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The 2020 Presidential Election

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White Beard

Active member
"The federal government, through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and state and local governments have started to receive analyses about the presence and movement of people in certain areas of geographic interest drawn from cellphone data, people familiar with the matter said..."

thought these republic-ans were down with small government & draining the swamp?

little brave new world shit.

me : hey we have thousands of cases in my area & need help.

govy : ah yeah "im doing a great job, a great job , a fantastic job , a yooge job" using cellphone tower data to track/compare/contrast your pre-pandemic movement with man hours that could be spent on better "more medeical" shit.

jeez, i hope my comrades in washington arent spreading mis-information ;-) and doing all this on purpose ;-)
One can *hope*...

There's talk now of postponing the election.

Man that doesn't sound good at all.......
A very bad sign - always and everywhere.
“but muh vote don’t matter, I’m an NPC!”

They keep trying to take it from us, and fools say, “sure, why not?”

if there's any ICMagers with wood shops, you should start making Caskets because they will need a lot of them and you can get $1K per.
Canvas bags more useful and cheaper to make...then again, they have flamethrowers and napalm, so let’s not count our coffins just yet

can't do that. they can talk all they wnt, but there is no leeway in constitution. primaries can be delayed, general election, no. if it is not held for some extraordinary reason, trump & Pence are out (when terms are up), & Pelosi is POTUS until election. you just KNOW trump wants her in "his" office.:biggrin:
We *do* need to remember that the constitution can’t just be waved away - and remember how often Cheezus has done so - and how the GOP Senate has protected him from any corrective action

that would be a REAL coup, instead of the imaginary one trump keeps whimpering about...don't want any military involvement, utter and total violation of our laws and constitution. our "revolutions" had better be accomplished with ballots, not bullets...
Let’s not forget the ‘militia math’: if bullets outnumber ballots, they win.

Then again, they imagine themselves striding across a landscape littered with clueless helpless “liberals” mewling and puking at the sight of A Man With A Gun(tm)....

Military is to protect us? If so, removing the current power. From both the fucked up party and the blatently and proudly even more fucked up party, would be the obvious thing to do.

But. Are they there to protect us?
Pretty sure the worst outcome would be military rule under any terms - so much so, it almost wouldn’t matter “which side” they thought they were on....

I would rather elect some tribe that speaks in clicking noises as long as they are less narcissist than our current bunch of crap.
Bantu is like that

How anyone can describe something which would have the instant effect of

fracturing our military as a positive is beyond me.

Dual nationals, far from being a liability, are an asset.

The service as a route to citizenship has has worked

pretty well.

Am left wondering what any claimed benefit could be made.
Traditional American know-nothing delusions

Lol what was it they called that when the little duckling follows the momma duck around ?

Also known as childhood.


Well-known member
New ABC/WaPo poll:

• “strong enthusiasm for Biden among his supporters — at just 24% — is the lowest on record for a Dem prez candidate in 20 yrs”

• 15% of Bernie supporters back Trump over Biden

• Biden’s lead over Trump narrowed from 52-45 to 49-47


Well-known member
About a week ago, I put up a link to an hours
worth of some of some very disturbing content.
Would love to know what some of you thought would love to know what some of you thought

of it. If you would be more comfortable using
a private message to respond- I can under
stand why that might be the case.of it. If you would be more comfortable using
a private message to respond- I can under
stand why that might be the case.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Trumps on the stump talking about all the people that will commit suicide from depression and drug use because of this Pandemic.

LOL, hes on a fake news rant now..Im not being appreciated.. Cry me a river.. What a man child..


Well-known member
Contrary to what we are told, it has generally been my experience, that most

want to be a part of something larger than themselves and want to contribute.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Well Mr D. I got TV now, at least FOX and CNN. I'm just watching Trump's Virus update. He is at least as nuts as Biden.


Well-known member
New ABC/WaPo poll:

• “strong enthusiasm for Biden among his supporters — at just 24% — is the lowest on record for a Dem prez candidate in 20 yrs”

• 15% of Bernie supporters back Trump over Biden

• Biden’s lead over Trump narrowed from 52-45 to 49-47

If I am not mistaken, Bernie was always the people's choice.
We live in a system that backs the deckstackers . They don't even bother pretending they give a damn what we think, any longer.
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