodstock stuff turned into I got mine and fuck everybody else.

Harvest Crops!!!! :chin:

In my best Charlton Heston voice "Let my people go"
I'm heading to the border right now,I'll lay my Truncheon wand at Sgt Pharoah's feet,and turn it into a snake.
They will have no choice but comply.

Not to sell short the idea of free boobs,Eric Clapton,Jack Bruce,and Ginger Baker.
But I just cut for 3 days,I'm done with this shit....hahaha


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
man you are old..lol...were they the Yardbirds...or was thatJimmy Pages band...dayum having flashbacks..DJXX

CREAM my favorite album of all time "Disreali Gears"

Love my Zeppelin and Floyd too,but CREAM does it for me when I'm spaced.

Yeah I'm old,but looking around at the new generation,I'm ok with it.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I always thought my generation was going to fix everything when it was our turn. No chance. They screwed it up worse than ever. All the peace love Woodstock stuff turned into I got mine and fuck everybody else.

Yeah felt that way when I was younger,I remember wearing a peace sign necklace.Now if ya wearing a gold chain around your neck you better be aware of your surroundings.Back then not many would cut your throat for a hit of mescaline.
Nowadays ya get ripped from ya car with your kids in the backseat.
So yeah it really has turned into a fuck you I've got mine kinda world in many ways


Active member
You continue to underwrite a corporate version of history which is
shameful and at not at in line with history I remember.
I do understand you would have us believe your corporate master's
represent this country. Simply put, it's untrue and always has been.
Pretty sure you are well informed enough to know that which you
refer to as "Obama Care" was in fact the initial project by the Heritage
So why don't we just use the same language you chose with the correct accreditation given;
"Without the complete failure the Heritage Foundation's health care program was, we would not be in this situation."
Sounds equally pathetic to your chosen position and resolves almost as little.
Waay past time to grow up and acknowledge that Rockefeller medicine is only viable for a very few.
The number one reason for personal bankruptcies being over medical issues is equally reprehensible to the number of companies forced out business as a result of being unable to compete due to rising healthcare costs.

Single payer now.

If illegal immigration was at zero, I might be open to considering single payer. It would have to be voluntary. No outlawing insurance. No new middle class taxes. You do realize that Medicare is a bureaucratic nightmare now. Most drs. Won't take new Medicare patients. Why expand on failure?


The heritage foundation didn't tell the American people we have to pass it so we can see what's in it. That was Pelosi. Even if you are right, which I contend you are partially right, about a policy from 20 years ago. Obama put his name on the failure, not the heritage foundation. I would be willing to bet my bottom dollar that if Obamacare had been a glowing success, you never would have heard of the heritage foundation policy.

Why do you insist that I support every GOP, or heritage foundation policy?

I don't assume you support every Democratic policy.

I condemn the crony corporatism. Yes, WAPO is a corporatist propaganda tool.

The way you remember history, isn't a fact, it's an opinion. We both probably both wrong about much of our history.


Well-known member
I always thought my generation was going to fix everything when it was our turn. No chance. They screwed it up worse than ever. All the peace love Woodstock stuff turned into I got mine and fuck everybody else.
How true it is.
Saddened and disgusted at the state
of the nation our generation will pass forward.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i do find it interesting that everyone is upset because illegal immigrants get separated from their kids, but no one says a word about the millions of prisoners separated from their kids for bull shit, victimless so called crimes. in the end those people made the choice to smuggle them selves and their kids in, they made the choice not to go through official asylum or immigration channels. if the US was to let everyone in freely who wanted to cross, half the third world population would arrive on your door step over the next 20 years.

Africa's, overpopulation problem will be shifted to the US and any other nation foolish enough not to enforce border security. then the problems of your average citizen will be very different to now. maybe visit one of these places you want to turn you nation into before you tear down trumps wall. i'm sorry but i'm selfish and i don't want to become a minority in my own country and as we always seem to copy you guys i hope you get it right. asylum and migration are not the same thing. if you make thm the same, you are robbing future generations of everything their ancestors built for them. yes it's not nice, but its logical. the maths speaks for it's self. how many of these nations would let us in if the rolls were reversed?

said it before and ill say it again, people need to be helped in their own countries. or as close as possible. you get 100 dollars worth of goods over there, for every dollar you spend here. just like the Syrians, we should have kept them near their country, instead of even offering them incentives to migrate permanently to the EU.

you will not solve poverty, corruption in the world by letting everyone come to the west. all you will do is destroy the living standard of the western nations average citizens.

speaking of world poverty levels and starvation, we have never in history had fewer people in extreme poverty and starvation on this planet. now is the time to invest in those nations, not make war on them and sanction them. that only makes more people run away from them.

some migration has always been the norm and it's a good thing for nations, but mass migration is a whole different story, we are seeing the consequences already in places like Germany. and you idiots who think you are being "nice", don't realize that it is already back firing and radical right wingers are riding the wave of outrage to power. so yeah, fucking thanks. thats exactly how it always starts.

the more radical the left acts, the more the right will be gaining power and support by the average population, who can add 2 and 2 and have eyes to see their neighborhood and country, changing in front of them, not for the better either. sexual assault, violence and crime increase exponentially, to the point where the gov stop sharing ethnicities of criminals, which again back fires as outraged leakers share the truth. so where do you think this will all end? a very bad place imo.

let me add, i don't like Trump. i know in this age of polarization and taking sides instead of discussing issues, everything is interpreted as pro or against Trump. so let me be clear i am no fan, i see him as a bad diplomat and thin skinned easily manipulated by his ego by his war mongering advisors. still he has not started a new war yet, long may that last. for the rest you guys presidents have been getting steadily worse anyway, so no surprises there.

Just curious what's incorrect with this post,can anyone point out the absurdity?


Active member
Poke around there is plenty of Trump history available that really paints a different picture of this man, he isnt the law abiding man you think he is....the king of fake losses to not pay taxes...in the mid 90s he wrote off $800 million in losses to dodge even more taxes...inflating his real estate properties worth, also to avoid more taxes,...the documentation is on the internet...but dont say anything bout Bezos til you have done all the research on your king also...dont just repeat Fox news..DJXX
Again, the loopholes are laws that the rich use not to pay taxes. It's not a political issue, other than the failure of both parties to institute a reasonable tax policy. Again, it's another example of congressional failure.

I can't fault an American for using the laws on tu he books to pay less taxes. I don't voluntarily pay more taxes. How can I condemn someone else for doing the same thing. Even Bezos.

800 million is a drop in the bucket, to the taxes Bezos didn't pay last year alone.

I understand you have a personal animus towards Trump, because your friend had a bad experience. I would venture to guess, you have only got one side of that story. My support is policy based. When Trump makes a mistake, I will call him on it. When the media and leftist politicians blame every problem in the history of America on Trump I will call them on it.

Can you enlighten me with some of your preferred political policies?

I asked you before if you changed your policy positions, or just your political membership in response to Trump, I never got an answer.

No King here my friend, we fought a war to make sure of that.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i do find it interesting that everyone is upset because illegal immigrants get separated from their kids, but no one says a word about the millions of prisoners separated from their kids for bull shit, victimless so called crimes. in the end those people made the choice to smuggle them selves and their kids in, they made the choice not to go through official asylum or immigration channels. if the US was to let everyone in freely who wanted to cross, half the third world population would arrive on your door step over the next 20 years.

Africa's, overpopulation problem will be shifted to the US and any other nation foolish enough not to enforce border security. then the problems of your average citizen will be very different to now. maybe visit one of these places you want to turn you nation into before you tear down trumps wall. i'm sorry but i'm selfish and i don't want to become a minority in my own country and as we always seem to copy you guys i hope you get it right. asylum and migration are not the same thing. if you make thm the same, you are robbing future generations of everything their ancestors built for them. yes it's not nice, but its logical. the maths speaks for it's self. how many of these nations would let us in if the rolls were reversed?

said it before and ill say it again, people need to be helped in their own countries. or as close as possible. you get 100 dollars worth of goods over there, for every dollar you spend here. just like the Syrians, we should have kept them near their country, instead of even offering them incentives to migrate permanently to the EU.

you will not solve poverty, corruption in the world by letting everyone come to the west. all you will do is destroy the living standard of the western nations average citizens.

speaking of world poverty levels and starvation, we have never in history had fewer people in extreme poverty and starvation on this planet. now is the time to invest in those nations, not make war on them and sanction them. that only makes more people run away from them.

some migration has always been the norm and it's a good thing for nations, but mass migration is a whole different story, we are seeing the consequences already in places like Germany. and you idiots who think you are being "nice", don't realize that it is already back firing and radical right wingers are riding the wave of outrage to power. so yeah, fucking thanks. thats exactly how it always starts.

the more radical the left acts, the more the right will be gaining power and support by the average population, who can add 2 and 2 and have eyes to see their neighborhood and country, changing in front of them, not for the better either. sexual assault, violence and crime increase exponentially, to the point where the gov stop sharing ethnicities of criminals, which again back fires as outraged leakers share the truth. so where do you think this will all end? a very bad place imo.

let me add, i don't like Trump. i know in this age of polarization and taking sides instead of discussing issues, everything is interpreted as pro or against Trump. so let me be clear i am no fan, i see him as a bad diplomat and thin skinned easily manipulated by his ego by his war mongering advisors. still he has not started a new war yet, long may that last. for the rest you guys presidents have been getting steadily worse anyway, so no surprises there.

So I just want to make sure I'm getting this right.
Because he nailed it for me,actually the best post in this entire thread.
If you have the same perspective then you are a deplorable,racist,uncaring piece of shit right?


Well-known member
If illegal immigration was at zero, I might be open to considering single payer. It would have to be voluntary. No outlawing insurance. No new middle class taxes. You do realize that Medicare is a bureaucratic nightmare now. Most drs. Won't take new Medicare patients. Why expand on failure?


The heritage foundation didn't tell the American people we have to pass it so we can see what's in it. That was Pelosi. Even if you are right, which I contend you are partially right, about a policy from 20 years ago. Obama put his name on the failure, not the heritage foundation. I would be willing to bet my bottom dollar that if Obamacare had been a glowing success, you never would have heard of the heritage foundation policy.

Why do you insist that I support every GOP, or heritage foundation policy?

I don't assume you support every Democratic policy.

I condemn the crony corporatism. Yes, WAPO is a corporatist propaganda tool.

The way you remember history, isn't a fact, it's an opinion. We both probably both wrong about much of our history.
You would loose your bottom dollar on issue w/ the history of the insurance were I a betting individual which I am not.
I lived in a household in which it was a much discussed subject.
Washington Post is not at all unique to the balance of the media, why single it out ?
I am unaware of any news source which has yet to be compromised.
Won't bother asking why you refer to anything which helps the common man
in negative terms. I know you feel like are just being loyal to those who brought you to the dance.
Most MD's won't take medicare- Was on the hunt for a place to administer basic fluids a few weeks ago.
Spoke with many different places near by.
Each and every one accepted medicare. Have difficulty thinking of that as failure.
Kind of makes me ponder the integrity of your source, but
hell, we all know that few things are as described in life.
You never seem to acknowledge that your corporate champions
once paid about a third of our countries taxes but found it
cheaper to shape the media and buy politicians.
You say you condemn crony corporatism.
Has that ever been the case, or it a conceptual issue?
Only thing I really feel safe assuming is that you want what you feel is best for your kids.
Nothing would make me happier than to see them have a shot at Georgetown's SFS.
I was one the gullible who believed in the concept that each generation of people,
not corporations should have more and better opportunities.

Mr D

Not a shred of evidence to support the notion that higher corporate taxes will benefit the little guy. I know it's a popular belief among socialist leaning types but at the end of the day it's just more BS. Increased government revenue will most likely go to the military industrial complex.

The people who work against our interests are deeply embedded in the government machine.

You have to reduce the federal workforce by at least 50% and do away with all campaign donations before you can begin to hope a transfer of wealth to the US government is a good idea.


Active member
Packer, putting down Medicare the way you just did can only mean you have not had actual experience with Medicare coverage. I have been covered by Medicare for several years now and it is the best health insurance coverage I have ever had. Compared with private insurance the bureaucracy is non existent and I have not found one doctor who rejects Medicare patients. I also have a supplemental policy from a private company that supposedly covers what Medicare does not. It is more expensive and covers almost nothing. I imagine once you are old enough to get Medicare you will change your tune.


Active member
Packer, putting down Medicare the way you just did can only mean you have not had actual experience with Medicare coverage. I have been covered by Medicare for several years now and it is the best health insurance coverage I have ever had. Compared with private insurance the bureaucracy is non existent and I have not found one doctor who rejects Medicare patients. I also have a supplemental policy from a private company that supposedly covers what Medicare does not. It is more expensive and covers almost nothing. I imagine once you are old enough to get Medicare you will change your tune.

Medicare will be a distant memory for me. I won't be eligible for almost 30 years, Medicare isn't solvent the way it is now.

The bureaucracy cost of the IRS are never accounted for. The IRS budget is almost 11 billion dollars. A large chunk of that is collecting Medicare funding



Well-known member
Not a shred of evidence to support the notion that higher corporate taxes will benefit the little guy. I know it's a popular belief among socialist leaning types but at the end of the day it's just more BS. Increased government revenue will most likely go to the military industrial complex.

The people who work against our interests are deeply embedded in the government machine.

You have to reduce the federal workforce by at least 50% and do away with all campaign donations before you can begin to hope a transfer of wealth to the US government is a good idea.
Not a shred of evidence ?
A rising tide lifts all boats
is how conservatives once described it.
See no need to reduce the federal workforce at all,
would enjoy seeing some WPA programs reactivated.
Those who work against our interests are deeply embedded
in our entire society. The gold key program was entirely too successful.
The military industrial complex has had us by the short ones all our lives,
and all who have consumed their media have ingested their well described product.

Wendull C.

Active member
Packer, putting down Medicare the way you just did can only mean you have not had actual experience with Medicare coverage. I have been covered by Medicare for several years now and it is the best health insurance coverage I have ever had. Compared with private insurance the bureaucracy is non existent and I have not found one doctor who rejects Medicare patients. I also have a supplemental policy from a private company that supposedly covers what Medicare does not. It is more expensive and covers almost nothing. I imagine once you are old enough to get Medicare you will change your tune.

This is true.

My mom has some maladies. When she was on private insurance it was non stop bullshit.

Now with Medicare, she can see any Doctor she wants and unless it's a once a year authorization issue the coverage is flawless.
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