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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
Adderall is meth.

I'm surprised people are still blind to the fact that gay meth parties are bipartisan.

I think it is sad that judgemental assholes believe that they are worthy to be judge, jury, and executioner.

Freedom loving assholes.

They are slightly different, meth causes much more euphoria. The ph of adderall won't fuck your teeth up although using it every day can from lack of nutrition. Good meth will keep you high for 12-24 hours and awake for 3 days straight.

"The sample was dissolved in water and the pH of each sample determined. The pH levels varied from 3.02 to 7.03 with an average of 5.0. Seventy-two percent (21) of the samples had a pH level below the saliva “critical pH point of 5.6” and therefore should cause significant damage to enamel, especially in hyposalivation subjects without a saliva flow. However, about 26% of the samples had a pH level close to the neutral point and should cause minor damage to enamel. To lessen enamel damage, subjects should exercise good oral hygiene practice, rinse with a fluoride-containing mouth rinse, drink artificially sweetened drinks, and eat cheese. It is concluded that most of the methamphetamine samples have a low enough pH to cause direct damage to enamel especially in hyposalivation subjects"


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
It is not an influenza virus, it is a corona virus. Closer to the virus that gives you a cold. But it is a novel virus, meaning it is new and humans have no immunity to it. And it can be extremely devastating to internal organs in certain segments of the population.

Imagine it is 1492, Columbus arrived last week, and your tribe is starting to get headaches. It’s kind of like that.

Nevertheless, I recall the last ebola crisis was much more scary and there was a big outcry over how unfair it was to quarantine medical volunteers returning from Africa.

We have soap. This isn't 1492.


Active member
Nevertheless, I recall the last ebola crisis was much more scary and there was a big outcry over how unfair it was to quarantine medical volunteers returning from Africa.

We have soap. This isn't 1492.

Excellent insight about it not being 1492. Way to bring it.

Considering we don't have a vaccine yet for the coronavirus it's much different than the flu.

People who are over 60 at this point just hope their immune system can fight it off. I can understand why a good segment of our population is scared. I don't blame them.


We have soap. This isn't 1492.

this isn't 1492, but the trump admin is handling it like it is... setting up a prayer day instead of actually trying to protect the lives of potentially millions of people, brushing off the experts in favor of hiding facts, screwing up the facts, or flat-out lying. even hindering our abilities to handle this pandemic by gutting our health services (like the pandemic response team, attemtping to undercut the cdc budget... madness)

it seems he cares more about how his constituency views him and EVEN MORE about pissing off his rivals. he certainly does NOT care about the lives that WILL be affected... ironic because a large portion of his constituency stand to be the demographic most likely to perish due to the virus.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Greetings All,

I have been away on a road trip to the beautiful Mojave Desert:tumbleweed:

I see the whole world is on lockdown. Gee, that seems a little unusual over just a little flu. I remember worse pandemics such as swine flu that didn't lead to anything close to the scale we are seeing here.

My suspicion: SOMETHING ELSE is going on.

It is strange isn't it?


Well-known member
I don't know what you mean by 'women that look like her'. I truly think it's really bad to call women out for their looks, when they clearly try harder than men to look good, and so much of their self-value can be based on looks. And their value in society is based on looks much more than men. JMO

I feel it is rude and judgemental of me for saying it. Not proud. But what I was saying is I have met women that have the same characteristics as her and also happen to be very very strung out. And I am not judgemental as much as cautious. I would hope anyone with a serious problem gets the help they need.

Her words are the disgusting part.


Active member
this isn't 1492, but the trump admin is handling it like it is... setting up a prayer day instead of actually trying to protect the lives of potentially millions of people, brushing off the experts in favor of hiding facts, screwing up the facts, or flat-out lying. even hindering our abilities to handle this pandemic by gutting our health services (like the pandemic response team, attemtping to undercut the cdc budget... madness)

it seems he cares more about how his constituency views him and EVEN MORE about pissing off his rivals. he certainly does NOT care about the lives that WILL be affected... ironic because a large portion of his constituency stand to be the demographic most likely to perish due to the virus.

Funny how the experts in the Medical field are praising the president for the actions he has taken..We already know ecerything anyone outside the science community knows yet some here insist they know more.And have a better plan of action.It's dispicable .People using this as a weapon against the president is despicable .
Like I said experts back POTUS the angry,bitter life losers on IC tell another story .I'll listen to the experts,I'll stand by my president and I'll do all I can to help the cause.
I hope you all stay safe and out of harms way
I disagree politically with the majority of the regulars in this thread.
But i'd lend them a helping hand if they needed it.
I guess thats the difference,...
I can't even read this thread anymore it's so dis heartening
I feel some responsibility for the tone and agression ,I played my part that's for sure but I always figured that when push came to shove we'd be able to put it all aside and unite as a community and as human beings.
I now know how wrong I was.
Happy Trails all

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
They are slightly different, meth causes much more euphoria. The ph of adderall won't fuck your teeth up although using it every day can from lack of nutrition. Good meth will keep you high for 12-24 hours and awake for 3 days straight.

"The sample was dissolved in water and the pH of each sample determined. The pH levels varied from 3.02 to 7.03 with an average of 5.0. Seventy-two percent (21) of the samples had a pH level below the saliva “critical pH point of 5.6” and therefore should cause significant damage to enamel, especially in hyposalivation subjects without a saliva flow. However, about 26% of the samples had a pH level close to the neutral point and should cause minor damage to enamel. To lessen enamel damage, subjects should exercise good oral hygiene practice, rinse with a fluoride-containing mouth rinse, drink artificially sweetened drinks, and eat cheese. It is concluded that most of the methamphetamine samples have a low enough pH to cause direct damage to enamel especially in hyposalivation subjects"


Every once in a while it's good to consider the subject of my point if you want to actually converse.

It wasn't about which type of meth you are willing to disregard. I wanted Packer to understand that Adderall is methamphetamine.

My point is that the same parties happen all over this country and it's not just Democrats.

Mr. D has made it a point to continually attack the left at random with unrelated slander and libel.

I wanted to point out that it's obviously desperate to claim that the Democratic party is entirely guilty of gay meth parties, and that he's looking like the stereotypical narrow minded bigoted right-wing nutjob who is deciding what is acceptable.

It smacks of hateful history that kept cannabis in a closet.

It makes my heart hurt for humanity.

His best retort was to imply that I go to gay meth parties.

And if I did I would still think that we shouldn't hate another's freedom in this country but an entire party seems like they need to judge...

But I don't.

I have put all hard drugs behind me. But I won't judge others on their path unless they put me in danger.

I'm happily kinkily straight and it shouldn't matter to anyone.

If more would question what purpose hate serves (without repeating it inanely), more would qualify as people.


Well-known member
i love how the media still calls them Bernie bros but it's been factually proven straight white males are one of his smallest groups of support. Women of color and Hispanics are the real Bernie bros.

Can you provide a link? I'm not doubting you it's just most Bernie supporters I know in my small little world are mostly white and young.


Well-known member
Can you provide a link? I'm not doubting you it's just most Bernie supporters I know in my small little world are mostly white and young.


google Bernie bro myth there's tons of information that disproves that not only white men are his most rabid supporters, but his supporters also aren't more "mean" on social media than other candidates supporters either.


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