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The 2020 Presidential Election

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St. Phatty

Active member
Well Mr D. I got TV now, at least FOX and CNN. I'm just watching Trump's Virus update. He is at least as nuts as Biden.

Trump is WAAAAY more nuts than Biden.

Biden is just your basic steal a grope, half-senile, doesn't know when to retire asshole politician.

Trump is in a whole different category.

People won't cheer if Biden gets Covid19.

People will cheer if Trump gets Covid19.

His need for ego-strokes is off the charts, orders of magnitude -

a million ? 100,000 ?

times more often expressed, than any other human besides some really insecure, hate to be sexist but anyway, teenage girls.

since we are talking about Trump's performance at the mike, can you imagine if any female performer lashed out for an Insufficient Serving of Daily Ego Strokes ? Miley Cyrus whoever ?

it would be wierd if Miley Cyrus or all the other pop performers in People magazine behaved like that - a few times.

But Trump does it every - single - sort of like a press conference.

If you could receive a dollar for every time Trump lashed out bizarrely, you'd probably break the million-dollar line his first term.

He is one bizarre motherfvcker and that is one bizarre personality trait.

If he did good work, it could be overlooked, like people put up with Steve Jobs' vicious ness (he treated hotel maids and a lot of hired help like they were his hired help and he had the right to yell at them like he yelled at his paid employees. Did not know when to turn it off.)

But Trump is doing shit work and then begging for compliments.

Like going down to Fisherman's Wharf, sh-tting on the sidewalk, and then holding out your hat for donations.

It is clear to some of us, and will eventually clear to most - it is very dangerous to have him running things during a genuine 100 year infectious disease event.


ICMag Donor
Time to stop whining and sobbing about Bernie.

It's going to be Biden.

The choices are either nag, complain and cast a protest vote or get behind him and look at the positives. Maybe he will have the insight to launch a progressive in 24.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
What the lines look like at dutch weed shops in anticipation of closures for the covid-19 issues. Lets not forget weed is illegal there lol..



Active member
Trump is WAAAAY more nuts than Biden.

Biden is just your basic steal a grope, half-senile, doesn't know when to retire asshole politician.

Trump is in a whole different category.

People won't cheer if Biden gets Covid19.

People will cheer if Trump gets Covid19.

His need for ego-strokes is off the charts, orders of magnitude -

a million ? 100,000 ?

times more often expressed, than any other human besides some really insecure, hate to be sexist but anyway, teenage girls.

since we are talking about Trump's performance at the mike, can you imagine if any female performer lashed out for an Insufficient Serving of Daily Ego Strokes ? Miley Cyrus whoever ?

it would be wierd if Miley Cyrus or all the other pop performers in People magazine behaved like that - a few times.

But Trump does it every - single - sort of like a press conference.

If you could receive a dollar for every time Trump lashed out bizarrely, you'd probably break the million-dollar line his first term.

He is one bizarre motherfvcker and that is one bizarre personality trait.

If he did good work, it could be overlooked, like people put up with Steve Jobs' vicious ness (he treated hotel maids and a lot of hired help like they were his hired help and he had the right to yell at them like he yelled at his paid employees. Did not know when to turn it off.)

But Trump is doing shit work and then begging for compliments.

Like going down to Fisherman's Wharf, sh-tting on the sidewalk, and then holding out your hat for donations.

It is clear to some of us, and will eventually clear to most - it is very dangerous to have him running things during a genuine 100 year infectious disease event.

I remember him sitting there at Fisherman’s Wharf. Played a 3 string guitar with a sign reading “help the old cowboy”.


Active member
About a week ago, I put up a link to an hours
worth of some of some very disturbing content.
Would love to know what some of you thought would love to know what some of you thought

of it. If you would be more comfortable using
a private message to respond- I can under
stand why that might be the case.of it. If you would be more comfortable using
a private message to respond- I can under
stand why that might be the case.

A lot in that hour, even if you are solely focused on it. Heard it twice, the part about Busch delivering the ok to retaliate against Kuwait was new to me over the slant oil drilling.

Contra funding meeting with the Mexican official is believable.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Joe Biden is 100% the wrong guy for the job.

But he's 1000 times better than the clown running the show now.


Active member
Joe Biden is 100% the wrong guy for the job.

But he's 1000 times better than the clown running the show now.

I think Biden would be smart enough to trust intelligence and to appoint fewer “yes” men. He has some good choices for appointments.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I’ve heard that some Dispensary’s lines are like that around the USA too!

Lines at hyped weed shops here in the USA is pretty normal. Weed is not illegal in many states here. All of our weed shops are considered an essential business so no closures. .


Well-known member

NOTE TO ADMIN: something seems to have soured in quoting-for-reply, I only managed to get Cannavore’s post via multi-quote...but the other posts tagged disappeared....

Not really insane. It shows Bernie can get 15% of non traditional dem voters that no other dem candidate can get. Aka Bernie is more electable than Biden in a general election.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
if there's any ICMagers with wood shops, you should start making Caskets because they will need a lot of them and you can get $1K per.

The US already has plenty of caskets which can hold multiple people.


And places to put them! :tiphat:


ICMag Donor
Not really insane. It shows Bernie can get 15% of non traditional dem voters that no other dem candidate can get. Aka Bernie is more electable than Biden in a general election.

Their choices will be Biden or Trump. Any other vote helps trump and they know that.


Well-known member
Non voters, independents, and the disenfranchised dont seem to care. That should tell you something about how Americans view the two party shit show.

Dems were warned in 2016 and they're being warned now. If Trump wins again the dems only have themselves to blame.

Joe goes missing for a week after the Bernie debate, clearly has health and cognitive issues, has multiple rape allegations, has a history of lying and plagiarism, a history of supporting the wrong policies.

Theres no way joe beats trump. Sorry it's just not going to happen unless the CIA pumps joe with drugs that can magically make him 10 years younger. You're running pee wee herman against hannibal lecter lol, hes going to RIP Joe's face off and wear it as a mask.

White Beard

Active member
Their choices will be Biden or Trump. Any other vote helps trump and they know that.

Radicalizing event sequence in place and running: *NOW* is not the time to declare the primaries and convention over. Let’s take a look at the political landscape in another month when we have something to *really* evaluate...we could surprise us.

Not quibbling with you, Zeez: I’m gobsmacked by the idea that ANY Sanders supporters view Chump as a second choice - or that sentiments among voters won’t shift as things get worse over the next 30-90 days


Well-known member
I’m gobsmacked by the idea that ANY Sanders supporters view Chump as a second choice - or that sentiments among voters won’t shift as things get worse over the next 30-90 days

it's actually rather simple. the establishment is viewed as so abhorrent that non-voters would rather roll the dice with trump again (or if given the opportunity, vote for Bernie, like it was shown in 2016 and again is being shown now) than to continue voting in the kind of democrats, who, through policy, directly gave us Trump.

Dems lost 1000 seats under Obama and that led way to Trump. And ya'll wanna run his bumbling VP against the Frankenstein created by those very same neoliberal failures as well as right wing talk radio?

The game is and always has been anyone but Bernie. I'm more and more convinced the DNC is running Biden because they know something we all don't. That Joe is either on his way out, which means the DNC will hand pick the president, or they're making so much money with Trump, another 4 yrs wouldn't be so bad, especially if they're sabotaging the sanders movement (their enemy) in the process.

if joe wanted to win all he'd have to do is run nina turner as his VP and he'd get many bernie supporters. but it's clear they want our vote but don't want to implement any of our policies.


Well-known member
If it weren't for their phony crusade against Trump I think the dems would be in critical condition right now.

They have nothing left in the tank. All the most popular policy proposals come from the actual left.


Well-known member
Team on the right brags about everything I despise. Team on the left. Mostly going to fuck us the same way but try to explain how it was necessary.
Team ultra rich. Keeps getting their balls licked by both teams. And it will not end if we do not end it for them.
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