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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
We could say the same about Trumpturd. He is not POTUS material either. At least Biden has a real health issue with his brain lol. Trump is just a dirt bag, with no moral or ethical values.

That's what I'm saying....lol
Biden is the best they can come up with.
Trade narcissist for a demented....kinda like choosing cancer vs ebola.....either way get out the ky

White Beard

Active member
I wasn't really thinking that way. What I meant was that Bernie or anyone else running as a third party would be devicive for the dems. I could have put that better in the post.

I totally agree a third-Party run would fail.
I believe a write-in would suffer the same.

And I agree with the hard-core Sanders argument: I believe he is the leader we need now with the vision and determination we need now, I believe we need to throw out the DLC pseudoreasoning and stop fooling ourselves that business-as-usual politics *can* win like WE need it to.

We don’t need a different guy as doorman, we don’t need a doorman: we need steps taken toward a clear direction; otherwise we stay up Chump’s colon and the country goes down the shitter


Active member
Biden was leading in the polls until the first few caucuses which Bernie won. After that Bernie led in the polls.

Biden had no establishment support. Biden was dead broke heading into S.C. He had US rep Jim Clyburn's support from S.C.

After S.C Biden gained a lot of momentum. The polls now favor Biden.

The voters in the dem primaries have favored Biden over Bernie.

Bernie and his supporters shouldn't be surprised by the outcome. You don't get to take a party over by poking it's voters in the eyes while screaming at them.

Instead of them looking inward and asking what Bernie could have done better they lash out and blame everybody else for supporting Biden over Bernie.

If Biden wins the Sanders movement is over. Even AOC knows there's no future with Bernie now. I would bet she will become more "establishment" then most realize. She will understand if her ideals want to move forward she will have to work with other Dems.

"Ocasio-Cortez’s endorsement moves are not a fluke but part of a larger change over the past several months. After her disruptive, burn-it-down early months in Congress, Ocasio-Cortez, who colleagues say is often conflict-averse in person, has increasingly been trying to work more within the system. She is building coalitions with fellow Democratic members and picking her fights more selectively."

After starting some high-profile fights with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and tweaking Democratic colleagues on Twitter early in her tenure, Ocasio-Cortez has been more conciliatory toward other House Democrats. In February, she dubbed Pelosi the “mama bear of the Democratic Party.”

The hiring of Hitt as Trent's replacement speaks to Ocasio-Cortez’s new approach. An experienced operative, Hitt has worked for more moderate Democrats like Gov. John Hickenlooper and Rep. Beto O’Rourke during their recent presidential bids as well as left-wing candidates such as former New York gubernatorial contender Cynthia Nixon.


Invertebrata Inebriata
As far as I can see, Beto O'Rourke is politically radioactive, after saying "We're coming for your guns" at one of the early debates. It was like when Howard Dean yelled, I don't know, Yahoo! or something, but next day, he was dead meat politically. Whatever he said, it was nothing compared to what Beto said.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I totally agree a third-Party run would fail.
I believe a write-in would suffer the same.

And I agree with the hard-core Sanders argument: I believe he is the leader we need now with the vision and determination we need now, I believe we need to throw out the DLC pseudoreasoning and stop fooling ourselves that business-as-usual politics *can* win like WE need it to.

We don’t need a different guy as doorman, we don’t need a doorman: we need steps taken toward a clear direction; otherwise we stay up Chump’s colon and the country goes down the shitter

America is not ready for a revolution. It needs to be a slow, incremental change. Otherwise there will be Civil War.

Looking at what happens here, do you honestly believe that the MAGAs would do what Bernie says? I'm more inclined that these people will feel like they're backed into a corner and their only option is violent opposition.

The "boiling a frog" analogy seems appropriate here.


ICMag Donor
Just getting Bernie as far as he did and saying what he was saying - That's a big step forward.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
BTW not messing with ya bigtaco , I'm just amazed to see our country even suggesting biden should be the candidate to compete with trump.Nobody is that fucking stupid....the fix is in brother

Well I'm off to NY to sell some R.I. license plates , theres a new black market out there fellas.

Don't forget your mask.

BTW I watched an interview with a S Korean doctor who thinks that everyone wearing masks in his country had a big impact on slowing the spread of CV.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I think the moment the Democratic party and media started their anti Bernie campaign. He should have immediately abandon them and went third party. He was winning in most of the polls. That would have struck fear into both parties. And I think right now he would have a chance.

If that was an option he should have had the balls to do that at the onset, rather than clinging to the apron strings of the Democratic party.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Don't forget your mask.

BTW I watched an interview with a S Korean doctor who thinks that everyone wearing masks in his country had a big impact on slowing the spread of CV.

yes,but the problem is not enough mask for the medical workers as it is...but it seems even regular cloth is effective in reducing spread...we're all going to end up looking like bank robbers! bandanas,goggles and gloves to go out...

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Wonder what kinda reaction I'm gonna get from Mrs. G. when I tell her to put on the burka...

You know, because of the covid 19 thing...



Active member
This country needs an actual left wing party.

That's funny because there are a few left parties. Green party, Democratic Socialist of America, Communist party, even the so called libertarian party is basically left. You are complaining about a problem that doesn't exist. If you want a true left party you have options, they just have no chance of winning. Bernie made the choice not to run on his principles and beliefs, and got what we all knew was coming. If he was really anything more than just another opportunist, he would have run DSA.


Well-known member
a lot better than if hillary was in there.

trump is your guys gripe for everything.

he did to much he did to little back and forth.

i feel sorry for anyone going thru this as a world leader.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
of course I do. IMO he's caused more BS then good. Its like having Alfalfa and our gang running shit. The man child has no clue how to run a country ..


ICMag Donor
This one is not just on trump. That said, he is too much of a numb nuts to do anything positive to help the situation.

Money should been spent on the well being of the people for quite some time. Education, medical, infrastructure - All of it. Instead, all the money went for expensive military toys that will be obsolete in a heart beat.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
This one is not just on trump. That said, he is too much of a numb nuts to do anything positive to help the situation.

Money should been spent on the well being of the people for quite some time. Education, medical, infrastructure - All of it. Instead, all the money went for expensive military toys that will be obsolete in a heart beat.

When you are the most hated country on the planet,it's voters want a strong military.If you took a poll tomorrow if we should deplete our military I'm not sure what the percentage would look like.

White Beard

Active member
America is not ready for a revolution. It needs to be a slow, incremental change. Otherwise there will be Civil War.

Looking at what happens here, do you honestly believe that the MAGAs would do what Bernie says? I'm more inclined that these people will feel like they're backed into a corner and their only option is violent opposition.

The "boiling a frog" analogy seems appropriate here.
The frog was boiled decades ago....

We are not in fact to the point of an armed overthrow of the status quo *in most ways*, so rein in any bloody expectations: maybe they didn’t cover the Great Depresssion, the Dust Bowl, the collapse of the economy back in ‘29, but it was popular republican Herbert Hoover who oversaw that collapse and its multiple attendant failures. In response, the US electorate elected FDR *FOUR TIMES*.

While your celebrity faves were busy trying to bury the remainders of the New Deal, here’s another national upheaval to remind everyone of WHY that new-deal stuff *matters*.

Past being prologue, there is EVERY REASON to believe that this current royal flush of fiascos could precipitate a very similar move again.

As for whether or not MAGAttes will “do what Bernie says”, it sounds like your MAGAttes are ‘special’ and get to be excepted from the laws of the land - or at least believe they OUGHT to be that special...but they already spent 8 years hyperventilating about how THEY should get to do what they want and the rest of US should just shut up and take it...so, I’m expecting them to...shut up and take it - or get the fuck out.

If that was an option he should have had the balls to do that at the onset, rather than clinging to the apron strings of the Democratic party.
It wasn’t and isn’t an option unless the run was just for show: such a move would have been far more divisive than anything thrown at Sanders so far.

a lot better than if hillary was in there.
trump is your guys gripe for everything.
he did to much he did to little back and forth.
i feel sorry for anyone going thru this as a world leader.

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