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The 2020 Presidential Election

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ICMag Donor
We need about fifty more just like her. Y'know, Girls of her caliber.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
hahaha my wifes gonna hate me when I go wake her,I'm just gonna say jeez louise blame it on zeez.hahaha


ICMag Donor
I guess everyone got caught up in "the optics".

Well, Now that I've got your attention...............................

Seriously, Anybody do any reading on Mitch's wife Elaine Lan Chao?

Forget the partisanship for about 5 minutes. There's a long list of people who are fucking all of us.

Mitch and his wife are at the top of the list.


Well-known member
AOC gets schooled by Thomas Homan of ICE


sorry, but she is an air head, from lying about drinking from toilets to putting illegal border crossers in the same category as refugees seeking asylum officially, to voting against the funds to make things better in those same detention centers, all while loudly deploring the "horrific" conditions on twitter etc.

For real, even majority of the Democrats are embarrassed by her. By far the most radical leftist in office, I hope she doesn't win reelection. I feel like I get dumber everytime I hear her speak. Lol, That movie Idiocracy is coming true. :laughing:

These people actually want to destroy America. We will be worse off than the 3rd world nation's they're coming from if people like AOC get their way.


ICMag Donor
For real, even majority of the Democrats are embarrassed by her. By far the most radical leftist in office, I hope she doesn't win reelection. I feel like I get dumber everytime I hear her speak. Lol, That movie Idiocracy is coming true. :laughing:

These people actually want to destroy America. We will be worse off than the 3rd world nation's they're coming from if people like AOC get their way.

Thank you Captain Clueless.

Do some reading.

Wendull C.

Active member
See, he is an American. We don't have that problem, yet. We will if lefty socialists get their way.

This statement alone proves to me that even you don't believe socialism works, yet, you want to bring that shit here?

Just as an honest side note, we do have many socialist programs in the USA.


ICMag Donor
Wendull, Socialism is just a scary word thrown around by people who have no idea what it means.

Their intention is only to scare the ignorant,


Well-known member

She may make some big mistakes, but what representative doesn't.

I hate to break it to you though, she's much more intelligent than you are.



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Well-known member
AOC gets schooled by Thomas Homan of ICE


sorry, but she is an air head, from lying about drinking from toilets to putting illegal border crossers in the same category as refugees seeking asylum officially, to voting against the funds to make things better in those same detention centers, all while loudly deploring the "horrific" conditions on twitter etc.

i'm still waiting for the schooling...

illegal entry has been a misdemeanor since 1965.

so his comparisons to DUI's and domestic violence are garbage. Driving while under the influence puts many lives at risk in an involuntary situation. Domestic violence puts lives at risk in an involuntary situation.

I guess immigration whether legal or illegal is equivalent to beating your spouse and/or child now lmao and should be punished as such. oh wait, not.

Imagine getting shit for not voting to fund better internment camp conditions when the real solution is to let them fucking go and repeal the "No Tolerance" policy that started all of this.

This entire issue is quite ridiculous. The US itself creates these conditions in South American countries no different than the way the US creates it's own enemies via terrorism. US economic sanctions cripple these countries, power vacuums open up, cartels and militias take over, the normal citizens try to flee and this is what they're met with lmao.


Well-known member
Not unless they are child traffickers or some shit. I'm for making living conditions better for legit asylum seekers but I'm also for slowing down illegal immigration. If we slow down illegal immigration we can/should then let more in legally and they won't drive wages down working for cheap labor.

illegal immigration was at the lowest it's been in a long time and then Trump became president and it exploded again.

i call bullshit to the point where they are probably creating and exacerbating this problem for political motivations.

it doesn't even make sense unless you add in the factor that they are doing some kind of a false flag. illegal immigration peaked back to Bush Jr #'s under the guy who called Mexicans rapists and drug criminals, who wanted to build a wall with mexico paying for it.



Well-known member
Convenient? They pass through other countries also.
The US topples governments, puts on economic sanctions, installs dictators, finances militias, ect and has been doing so in South America for over 100 years.

Where exactly are these people going? They just gonna go from country to country hoping one of these US created shitholes lets them in?

Agentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatamala, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela

have all been victims of US economic sanctions and much worse. and those are only the ones listed on wikipedia.

Mexico turning people away doesn't mean we here have to be burdened with this bullshit.
it also doesnt mean we set up internment camps. you do realize the cost per day to do all this right? it fucking eclipses the proposed budget for the wall by like 3x.

Don't want to be detained in an ICE Detention facility? Don't come here illegally.
or we can repeal jeff sessions no tolerance policy and go back to what we were doing before this. obama set the record for deportations and immigration was reversing as Mexico's economy rebounded.

Most of these cases of asylum are economic anyhow. That doesn't qualify.
economic as in economic warfare from the US. we create our own problems.

Just because they have been advised by counsel as what to say doesn't mean they are refugees. OJ Simpson wasn't guilty either right? Fuck outta here.:laughing:

this still doesn't justify the internment camps lol


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ICMag Donor
Shouldn't we take refugees from Africa first ahead of others,for many over there its truly a matter of life and death.
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