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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Boreal Curing
It's my opinion that the president should be discouraging bad or especially violent behavior. Trunp seems to encourage it.

I spent my entire career working with leaders who work from plans. The ones who didn't have them failed miserably. I see Trump as someone who leads by the seat of his pants.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
They mail bombs to politicians, run over people in their trucks, shoot up black churches, ect.

Fascism is much worse than some commies in masks. Fascism has state backing. Communists do not.
Then you've got all the corporate centrists who allow fascism to permeate because they view both sides to be equally "radical". What MLK said about the moderate liberal enabling racists is equally as valid when referring to centrists enabling fascists.

Were the police ordered to stand down?


ICMag Donor
I've yet to see Trump supporters wearing masks,attacking people in the streets with the police standing down.
I personally want antifa to grow a pair and show up at a trump rally instead of attacking gay journalists.
Those backwoods trump supporters have gun racks in the back window of their pickup trucks

Take a look at our southern border. The images in the concentration camps and stories of children taken from parents, never to be reunited. Think about history and tell me where you have seen the most similar images.


Well-known member
Take a look at our southern border. The images in the concentration camps and stories of children taken from parents, never to be reunited. Think about history and tell me where you have seen the most similar images.

They are propagandists though. They think Obama started this all lol.

Same re-used propaganda technique they used with the Muslim ban. "But muh Obama banned them first"


Well-known member
Take a look at our southern border. The images in the concentration camps and stories of children taken from parents, never to be reunited. Think about history and tell me where you have seen the most similar images.

I haven't seen any concentration camps. People got worked to death or gassed in concentration camps.

No, we just don't have room for all these illegal immigrants. We have too many homeless people as is, clearly we can't even take care of our own poor. They are living no better in Skid Row than Africa.


Boreal Curing
I haven't seen any concentration camps. People got worked to death or gassed in concentration camps.

No, we just don't have room for all these illegal immigrants. We have too many homeless people as is, clearly we can't even take care of our own poor. They are living no better in Skid Row than Africa.

1. Your homeless for the most part are those with mental health issues you don't value in your society. "Don't have the mental fortitude or good fortune to make it? Starve."

2. Without them your economy will tank.

Why don't you take down the Statue of Liberty. Or at least the plaque that reads.
"Give me your tired, your poor
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore
Send these the homeless tempest-tost to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

The way to keep a Great USA has always been the same. Immigration and it's the only chance in hell to maintain global economic leadership.


Well-known member
So we lock them up?
Not a solution.

We do have laws, we can't just bus them back home without due process so we have to detain them.

.The major purpose of the earliest concentration camps during the 1930s was to kill or intimidate the leaders of political, social, and cultural movements that the Nazis perceived to be a threat to the survival of the regime. The first Nazi concentration camp was Dachau, established in March 1933, near Munich.

Now I certainly don't see political leaders, Jews, blacks, gays, etc. Being rounded up and thrown in concentration camps. Just a whole lot of illegal immigrants being detained at the border. They can still obtain a work Visa and enter the country legally and possibly marry an American citizen. Or they can even go through the legal process of becoming an American citizen.

We let everyone in and allow them to vote, well China can ship half it's population to America and vote in communist leaders across the board, then we will have concentration camps, but they will be full of patriots. Go figure the socialists want these illegal immigrants here....


Well-known member

1. Your homeless for the most part are those with mental health issues you don't value in your society. "Don't have the mental fortitude or good fortune to make it? Starve."

2. Without them your economy will tank.

Why don't you take down the Statue of Liberty. Or at least the plaque that reads.
"Give me your tired, your poor
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore
Send these the homeless tempest-tost to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

The way to keep a Great USA has always been the same. Immigration and it's the only chance in hell to maintain global economic leadership.
By all means, bring the statue of liberty back to France, America is full.

If we let everyone in this country we'd have more people than China. I don't know about you, but I don't like housing projects and that's all we're going to have when we reach 2 billion. Really America will be a shit hole and I'm going to want to move to Europe or Argentina. :tiphat:


ICMag Donor
Well - at least they are not burning women as witches any more in the western world - and the women used to burn their bras - back in the 60's - 70's - I wonder why that sport lost interest?

It was a government conspiracy. First they suppress free boobs. Rock n roll, people who knew how to play musical instruments, and long hairs were next. Now they're after the brown people who harvest our crops.


Well-known member
crazy concept but "everyone" doesn't want to come to this country lol

must be another coincidence many of the migrants/refugees/asylum seekers that want to come here are from countries the US/CIA has skull fucked for decades. we create our own problems.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
What was that famous quote the wicked witch said
"I'll get you my pretty"

No need [you've given yourself sufficient rope]....oh hours later:biggrin:

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Boreal Curing
Has to tell you how bad shit is in their country if they're willing to get separated from their kids to try and make it in.

One of the main reasons for foreign aid is to help their countries become more stable and make life better enough to keep them home and safe. BTW, it's one of the goals of globalization.

Ya. It's a complicated world.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I'm curious. How many think undocumented people vote in the USA?.

Almost all illegal voting happens in GOP states. There’s a clearly documented case of election fraud(North Carolina)that actually appears to have changed an election result. The cruel irony for Republicans is that operatives from their own party particularly Leslie McCrae Dowless did the deed.

The USA is a partially socialist country.. The United State like every other country with an advanced economy, such as the U.K., Germany, France, and Japan is already a partly socialist country, with a mixed economy and many government programs that serve the public good.

All previous admins knew quick deportation was the best choice. Detaining undocumented people is unsustainable. Its gonna cost billions, the conditions are deplorable. In the end most end up getting deported anyway.


i do find it interesting that everyone is upset because illegal immigrants get separated from their kids, but no one says a word about the millions of prisoners separated from their kids for bull shit, victimless so called crimes. in the end those people made the choice to smuggle them selves and their kids in, they made the choice not to go through official asylum or immigration channels. if the US was to let everyone in freely who wanted to cross, half the third world population would arrive on your door step over the next 20 years.

Africa's, overpopulation problem will be shifted to the US and any other nation foolish enough not to enforce border security. then the problems of your average citizen will be very different to now. maybe visit one of these places you want to turn you nation into before you tear down trumps wall. i'm sorry but i'm selfish and i don't want to become a minority in my own country and as we always seem to copy you guys i hope you get it right. asylum and migration are not the same thing. if you make thm the same, you are robbing future generations of everything their ancestors built for them. yes it's not nice, but its logical. the maths speaks for it's self. how many of these nations would let us in if the rolls were reversed?

said it before and ill say it again, people need to be helped in their own countries. or as close as possible. you get 100 dollars worth of goods over there, for every dollar you spend here. just like the Syrians, we should have kept them near their country, instead of even offering them incentives to migrate permanently to the EU.

you will not solve poverty, corruption in the world by letting everyone come to the west. all you will do is destroy the living standard of the western nations average citizens.

speaking of world poverty levels and starvation, we have never in history had fewer people in extreme poverty and starvation on this planet. now is the time to invest in those nations, not make war on them and sanction them. that only makes more people run away from them.

some migration has always been the norm and it's a good thing for nations, but mass migration is a whole different story, we are seeing the consequences already in places like Germany. and you idiots who think you are being "nice", don't realize that it is already back firing and radical right wingers are riding the wave of outrage to power. so yeah, fucking thanks. thats exactly how it always starts.

the more radical the left acts, the more the right will be gaining power and support by the average population, who can add 2 and 2 and have eyes to see their neighborhood and country, changing in front of them, not for the better either. sexual assault, violence and crime increase exponentially, to the point where the gov stop sharing ethnicities of criminals, which again back fires as outraged leakers share the truth. so where do you think this will all end? a very bad place imo.

let me add, i don't like Trump. i know in this age of polarization and taking sides instead of discussing issues, everything is interpreted as pro or against Trump. so let me be clear i am no fan, i see him as a bad diplomat and thin skinned easily manipulated by his ego by his war mongering advisors. still he has not started a new war yet, long may that last. for the rest you guys presidents have been getting steadily worse anyway, so no surprises there.


Active member
They mail bombs to politicians, run over people in their trucks, shoot up black churches, ect.

Fascism is much worse than some commies in masks. Fascism has state backing. Communists do not.
Then you've got all the corporate centrists who allow fascism to permeate because they view both sides to be equally "radical". What MLK said about the moderate liberal enabling racists is equally as valid when referring to centrists enabling fascists.

Bernie Sanders supporters shoot up baseball games.

Do we really want to blame the normal supporters of the president, or other political candidates, regardless of party for the acts of a few lunatics?

I guess you do, if it has the potential to give your politicians the win. Win at all cost. Be damned the future we leave for our children.

The left has used bombs and guns to further their ideology, many times. The left has written terrorist handbooks. You want to embrace the worst of your party.

The idea that their are actual fascist is a fucking joke. What is your new definition of Facism?

People who don't vote Democrat, lol.

I am no supporter of government take over of the economy, and the press. I don't support Facism or Communism, they are both a complete take over of the government, with the associated atrocities that come with a large central authoritarian government.

You should do some actual research, no single ideaology has even a fraction of the deaths that communism does.

Thank you Cannavore,
for exposing your love of totalitarian communist ideology. Now you have the blood of over 100 million people on your hands.

The ignorance is astounding

Ultimately, Trump is going to smash your idiot Democrats.

Make sure mom washes your mask, so, you can go fight Facism.lol. don't leave it in the basement, you know mom won't go into you cave. Don't forget your bike lock.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The problem is def in the country of origin.. We can not continue to detain undocumented people. This admin is creating a huge problem by doing so. In the end deportation will happen anyway. We cant even solve are own poverty issues. We dont need to add to the problem. I have no clue what this admin thinks is a legit claim of asylum. I can def see why they would flee if there facing death.. I would guess most dont have the education to know how to seek asylem. There probably manipulated/lied to by those wanting $$.
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