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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Perhaps watching this with an open mind could be a beginning for you. What I would add to the talk is 'let me help you to get safe drugs'


NE; fentanyl laced opiates are really bad news and I have only empathy for your experience.

I have seen the carnage in my own family, no video is going to get me to believed, more is better. Ultimately we just have a different set of beliefs. I believe people should work to be the best person they can possibly be. I believe enabling people to continue to be opiate addicts is just, postponing, and expanding the problem.

@Absolem, crime is quite easily defined, violation of a legal statute.


Well-known member
only folks "praising trump" are the political hacks he keeps around him. in other times, such were derided as "yes-men" or "fucking morons". much like yourself...:laughing:

White Beard

Active member
Never said he was good at it - or consistent; but people can harbor incompatible and mutually exclusive breakdowns in their makeup...its why “complicated” is such a popular word. Boss Hogg is certainly capable of being badly broken in many different ways...

A germophobe who raw-dogs hookers??
Like I say, he’s fucked up. In so *many* ways.

And postpone the electionView Image
I'm headed to the grocery sore in the morning. Hope they got some fruit
Fruit’s been in short supply around here, got some nice looking apples, but wanted sweet peppers. Ah well.

It’s a fucking Brietbart story being repeated by all kinds of idiots.
You even found a picture to go with it, or did you have it already?
IF it’s real, it will turn up in the news...which Breitbart is *not*

Regulations can be fast tracked. You’re not dealing with the environment. They build houses in one day. Other than slab and stucco.

Rethinking my post though. We need care facilities other than hospitals. We could build a shit load of hospitals that would remain empty during non pandemic times. It would be an awful waste especially as obsolescence took hold. Money that could be spent in development.

I actually liked the plan they introduced yesterday. It covers my concerns for my older relatives as well as myself in a few years. That is if they follow through.

Now if trump would stand aside, appoint a czar, and concentrate on governing.
Trump doesn’t stand aside - he elbows others aside.
It’s all for him. It’s all about him. He’s always right. He always wins.
Who would have thought we’s see “death panels” under a republican administration? :biggrin:
Ohhh - everyone who ever considered the subject?

I agree. You can use paper towels etc.

Running out of COFFEE - a much bigger concern.
Coffee is serious business. Laid in a months supply for each of us, and 12gal water. Cream - we’ll see how it goes

Sounds like Breitbart is at it again.

Hookers, strippers, pornstars, and 'models', they don't do drugs and always pass mommy's approval.
Just shit to fling at “liberals” - they like playing tanglefoot: also known as baffling them with bullshit. GA RepRep Doug Collins makes heavy use every time the camera’s on him or a mic is live: he uses it not to make points or to persuade, but to spin Dems into taking the horseshit as if it were serious and needed refuting. Getting taken seriously by a lib=WIN, they’re counting coup, not even trying to make sense.

Bullshit for its inherent corrosive effect.

El Presidente himself proclaimed a National Emergency over this created virus .

However , there is No authority delegated to El Presidente or Congress to declare a National Emergency

If you think there is you must be able to provide the Article section & clause that delegates that authority
I thought that Article 2 said he could do whatever he wants....

Libertarian policies support legalization.
Honestly, I suspect that’s a big part of what’s gone wrong with ‘legalization’ so far: “libertarian policies” don’t care about the liberty of cannabis or consumers, because “libertarians” care about freedom to prey in a protected setting with no surprises on a herd that has few safe options.

Libertarians give themselves a lot of high-minded airs about their “principles”, but mostly, they care about dominating the spaces between what we already had. For Profit, fellow patriot - Profit is Life, Profit is from God, and Profit from “the least of them” is the most Godlike of all!

Farming the poor for rents, fees, penalties, in the gig economy: that’s the big libertarian economic miracle. That and the idea that “public” is a dirty word. Dickens’ England, here we come!


ICMag Donor
You know what is worse then that?
According to Baracks schoolmates, Barack would cum back from dates with older white men, with bundles of cocaine. A gay coke whore isnt well received by society

Sounds like Breitbart is at it again.

Hookers, strippers, pornstars, and 'models', they don't do drugs and always pass mommy's approval.

Just shit to fling at “liberals” - they like playing tanglefoot: also known as baffling them with bullshit. GA RepRep Doug Collins makes heavy use every time the camera’s on him or a mic is live: he uses it not to make points or to persuade, but to spin Dems into taking the horseshit as if it were serious and needed refuting. Getting taken seriously by a lib=WIN, they’re counting coup, not even trying to make sense.

Bullshit for its inherent corrosive effect.

Not bullsit. Sarcasm based in truth. Trump is a New York gangster not unlike John Gotti but much more of a failure / looser. The sleazy women, standard fare for a man of his stature.

Purpur's version, yup that's bs.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I have seen the carnage in my own family, no video is going to get me to believed, more is better. Ultimately we just have a different set of beliefs. I believe people should work to be the best person they can possibly be. I believe enabling people to continue to be opiate addicts is just, postponing, and expanding the problem.

@Absolem, crime is quite easily defined, violation of a legal statute.

Good open mind you have. That is not what the video is about. Undoubtedly I have worked at least as hard as you but judging by your wisdom, much harder, to be the best person I can be.


Active member
Good open mind you have. That is not what the video is about. Undoubtedly I have worked at least as hard as you but judging by your wisdom, much harder, to be the best person I can be.

The "open mind" you speak of is why L.A. county has 60,000 homeless, of which a large portion are opiate addicts. The compassion of free needles, has exposed children to something they should never see. The kids get to step over junkies and used needles on their way to school. The same kids can't play in a freaking park because the cops refuse to kick out the tent dwellers.

It's quite ironic how the right has been saying for decades if you don't enforce the laws, you will have problems, now we have problems. Your solution take my hard earned money to fund a junkies habit. No matter how many times the supposedly open minded lefts ideas fail miserably, you just won't let them die. Now I get to deal with the consequences.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
The "open mind" you speak of is why L.A. county has 60,000 homeless, of which a large portion are opiate addicts. The compassion of free needles, has exposed children to something they should never see. The kids get to step over junkies and used needles on their way to school. The same kids can't play in a freaking park because the cops refuse to kick out the tent dwellers.

It's quite ironic how the right has been saying for decades if you don't enforce the laws, you will have problems, now we have problems. Your solution take my hard earned money to fund a junkies habit. No matter how many times the supposedly open minded lefts ideas fail miserably, you just won't let them die. Now I get to deal with the consequences.

You have no clue what you are talking about. Not even a slight bit. I am not talking about that at all. Let me talk to your wife, okay?


Well-known member
Good open mind you have. That is not what the video is about. Undoubtedly I have worked at least as hard as you but judging by your wisdom, much harder, to be the best person I can be.

I have known some people who can use heroin, work a good job, and be a decent person. But I wouldn't call that a normal scenario, typically these people are strong willed and take the good with the bad.

I have also seen it completely break women, destroy families, and lost a number of friends to overdoses. Some where fentanyl related, and some were because they seriously tested the limits of how much they can shoot up. I had a friend who is now dead tell me he likes the feeling you get just before your about to overdose.

Mr D

Clear predictions of an unprecedented epidemic virus
Outcome is a claim of mammoth
Perportions bordering paranormal
Psychic ability...

P.S. I am briefed nearly everyday on
This exact subject exclusively by the
Some of the top experts on comunitive virus and disease's in the world....
Whitehouse Corona virus response team....web site should be up Sunday evening...
Log on and get informed...then get back to me

Your welcome...

IMO you'd be a fool to believe or trust Trump and his team of experts where this virus is concerned. The administration dropped the ball when they put economic and reelection concerns first.

Did you pay attention to what China did? They sure as shit didn't blow up their GDP because this virus "is like the flu".

Most people who end up hospitalized need ICU. The US maxes out at 95,000 ICU beds. That's not even enough for a single state like California or Texas or Florida or NY......

The only thing Trump and his experts will accomplish is making people aware that our medical system is woefully inadequate as medical rationing becomes the new reality for many.

Every time I hear Trump go on about what a great job he did by restricting travel to and from China I just want to smack the shit out of him and anyone repeating that shit. It should have been a worldwide travel ban to the US back in early - mid January. Combined with widespread testing and a serious effort to increase hospital/ICU capacity in Feb. The current shutdown of schools and large gatherings is about a month late by my research.


Active member

Hello all,

I have been away for a few days and my have missed a lot....but please Mr D, when did you have your cathartic moment?

I am impressed to see you have come to see the fraud that has been perpetrated upon you...




Active member
You have no clue what you are talking about. Not even a slight bit. I am not talking about that at all. Let me talk to your wife, okay?

Come to so cal, or just live in your confirmation bias bubble. I really don't care. Your either part of the problem, or part of the solution. Denying reality is not going to solve a damn thing.

Do you really think my wife, wants our children exposed to used needles, and homeless encampments. My wife would call you an idiot, and move on. My wife doesn't really like weed, you think she's going to be supportive of free heroin for all. :jerkit:

Yeah, I get it you don't want to talk about the consequences of the policies you are advocating for.


Active member
It should have been a worldwide travel ban to the US back in early - mid January. Combined with widespread testing and a serious effort to increase hospital/ICU capacity in Feb. The current shutdown of schools and large gatherings is about a month late by my research.

Yeah, that. 100%


ICMag Donor
Greetings All,

I have been away on a road trip to the beautiful Mojave Desert:tumbleweed:

I see the whole world is on lockdown. Gee, that seems a little unusual over just a little flu. I remember worse pandemics such as swine flu that didn't lead to anything close to the scale we are seeing here.

My suspicion: SOMETHING ELSE is going on.

Yup, while taking a short drive along the gulf of Mexico with the top down in the sun today we both concluded that very thing, we are not being told the real story.:tiphat:

Capra ibex

The vast chasm between reality and what comes from Trump's mouth, and people that otherwise seem half intelligent believing every word of it is kind of terrifying.
I know it's been going on for 3+ years now, but i honestly thought most people would wise up a little with time.

This is not just 'spin' that he's doing....


Active member
Healthy people don’t have a lot to fear over a little flu

People not as healthy can be seriously impacted and die from influenza, and do so at the rate of .1 percent mortality, roughly 43,000 people in U.S a year.

Coronavirus 19 has a 2% mortality rate, so a twentyfold higher death toll.

Those are numbers from Dr. Fauci, the White House coronavirus task force guy.

Mr D


Hello all,

I have been away for a few days and my have missed a lot....but please Mr D, when did you have your cathartic moment?

I am impressed to see you have come to see the fraud that has been perpetrated upon you...



Just because I didn't hop onboard with Russian conspiracy theories and all the other made up shit over the last 3 years doesn't mean I can't clearly see what's been going on.

The difference between you and I is that I don't have any faith in either branch of the uniparty. You subscribe to the lesser of 2 evils BS.

I support cutting some regulation and decoupling manufacturing from China which Trump has done. Also glad to see NAFTA go and making NATO members live up to their obligations as well as no new wars.


free heroin for all. :jerkit:

i havent been following the whole convo you guys have had, but is this really anyone's policy?

clearly the drug war has been a decades long disaster of epic worldwide proportions and needs to be eradicated yesterday, but free heroin for all? that's just silly...
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